WATCH: Prosecution Appears to Fall Apart as Rittenhouse ‘Victim’ Admits He Pulled Gun First

What people like as far as music goes is a personal choice, Doc. That you judge them by it says more about YOU than it does about them. You're well on your way to being the cranky old man yelling at the neighborhood kids to stay off your lawn! Just saying...
Highly unlikely, but you go with that. ;)
If you believe Lee Greenwood's song is great music, then you're a RW kook and there is something very wrong with you. ;)
That is your opinion and a lame one with no evidence.

Likinbg it does not make you right wing. If one likes Rage against the Machine it does not make them left win
That is your opinion and a lame one with no evidence.

Likinbg it does not make you right wing. If one likes Rage against the Machine it does not make them left win
Did your spellcheck get lost Soup? Trumpublicans LOVE Rage Against the Machine. It's Paul Ryan's favorite band!

Did your spellcheck get lost Soup? Trumpublicans LOVE Rage Against the Machine. It's Paul Ryan's favorite band!

good job dummie you just proved my point. Musical taste does not define political stance one way or the other
With all due respect, Donald...what does a Southern border wall that is basically designed to stop the flow of Hispanics from Central and South America have to do with racism towards blacks in the US? Did you think that post through? Not one of your better ones to be quite honest.
I see the Trump border wall as the equivalent of a little girl drawing a chalk line on the road and double dog daring her little friends to step over it.

Trump's border wall was a childish message to America's white supremacists that Trump was going to save some jobs from being taken by immigrants. When if fact America is dependent on illegal immigrants to do jobs that white Americans refuse.

It's the same tactic Hitler used to demonize the jews and it's one of the trademarks of fascism.
I see the Trump border wall as the equivalent of a little girl drawing a chalk line on the road and double dog daring her little friends to step over it.
Trump's border wall was a childish message to America's white supremacists that Trump was going to save some jobs from being taken by immigrants. When if fact America is dependent on illegal immigrants to do jobs that white Americans refuse.
It's the same tactic Hitler used to demonize the jews and it's one of the trademarks of fascism.
Why does insulting Trump make you feel better?
Why does insulting Trump make you feel better?
I'm still not going to entertain your silly accusations. If you 'disagree' with something I say then state that in so many words, followed by the details so that I can address your issue. As follows:

I disagree: ...................................................
I hate to break this to you, Doc but the cranky old man seldom THINKS that he's the cranky old man! Just sayin... :)

Wachu talking bout Willis?

I consider that to be one of my best and most adoring features.
I see the Trump border wall as the equivalent of a little girl drawing a chalk line on the road and double dog daring her little friends to step over it.

Trump's border wall was a childish message to America's white supremacists that Trump was going to save some jobs from being taken by immigrants. When if fact America is dependent on illegal immigrants to do jobs that white Americans refuse.

It's the same tactic Hitler used to demonize the jews and it's one of the trademarks of fascism.
A secure border should be something that every American wants, Donald. We have outside forces that want to harm us. Having a secure border helps to keep that from happening.

The "chalk line" is what our Southern Border has become under the Biden Administration! They aren't even attempting to stop illegal immigration rather they have gone out of their way to encourage it.

The bottom line is this, Donald. You can have an entitlement society where you hand out lots of freebies to people...and you can have open borders. You cannot have BOTH! Why? Because simple common sense tells you that you won't be able to AFFORD all those freebies if millions of people come across the border looking to take advantage of them!
A secure border should be something that every American wants, Donald. We have outside forces that want to harm us. Having a secure border helps to keep that from happening.

The "chalk line" is what our Southern Border has become under the Biden Administration! They aren't even attempting to stop illegal immigration rather they have gone out of their way to encourage it.

The bottom line is this, Donald. You can have an entitlement society where you hand out lots of freebies to people...and you can have open borders. You cannot have BOTH! Why? Because simple common sense tells you that you won't be able to AFFORD all those freebies if millions of people come across the border looking to take advantage of them!
I'v already said before that the open borders attitude of the Dems and Biden appear to be an opposite, stick it in face reaction to Trump's criminal action of separating children from their parents.

Petty shit flinging isn't a one-way street.

However, beyond that component is the fact that the border issue has been relatively ignored by both parties for decades because of the need for cheap labour. America isn't viable if it needs to pay the going rate demanded by Americans.

This is also the reason why US corporations skipped town and headed off to China.

Stop trying to place blame and offer some solution!

The same rules apply as did for Hitler's demonizing of the jews. There was nothing in it to gain other than turning sentiments of the German people against others who were seen as different.
I'v already said before that the open borders attitude of the Dems and Biden appear to be an opposite, stick it in face reaction to Trump's criminal action of separating children from their parents.
Was it criminal when Obama did it?
I'v already said before that the open borders attitude of the Dems and Biden appear to be an opposite, stick it in face reaction to Trump's criminal action of separating children from their parents.

Petty shit flinging isn't a one-way street.

However, beyond that component is the fact that the border issue has been relatively ignored by both parties for decades because of the need for cheap labour. America isn't viable if it needs to pay the going rate demanded by Americans.

This is also the reason why US corporations skipped town and headed off to China.

Stop trying to place blame and offer some solution!

The same rules apply as did for Hitler's demonizing of the jews. There was nothing in it to gain other than turning sentiments of the German people against others who were seen as different.
We've always separated adults from children when the adults are being arrested, Donald. It happens every day in darn near every place in the country. Adults go to jail...children get put in protective custody until it can be determined the best place for them to end up. That wasn't "criminal action" when Obama did it...neither was it when Trump did it...and it isn't if Biden does it!

The main reason that Democrats don't want to stem the flow of illegals over the border is political. We base how many members of Congress each State will have based on the Census that counts illegals. That means that a State like California gets far more Reps than they would if only US citizens were counted. That's why you'll NEVER see the Democrats allow that to change.
I hate to break this to you, Doc but the cranky old man seldom THINKS that he's the cranky old man! Just sayin... :)

I'd be highly unlikely to yell at kids on my lawn. I coach a boys basketball team and they are welcome on my lawn. The lawn thing? YOUR team!


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