" Watch Me "


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Gee mommy ... do I gotta.?
Do you gotta what Harold.?
Watch this thing on TV tonight.
What thing would that be Harold.
The thingy I learn't me in school yesterday.
Oh! you must be referring to the Presidential
State-of-the-Union Address.
yea,I guess mom.
But do I gotta.?
I think it best Harold.That's an important address.It
gives an indication of where our Economy and Country stand
in terms of being strong,sound and headed in the right direction
as far as maintaing our American Dream.
Oh!. Is that all.I thought it might mean getting free stuff.
Like ain't that what Joe Biden is known for.Handing out
freebies and making promises.
I guess Harold.We'll have to wait and see.
Wait and see what ... Mom.?
How our President holds up.If he'll need help
up to the Podium like he does boarding Air Force One.
Now relegated to having to use the baby side entrance or
short entrance.
Because our Potus is a Baby ... Mom.!?
That and a whole lot more Harold.Wait and see
Gee mommy ... do I gotta.?
Do you gotta what Harold.?
Watch this thing on TV tonight.
What thing would that be Harold.
The thingy I learn't me in school yesterday.
Oh! you must be referring to the Presidential
State-of-the-Union Address.
yea,I guess mom.
But do I gotta.?
I think it best Harold.That's an important address.It
gives an indication of where our Economy and Country stand
in terms of being strong,sound and headed in the right direction
as far as maintaing our American Dream.
Oh!. Is that all.I thought it might mean getting free stuff.
Like ain't that what Joe Biden is known for.Handing out
freebies and making promises.
I guess Harold.We'll have to wait and see.
Wait and see what ... Mom.?
How our President holds up.If he'll need help
up to the Podium like he does boarding Air Force One.
Now relegated to having to use the baby side entrance or
short entrance.
Because our Potus is a Baby ... Mom.!?
That and a whole lot more Harold.Wait and see
"Eh, What's Up, Dork?"

Kids will be thrilled watching the Easter Bunny escort Bye.Done. off stage after he stumbles, slips, stutters, and slurs.
I'm waitin' Pops.It's already 15 minutes past the hour.
The hour of the First ever - Twilight Zone - SOTU.
If Address is what it used to be called.
It's not like an Old Man is exempt from certain streuous
activities.Like blowing a few gaskets in front of many who
own a TV.
I wonder if Biden needed a bath or cold shower later.
5 will getcha 10 he's bound to have old man nightmares
over last night's ridiculousness.
It'd be like Elmer Fudd enrolling in ettiquette school where he must
wear girly little boy outfits as Our Gang Jackie Cooper was
forced into.

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