Watch today's huge Mother of All Rallies LIVE

Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC – It was dubbed the "Mother Of All Rallies," but considering the turnout, perhaps a better name would have been "The 5th Cousin Twice Removed Of All Rallies."

Just a few hundred people showed up for what had been envisioned as a massive rally in support of President Trump. And as a result, left-leaning users on Twitter had a field day, comparing pictures of the rally unfavorably with those of the massive 500,000-strong Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, and even the climate science rally in April that drew 200,000.
Pro-Trump Rally Ridiculed After Bad Turnout

Names will never hurt him, but when President Trump hears about the crowd size, he's gonna be hurt. That's a hit below the belt, people. How could conservatives allow their man to be so shamed? You KNOW how he feels about crowd size.
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
American Spring
The Oregon Bundy Debacle
The 2A rally in DC
RWNJ motorcycle rally in DC

Why is it these people never show up?
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
This rally of diehard Trumptards banned the Confederate flag from being displayed.

lol x 100
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC – It was dubbed the "Mother Of All Rallies," but considering the turnout, perhaps a better name would have been "The 5th Cousin Twice Removed Of All Rallies."

Just a few hundred people showed up for what had been envisioned as a massive rally in support of President Trump. And as a result, left-leaning users on Twitter had a field day, comparing pictures of the rally unfavorably with those of the massive 500,000-strong Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, and even the climate science rally in April that drew 200,000.
Pro-Trump Rally Ridiculed After Bad Turnout

Names will never hurt him, but when President Trump hears about the crowd size, he's gonna be hurt. That's a hit below the belt, people. How could conservatives allow their man to be so shamed? You KNOW how he feels about crowd size.
You gotta remember, conservatives work. Even on Saturdays.
Libstains don't work - especially on their entitled Saturdays. Therefore - it stands to reason - that more leftist traitors will show for their rallies.
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC – It was dubbed the "Mother Of All Rallies," but considering the turnout, perhaps a better name would have been "The 5th Cousin Twice Removed Of All Rallies."

Just a few hundred people showed up for what had been envisioned as a massive rally in support of President Trump. And as a result, left-leaning users on Twitter had a field day, comparing pictures of the rally unfavorably with those of the massive 500,000-strong Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, and even the climate science rally in April that drew 200,000.
Pro-Trump Rally Ridiculed After Bad Turnout

Names will never hurt him, but when President Trump hears about the crowd size, he's gonna be hurt. That's a hit below the belt, people. How could conservatives allow their man to be so shamed? You KNOW how he feels about crowd size.
You gotta remember, conservatives work. Even on Saturdays.
Libstains don't work - especially on their entitled Saturdays. Therefore - it stands to reason - that more leftist traitors will show for their rallies.
Then why's your crowd always whining about how there are no jobs for them because of brown Democrats, who are the ones with all the jobs?
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Well, I'll bet the chimpanzees would have shown up for his rally!
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
Hey, Steve starts a new thread on it everyday!
Dozens of Trump fans....Believe me
Largest crowd in DC history
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times
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Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC – It was dubbed the "Mother Of All Rallies," but considering the turnout, perhaps a better name would have been "The 5th Cousin Twice Removed Of All Rallies."

Just a few hundred people showed up for what had been envisioned as a massive rally in support of President Trump. And as a result, left-leaning users on Twitter had a field day, comparing pictures of the rally unfavorably with those of the massive 500,000-strong Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, and even the climate science rally in April that drew 200,000.
Pro-Trump Rally Ridiculed After Bad Turnout

Names will never hurt him, but when President Trump hears about the crowd size, he's gonna be hurt. That's a hit below the belt, people. How could conservatives allow their man to be so shamed? You KNOW how he feels about crowd size.
No way. The President will undoubtedly tweet that it was the largest September 15 rally held at noon on the Mall when the temperature was 79 degrees EVAR.
Dozens of Trump fans....Believe me
Largest crowd in DC history
You think this might actually MEAN anything? That maybe he's not quite so popular as he used to be?
He is the most popular President in history.....believe me
He was elected by the widest margin of any President in history....he is more honest than Washington, a better speaker than JFK, more loved than Lincoln
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC – It was dubbed the "Mother Of All Rallies," but considering the turnout, perhaps a better name would have been "The 5th Cousin Twice Removed Of All Rallies."

Just a few hundred people showed up for what had been envisioned as a massive rally in support of President Trump. And as a result, left-leaning users on Twitter had a field day, comparing pictures of the rally unfavorably with those of the massive 500,000-strong Women's March on Washington on Jan. 21, and even the climate science rally in April that drew 200,000.
Pro-Trump Rally Ridiculed After Bad Turnout

Names will never hurt him, but when President Trump hears about the crowd size, he's gonna be hurt. That's a hit below the belt, people. How could conservatives allow their man to be so shamed? You KNOW how he feels about crowd size.
No way. The President will undoubtedly tweet that it was the largest September 15 rally held at noon on the Mall when the temperature was 79 degrees EVAR.
Any claim that this crowd was not Bigly is Fake News
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Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times

Evidently you're too damn ignorant to know Obama is part black and part white.
Hi. You should all watch this wonderful rally live, via Russia Today : WATCH LIVE: Pro-Trump ‘Mother of All Rallies’ kicks off in Washington
Trump’s ‘deal-making’ mechanisms are ripped right out of the alpha male chimpanzee playbook


As the psychologist Dan P. McAdams writes in the Guardian, chimpanzees bestow power on the “biggest, strongest, most outgoing male” in their colony, who in turn dominates his subordinates through “threat, intimidation, bluffing” and “pragmatic coalitions.”

McAdams relates the “charging display” to the president’s Twitter feed. It could also apply to his free-wheeling rallies and press conferences. During each of these events, Trump—either virtually or physically—will “scream, hoot and gesticulate” to get his point across as his crowd—or Twitter feed—goes wild. After a period of chaos, Trump’s submissive base (including GOP leaders) will bow to the president’s will.
Imagine if someone said that about Obama:lol:
False equivalency and invalid analogy logical fallacy. Obama is black . Trump is orange

And in case your head is really that far up your ass tat you don't know, The Obamas have been depicted as a monkey many times

Evidently you're too damn ignorant to know Obama is part black and part white.
Well, that certainly blows Patriot's argument out of the water.
Bless your heart.

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