Watch: Milo's first interview after violent Berkeley riots

Americans have died defending free speech

Americans protest, but don't shut down speech

What went on in Berkeley last night wasn't American

Milo Yiannopoulos, the target of violent protestors, delivered his first formal interview since U.C. Berkeley riots that shocked the nation.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Milo detailed the chaos that unfolded at his planned speech on the subject of cultural appropriation, and how his evacuation transpired....................... CONTINUED

WATCH: Milo’s First Interview After Violent Berkeley Riots

This poor fella and the ignorant treatment he received, aren't these the same hypocrites who have been screaming LOVE TRUMPS HATE............ yeah they've said it too. Such ignorance, such lack of claimed tolerance.

Thanks for stopping everyone stay safe out there in loon world.

"I was put in a bulletproof vest, and whisked away"

Nobody wanted to hear what he was going to say in Berkley.. What makes you think any sane person would want to hear what hateful things he wants to say now?

From what I know, there were plenty of people wanting to hear what he had to say. Are you a FemiNazi to stop the free speech of a gay, immigrant?

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A FemiNazi you say? Nope. I'm all male. It's probably a good thing too, cause if I had tits, I would spend all my time playing with them and wouldn't get anything done.

You vote feminist and hate the first amendment, that makes you a feminazi.
The Right won't admit to the fact that the demostration was taken over by loons on the Right.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the target of violent protestors, delivered his first formal interview since U.C. Berkeley riots that shocked the nation.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Milo detailed the chaos that unfolded at his planned speech on the subject of cultural appropriation, and how his evacuation transpired....................... CONTINUED

WATCH: Milo’s First Interview After Violent Berkeley Riots

This poor fella and the ignorant treatment he received, aren't these the same hypocrites who have been screaming LOVE TRUMPS HATE............ yeah they've said it too. Such ignorance, such lack of claimed tolerance.

Thanks for stopping everyone stay safe out there in loon world.

"I was put in a bulletproof vest, and whisked away"

Nobody wanted to hear what he was going to say in Berkley.. What makes you think any sane person would want to hear what hateful things he wants to say now?

What Hateful things? because you say so? Seems to me a group of students invited this guy to speak because he was supposed to be controversial and it would give them something to debate about.

Problem is the 'Left' and I guess that includes people who think like you, see someone else getting a chance to offer an alternative viewpoint are seen as a threat and must be stopped by any means necessary as the middle school teacher made so clear. I guess the threat is he is gay and doesnt go along with the same narrative all gays are supposed to go along with and that is the reason to turn violent in the streets??
Your anti free speech and anti expression stance is whats hateful. thank God Hillary was not elected, I'm sure she would have done her best to Criminalize opposing thought. what we are seeing now is the reactions from her die hard supporters.

And the stupid thing for these left wing nut jobs.........we have the internet now.....there is nothing he would say at his speech that you can't find out by actually watching him on don't get the experience of being there or getting to ask him a question...but you can hear exactly what he I hope they continue to attack him......and try to silence just drives people who are not active to look him up and see what the fuss is about....and the truth gets out...

I guess your right because for one, i had never heard of the guy or would ever had listened to a thing he had to say.
The Right won't admit to the fact that the demostration was taken over by loons on the Right.
You won't admit to the fact that your side is violent, hence the ridiculous assertion that Republicans were attacking Trump supporters with glee.

Milo Yiannopoulos, the target of violent protestors, delivered his first formal interview since U.C. Berkeley riots that shocked the nation.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Milo detailed the chaos that unfolded at his planned speech on the subject of cultural appropriation, and how his evacuation transpired....................... CONTINUED

WATCH: Milo’s First Interview After Violent Berkeley Riots

This poor fella and the ignorant treatment he received, aren't these the same hypocrites who have been screaming LOVE TRUMPS HATE............ yeah they've said it too. Such ignorance, such lack of claimed tolerance.

Thanks for stopping everyone stay safe out there in loon world.

"I was put in a bulletproof vest, and whisked away"

Nobody wanted to hear what he was going to say in Berkley.. What makes you think any sane person would want to hear what hateful things he wants to say now?

Those who didn't want to hear it could have simply not attended.
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The Right won't admit to the fact that the demostration was taken over by loons on the Right.
You won't admit to the fact that your side is violent, hence the ridiculous assertion that Republicans were attacking Trump supporters with glee.
Violence is as american as apple pie, attempting to assert that one of your precious sides is more this or that than the other is illusion. You guys try to do that with race all the time and it's just silly.
Here is a recent campus event, provocative at times, don't agree with everything he says, but worth watching-

Milo Yiannopoulos, the target of violent protestors, delivered his first formal interview since U.C. Berkeley riots that shocked the nation.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Milo detailed the chaos that unfolded at his planned speech on the subject of cultural appropriation, and how his evacuation transpired....................... CONTINUED

WATCH: Milo’s First Interview After Violent Berkeley Riots

This poor fella and the ignorant treatment he received, aren't these the same hypocrites who have been screaming LOVE TRUMPS HATE............ yeah they've said it too. Such ignorance, such lack of claimed tolerance.

