Watch Live: Republican National Convention 2020

Gun to her head. Be LOYAL or you DIE.
What a FAKE.
The Do Nothing So-Called First Lady.
This was a TOTAL Win for America and a TOTAL defeat for the Communist Left:

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The Communist Left is LOSING ....

They cannot burn enough American Cities ...

They CANNOT win with 80 million fraudulent Mail In Ballots .....

The American Communist Left is being defeated ......

Mark this point in history.
I posted FACTS.Sad that u don’t wanna deal with those!
You are a Leftist ....

You can only parrot the Fake News MSM ....

Go post your DELUSIONAL LIES elsewhere.

Do u need links John? Pammy was forced to hand that 25k in corrupt money back. But the dirty deed was already done.

Hours after she received that.check, the investigation was stopped dead cold.

This is how corrupt Trumplings roll my friend.

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