Watch Live: House GOP Press Conference featuring Jim Jordan, James Comer, Virginia Foxx + others Say They Will Launch Biden Family Investigation

Of course that’s how they’re going to play it. But they can’t stop the GOP from going forward and revealing the corruption.
What role have members of Biden's family played in his Government during his time as President? Which ones did he hire?
This isn't even a witch hunt, it's children who are seeking power, and that power will result in silly putty repairing The Donald's ego fence at the cost of time and trouble for all Americans.
Hunter is selling his finger drawings to enemy countries for $500,000 a piece, and his bank account is co-mingled with Joe Biden.
Do you have the evidence to support this claim? Please post something that is at the least probative of wrong doing by The President.
Mr Biden's legendary laptop from hell has been so egregiously compromised regarding continuity of possession of evidence, its mythical value for Republicans far exceeds its potential as a prosecutorial exhibit.
A congressional committee witch hunt does not need to follow the rules of evidence.
You need to learn what impeachment means. All it takes is a simple majority in the House to bring impeachment proceedings. The House has the votes as of Jan 2023.

The Bidens’ dirty laundry will be revealed for all the world to see.
Sence you must have seen and smelled the dirty laundry of the Bidens, please share them with the readers. Otherwise, I will consider your comment a childish rumor.
OMG. After the Russia hoax, and all the the phony stories made up about Trump, you are actually going to say that?

What about the raid? “Waaaaaa…..Trump is selling classified info to enemies! He’s a spy! He’s a traitor.!” So where are the charges after months and months?

You threats to democracy - WE know who the real threats are - are just too obvious with your M.O. now, which is to accuse your opponent of that of which you are guilty. It doesn’t work, and just makes you look like a….a…..

Silly Boo-boo!

STATEMENT: "WE know who the real threats are..."

RESPONSE: Okay, you know who, where, how and what need to be supported with some credibility, or your comment(s) are childish rumors.
STATEMENT: "WE know who the real threats are..."

RESPONSE: Okay, you know who, where, how and what need to be supported with some credibility, or your comment(s) are childish rumors.
GMAFB. After Biden and you Dems have called people who doubt the election ”threats”?
GMAFB. After Biden and you Dems have called people who doubt the election ”threats”?
Umm...this is not a credible response.

What is: GMAFB? I'm a Democrat and I suppose you have included me as someone who "doubt the election "threats"" needs clarification.
The only credible part of this comment is I am a liberal Democrat. What are you, a Trumpanzee?
…and out with calling me a monkey.

The Republicans are now in charge of the House, and we will no longer hide the corruption behind the Biden Family.
Let em. It's not like they're going to pass any "conservative" legislation. So why not provide some entertainment value for the foaming at the mouth minority while they turn the majority of voters off and take their drubbing in 2024. :) You can be sure that OANN and Newsmax will be all over it. But I suspect even Fox will get a sour stomach broadcasting these "investigations". Oh well, at least the next two years won't be boring.
They are trying to deflect from their crimes related to the 45th POTUS.

They are hoping that the public is dumb enough to fall for the false equivalency of one "investigation/crime" being just the same as the others.

It's just whataboutism.
It goes like this.

"Yeah, I know Trump and half the Republican Party is probably guilty of:

  • Retention of national defense information (18 USC § 793(e));
  • Concealing government records (18 USC § 2071);
  • Conversion of government property (18 USC § 641);
  • Obstruction of justice (18 USC § 1519);
  • Criminal contempt (18 USC § 402); and
  • False statements to federal investigators (18 USC § 1001)

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