Thanks for stopping everyone stay safe out there in loon world.

"I was put in a bulletproof vest, and whisked away"

This Milo interview I don't think went well, Milo as we already know is becoming essentially now a self-publicist, who has illustrated that he'll jump on any train that he thinks is getting traction and use it to further promote himself into the realms of Celebrity Status.

I add Milo did this with the Gamers, even though he himself didn't play Games.

I have nothing against Milo, but he never spoke for any sort of Movement except for the Milo Movement. He's a very intelligent person and a talented entertainer, he also has a tremendous gift for Mega Triggering Leftist Maniacs into launching a full scale riot to prevent him from even speaking now.

Next stop, Milo might get his own programme on the television or something.

Mostly just national socialist right wing propaganda.

Only illegals commit crimes? When is the national socialist right wing, going to eliminate crime with plenty of guns, in Chicago. Do, more guns equal less crime, or not. Crime is crime, regardless of legal resident status.

Only one abomination of hypocrisy is too many, for real Persons of morals.

How many people have died due to our illegal, war on drugs. Illegal is illegal. Can the national socialist right wing show, where in the Republican Doctrine, a right wing fantasy of a War on Drugs, can found. If not, only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, complain about less fortunate illegals.

Sanctuary cities may still forward information on violent criminals to the general government; for prioritization of processing.

Our current president only seems to have social plans and no Capital plans. A market friendly visa would generate revenue to defray the cost of Government via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

We have a declaration of independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Only the National Socialist Right Wing; has a problem with it.

The Protestant work ethic, like Capitalism, is getting bailed out by "socialism". Hispanics are not usually of the Protestant denomination.

We have a general welfare clause, not a general warfare clause.

I stopped after thirty-five minutes. Nothing but national socialist, right wing fantasy.
We were waiting for Democrat Leaders to disavow the rioters. They finally did - by claiming rioters are Republicans!
2016: "if you criticize the president you're racist"

2017: "the president is Hitler and if you disagree with me you're racist"
Milo is a proving ground for the right, no ifs ands or buts, that's why the left hates him so much.

Keep in mind that the left has been waging a campaign against the right for /years/ that "they hate gays!" And yet, here is this flamboyant gay guy and republicans /love/ him. Their entire nexus of republican homophobia is utterly destroyed - and all that's left is a few bitchy far right fruit loops that don't have enough weight in the party crying out "that faggot sucks dicks!" Republican's, especially those who will be taking over the party, the new generation, shrug and turn away from them - they /boo/ them for hating.

Even worse, we now see the left /hating/ this guy simply for his views, and what are they saying? "That faggot sucks dicks!" We'll just see how that goes over with the LGBTs. On the plus side(?) lefties get to keep the trannies cause Milo's no fan of their "public whoring."


Oh and for the record, it would behoove those on all sides to remember that Milo is a comedian. He believes that wit and humor are the best most open/friendly way to discuss political matters. So yes, he does dress ridiculously, he does make shocking jokes, and he often acts "over the top" gay, all part of the act, making fun of himself, LGBT, etc.

Ya'll'd be surprised that Milo doesn't support the normalization of LGBT, he's more in lines with me - gay folks don't need anymore special treatment crap; the bathroom bullshit, the pronouns, the LGBT 'protected status', and even the "gay is the way to be" idea are not good for America nor good for the LGBT. I mean I've talked to a lot of LGBT, been fighting for them to not be persecuted and get their SSM in Alaska almost my entire life, but the left is completely overboard. I also know how un-fucking-happy these people are "being gay" it's just absolutely pathetic (Now I personally I put more stock into them being lefties who can't cope with life, than I do them being gay as Milo does, but minor details) I can agree with Milo's point that such an unhappy life is not something we need to encourage or glamorize for our kids to want to do even if I come up with a different 'cause' for their angst. ~shrug~
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Milo just posted a pic of himself with a rifle on instagram. WHOA!

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Here is a recent campus event, provocative at times, don't agree with everything he says, but worth watching-

Milo Yiannopoulos, the target of violent protestors, delivered his first formal interview since U.C. Berkeley riots that shocked the nation.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Milo detailed the chaos that unfolded at his planned speech on the subject of cultural appropriation, and how his evacuation transpired....................... CONTINUED

WATCH: Milo’s First Interview After Violent Berkeley Riots

This poor fella and the ignorant treatment he received, aren't these the same hypocrites who have been screaming LOVE TRUMPS HATE............ yeah they've said it too. Such ignorance, such lack of claimed tolerance.

