Watch Live: House GOP Press Conference featuring Jim Jordan, James Comer, Virginia Foxx + others Say They Will Launch Biden Family Investigation

Certainly, it's possible....but we will only know after a full scale probe...the American people deserve the answers, and want them...that's why they put the GOP in charge of the conduct much needed oversight over all the questions surrounding the Xiden family

There are no questions. I would ignore them and tell them to go to hell.
what part of “co-mingled with Joe Biden’s money” did you not understand?

IOW, Joe gained financially via the Communists’ pay-off to Hunter. He is beholden to America’s enemies. Not a good look for a president.

There is no evidence of that. You are making it up.
1) You’re changing what Trump was accused of - directly conspiring with Russia. Evidence was fabricated, and Hillary Clinton paid for it.
Those were two facts that the Mueller investigation revealed. Russia interfered for Trumps benefit and Trump used the poison fruit of the Russians for his benefit.

2) And what do you mean “not accepting” the election?
The Candidate is the one who goes to court to contest the results and must express their acceptance of our courts as the final arbitrator, and urge their followers to do the same. Not the flock-o-voters.

Maybe in China or Cuba citizens have to keep their opinions to themselves if they disagree with The Official State Position,

It's about the integrity of the Candidate, like if Trump had the integrity of Clinton when she called and conceded to him in the wee hours after the election was called in 2016, and then in her concession speech to her followers the next day.
Given the lack of bipartisanship to get anything meaningful done for the American people, the talent of both political parties over the years has been whittled down to conducting pissing contests.
OMG. After the Russia hoax, and all the the phony stories made up about Trump, you are actually going to say that?

What about the raid? “Waaaaaa…..Trump is selling classified info to enemies! He’s a spy! He’s a traitor.!” So where are the charges after months and months?

You threats to democracy - WE know who the real threats are - are just too obvious with your M.O. now, which is to accuse your opponent of that of which you are guilty. It doesn’t work, and just makes you look like a….a…..

Silly Boo-boo!

Most of which were true.

Trump had no business with those documents. They could take the documents back and not press charges.

Republicans and trump are the threats to democracy. His attempt to take over elections failed. You are the one looking in the mirror when you make accusations.
Most of which were true.

Trump had no business with those documents. They could take the documents back and not press charges.

Republicans and trump are the threats to democracy. His attempt to take over elections failed. You are the one looking in the mirror when you make accusations.
Smoke some more of those unicorn cotton candy farts
Who’s leading this? Durham? The Benghazi investigators? Rudy G? The Pillowman? The Kracken lady?

Biden is shaking!!! From laughter.

His daddy "The Big Guy" sure is. What credentials does Hunter Biden have to be on the board of a Ukrainian power company? This is the part where you play dumb....
Also, Hunter was being investigated for his shady dealings by a Ukrainian prosecutor, and Joe told the prosecutor that if he continued to investigate Sonny Boy, America would withhold foreign aid. And Joe is on tape LAUGHING about it!

That is using AMERICAN taxpayer money to protect his son from criminal investigation, via extortion.
Also, Hunter was being investigated for his shady dealings by a Ukrainian prosecutor, and Joe told the prosecutor that if he continued to investigate Sonny Boy, America would withhold foreign aid. And Joe is on tape LAUGHING about it!

That is using AMERICAN taxpayer money to protect his son from criminal investigation, via extortion.
In a sane nonpartisan government, this would be impeachable. These jackals are corrupt beyond redemption.

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