WATCH: Trump tries to shake the hand of Polish president’s wife — and gets rejected

The look on his face!!!


Shame they cut your video short...

Polish first lady appears to miss handshake with Trump
While the president was shaking hands with the Polish President, the Polish First Lady passed him to shake hands with her counterpart, then turned to shake hands with DJT.

Gee, I wonder why USA Today and Newsweek both pasted the shortened version?

Partisan, perhaps?

What gets me is the willingness to make foreign powers look petty to score a meaningless point on trump.

I don't care what the partisan crap is, you don't try to make allies look bad. It's bad policy

/---- Liberal debate tactic: If you can't find something bad about your opponent, make something up so he has to deny it.

The look on his face!!!


His own wife doesn't want to hold his hand, the president of Poland 's wife doesn't want to have anything to do with good woman wants anything to do with the pussy grabber.

The look on his face!!!


His own wife doesn't want to hold his hand, the president of Poland 's wife doesn't want to have anything to do with good woman wants anything to do with the pussy grabber.

/---- Did you just sober up for the day? This was debunked 30 seconds after it was posted.
hand shake.jpg
When trump was doing his usual trashing the US and lying about President Obama, the Polish president looked mortified.

It's bad enough that trump is always talking trash about the US. He hates the US, just as RWNJs do and we are all used to their nasty bad mouthing.

Damn him for lying about the US to other countries. If he says that in front of cameras, just imagine what he says in private.

The entire world knows he's lying and they're embarrassed for him and for us.

Never ever my president. He's said it all along and I agree. He loves Russia, adores Putin and hates America and Americans so yeah, I agree, he's not my president.

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The cropped clip was funny, Trump's look of rejection had me thinking, "what guy hasn't felt that before?". I don't care who the President is, I love it when the media humanizes the powerful. Do think it is better when the recovery time isn't so instant. Thus Trump hasn't topped Obama's Leslie Nielson-like salute to the queen but it's early yet for Trump and the potential is certainly there.


The look on his face!!!


she did shake his hand

i love it when leftards crop youtube

in an attempt to justify their hate

People chanting "USA, USA" in full force.

Doesn't seem like that much of a fail to me. It's like a concert where someone falls on stage and the people go fucking crazy with the chants. 100% win...

pretty much what was the eastern block loves freedom

The look on his face!!!


if you watch the clip in it's entirety, she immediately shakes his hand afterwards. She had already made eye contact with the First Lady and was moving to shake her hand. Nice try though.

Nice try. Here's a clip where they zoom in, you can see that she looks RIGHT AT Trumps tiny, grubby, slimy hand and decides "Nope. Not right now" then walks right past the bloated walking bag of KFC.

Donald Trump's handshake was expertly rejected by the Polish first lady

your tube is edited

mine clearly shows her shaking trumps hand

Watch the first video on that page, not the youtube one. First one zooms in and you can see that she makes clear eye contact with the orange shitlord's extended hand.

she went to the wife first ya dumbass

she then turned back and shook hands with the President

you are being dishonest if you say otherwise

The look on his face!!!


OP lied...I know a shocker. If you watch the Polish first lady she is looking PAST President Trump to more lies from the OP.

Hilarious coming from you where ALL your threads are based on lies.

Sure they are snowflake. I don't feel the need to DOCTOR or use a DOCTORED photo or video to prove my points,mine are all backed up by facts that are easily accessible and verifiable.

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