Thanks for stopping everyone stay safe out there in loon world.

"I was put in a bulletproof vest, and whisked away"

This Milo interview I don't think went well, Milo as we already know is becoming essentially now a self-publicist, who has illustrated that he'll jump on any train that he thinks is getting traction and use it to further promote himself into the realms of Celebrity Status.

I add Milo did this with the Gamers, even though he himself didn't play Games.

I have nothing against Milo, but he never spoke for any sort of Movement except for the Milo Movement. He's a very intelligent person and a talented entertainer, he also has a tremendous gift for Mega Triggering Leftist Maniacs into launching a full scale riot to prevent him from even speaking now.

Next stop, Milo might get his own programme on the television or something.

Mostly just national socialist right wing propaganda.

Only illegals commit crimes? When is the national socialist right wing, going to eliminate crime with plenty of guns, in Chicago. Do, more guns equal less crime, or not. Crime is crime, regardless of legal resident status.

Only one abomination of hypocrisy is too many, for real Persons of morals.

How many people have died due to our illegal, war on drugs. Illegal is illegal. Can the national socialist right wing show, where in the Republican Doctrine, a right wing fantasy of a War on Drugs, can found. If not, only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, complain about less fortunate illegals.

Sanctuary cities may still forward information on violent criminals to the general government; for prioritization of processing.

Our current president only seems to have social plans and no Capital plans. A market friendly visa would generate revenue to defray the cost of Government via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

We have a declaration of independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Only the National Socialist Right Wing; has a problem with it.

The Protestant work ethic, like Capitalism, is getting bailed out by "socialism". Hispanics are not usually of the Protestant denomination.

We have a general welfare clause, not a general warfare clause.

I stopped after thirty-five minutes. Nothing but national socialist, right wing fantasy.

Right wing aren't clipped enough to go out and do this bs. The Trump haters are totally off their rockers and have severe mental issues.
Here is a recent campus event, provocative at times, don't agree with everything he says, but worth watching-

Milo Yiannopoulos, the target of violent protestors, delivered his first formal interview since U.C. Berkeley riots that shocked the nation.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Milo detailed the chaos that unfolded at his planned speech on the subject of cultural appropriation, and how his evacuation transpired....................... CONTINUED

WATCH: Milo’s First Interview After Violent Berkeley Riots

This poor fella and the ignorant treatment he received, aren't these the same hypocrites who have been screaming LOVE TRUMPS HATE............ yeah they've said it too. Such ignorance, such lack of claimed tolerance.

Thanks for stopping everyone stay safe out there in loon world.

"I was put in a bulletproof vest, and whisked away"

This Milo interview I don't think went well, Milo as we already know is becoming essentially now a self-publicist, who has illustrated that he'll jump on any train that he thinks is getting traction and use it to further promote himself into the realms of Celebrity Status.

I add Milo did this with the Gamers, even though he himself didn't play Games.

I have nothing against Milo, but he never spoke for any sort of Movement except for the Milo Movement. He's a very intelligent person and a talented entertainer, he also has a tremendous gift for Mega Triggering Leftist Maniacs into launching a full scale riot to prevent him from even speaking now.

Next stop, Milo might get his own programme on the television or something.

Mostly just national socialist right wing propaganda.

Only illegals commit crimes? When is the national socialist right wing, going to eliminate crime with plenty of guns, in Chicago. Do, more guns equal less crime, or not. Crime is crime, regardless of legal resident status.

Only one abomination of hypocrisy is too many, for real Persons of morals.

How many people have died due to our illegal, war on drugs. Illegal is illegal. Can the national socialist right wing show, where in the Republican Doctrine, a right wing fantasy of a War on Drugs, can found. If not, only practitioners of the abomination of hypocrisy, complain about less fortunate illegals.

Sanctuary cities may still forward information on violent criminals to the general government; for prioritization of processing.

Our current president only seems to have social plans and no Capital plans. A market friendly visa would generate revenue to defray the cost of Government via Capitalism, not socialism on a national basis.

We have a declaration of independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Only the National Socialist Right Wing; has a problem with it.

The Protestant work ethic, like Capitalism, is getting bailed out by "socialism". Hispanics are not usually of the Protestant denomination.

We have a general welfare clause, not a general warfare clause.

I stopped after thirty-five minutes. Nothing but national socialist, right wing fantasy.

Right wing aren't clipped enough to go out and do this bs. The Trump haters are totally off their rockers and have severe mental issues.

nothing but diversion and that form of, inferior, fallacy.

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