Watch The Funny Communist, Kids

No, it retains its meaning, and anyone who thinks they seek "a kinder, gentler world" is either completely duped or flat out of their mind.
I think you mistake me, billy. I didn't mean communists were seeking a kinder better world, although they were. I meant anyone not communist seeking same is called a communist even though the communist way is far from their objective.

Please provide examples.

What do you know about how communism got a foothold in old Rus? Do you know how serfs lived? Conditions were beyond horrible for the 'masses', no let up on labor but starvation was common and the oligarchy wouldn't listen because the serf population was so cowed and had no voice. So when Marx put his idea on paper, it sounded like heaven to those whose lives were sheer misery without hope of any kind. Of course Marx didn't allow for human nature in his Utopia and it was bound to fail, mostly because the communists fell into the trap of becoming the thing they hated, but you at least ought to consider how it sounded to folks accustomed to being trod upon. Do you ever?

I don't care how it sounded. The United States does not in any way reflect the situation in Russia prior to 1917.

What we have is a long-term plan by our self-proclaimed "Democratic-Socialists" to gain enough power to dispense with the Constitution and to quote "fundamentally change the United States of America".

I don't want that totalitarian crap here, and will make what efforts I can to prevent it.
Your whole premise seems absurd to me, billy. Did we dispense with the Constitution when we added amendments after 1800? Why is an intelligent person like you falling for that crap about Democrats getting 'enough power to dispense with the Constitution' while supporting a guy who skirts it's authority on a regular basis, ie building a Constitutionally dangerous cult power thru firings and replacing with flunkies in strategic institutions. And do you think Republicans will call on the FBI and/or Trey Gowdy for an investigation into Ivanka's Emails. (chuckle)
Your concerns for the sanctity of our Constitution seems a little less pure sometimes when you filter your opinions thru the Republican Mission Statements.

Billy, we all think we have 20/20 vision when looking at others, and yet are riddled with blind spots when looking inward. None of us are innocent of that, I know.

As you know, I am no Republican. I support those who agree with me. I consider political entities to be elected civil servants, not leaders, and I follow my own counsel.

I consider the Democrats as I would foreign interlopers. They have lost all vestiges of American thought, save for lip service to propaganda purposes.

They have nothing to offer me.
And I will go to the mat to protect your right to your opinion, as I am certain you would for me. But billy, I never considered that your preferences was evil and out to destroy the nation we both care for. In truth, either side may do so inadvertently if we don't stop demonizing each other, but I cannot believe it is any citizen's intent, excepting maybe the foreign social hackers spreading lies.

I can only base an opinion on the evidence of history, behavior and expression presented me, both past and present. While the Republican Party is certainly no Monte Cristo treasure, something very strange has happened to the Democratic Party these last two decades. Hell, as screwy as it was two decades ago I would not have thought it possible that it could become what it is today, filled with the oddest of all sorts who not too long ago would have been brushed off as lunatics, perverts and yes, the proverbial Communists. Without their media and cultural creations giving them a false credibility, they'd have fallen years ago.

New look, same old product.

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