Watch Tucker Carlson Lose It After Bill Nye Takes Him To School On Climate Change

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Gold Member
Mar 22, 2010
It has been very amusing to watch the antics of the denier cultists on this one.

A popular science explainer, Bill Nye, appeared on the FauxNews show with Tucker Carlson, a rightwing corporate stooge, and tried to discuss global warming and its consequent climate changes. Carlson played to his denier cult audience by posing fairly meaningless questions based on a misunderstanding or denial of the scientific facts. Bill Nye patiently and repeatedly tried to give some kind of rational response to the fairly idiotic questions Carlson kept rephrasing but Carlson interrupted and cut him off about 30 times without any sign whatsoever that he was even trying to understand Nye's responses, that were based on actual climate science.

So, the corporate puppet-masters of the denier cult decided to go full-on alternative reality and immdiatedly put out very fraudulent and deceptive articles crowing about how Nye supposedly couldn't answer Carlson's questions. And the denier cult sheep were clueless enough to believe them!

All this is obvious when you actually watch the exchange. Nye made Carlson look like an idiot frantically trying to deflect the truth. Carlson' closing remark,"that sounded ominous", about Nye's comment, in effect, that they would be seeing each other again on this topic, sounded bizarrely paranoid and unhinged.

Watch Tucker Carlson Lose It After Bill Nye Takes Him To School On Climate Change


Following his Facebook Live chat with Bernie Sanders yesterday, during which he made some pretty depressing predictions regarding the continued effects of climate change, Bill Nye was invited onto Fox News to discuss the subject with Tucker Carlson. Unfortunately, this conversation was not nearly as productive — or civil, for that matter — as his one with the Senator was.

Carlson came right out of the gate swinging, condescendingly panning the Science Guy’s claims that climate change skeptics suffer from the psychological delusion of cognitive dissonance. When Nye was given a chance to speak, he calmly explained that cognitive dissidence isn’t a delusion, but simple human nature in that humans have a tendency to eschew scientific evidence that disagrees with their worldview.

Firing back, Carlson claimed that we all should be skeptical and “asking ourselves questions” when it comes to uh, scientific evidence, but Nye was not having this argument. “Climate change denial is denial”, he explained. “The evidence is overwhelming.” Carlson followed up and asked point blank why there’s a change in the climate, and if it’s part of an endless cycle or if human activity is the cause of it.

It’s not a subtle question, human activity is causing climate change, to a degree that it’s a very serious problem in the next few decades,” Nye responded. After some back and forth in which Nye was constantly interrupted and given rephrased questions in an attempt to throw him off, Tucker demanded to know why we shouldn’t be “encouraging people to ask honest questions.” To that, Nye shot back, “Let me ask you this, why aren’t you concerned about it, don’t you have four children?

It was more than apparent that Carlson did not invite his guest on to participate in a productive conversation, but attempt to discredit him — a point Nye later made by using his phone to time how long it would take Carlson to interrupt him. Although he probably fully anticipated it, as this sort of discourse is par for the course when it comes to the Fox News host.
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It has been very amusing to watch the antics of the denier cultists on this one.

A popular science explainer, Bill Nye, appeared on the FauxNews show with Tucker Carlson, a rightwing corporate stooge, and tried to discuss global warming and its consequent climate changes. Carlson played to his denier cult audience by posing fairly meaningless questions based on a misunderstanding or denial of the scientific facts. Bill Nye patiently and repeatedly tried to give some kind of rational response to the fairly idiotic questions Carlson kept rephrasing but Carlson interrupted and cut him off about 30 times without any sign whatsoever that he was even trying to understand Nye's responses, that were based on actual climate science.

So, the corporate puppet-masters of the denier cult decided to go full-on alternative reality and immdiatedly put out very fraudulent and deceptive articles crowing about how Nye supposedly couldn't answer Carlson's questions. And the denier cult sheep were clueless enough to believe them!

All this is obvious when you actually watch the exchange. Nye made Carlson look like an idiot frantically trying to deflect the truth. Carlson' closing remark,"that sounded ominous", about Nye's comment, in effect, that they would be seeing each other again on this topic, sounded bizarrely paranoid and unhinged.

Watch Tucker Carlson Lose It After Bill Nye Takes Him To School On Climate Change


Following his Facebook Live chat with Bernie Sanders yesterday, during which he made some pretty depressing predictions regarding the continued effects of climate change, Bill Nye was invited onto Fox News to discuss the subject with Tucker Carlson. Unfortunately, this conversation was not nearly as productive — or civil, for that matter — as his one with the Senator was.

Carlson came right out of the gate swinging, condescendingly panning the Science Guy’s claims that climate change skeptics suffer from the psychological delusion of cognitive dissonance. When Nye was given a chance to speak, he calmly explained that cognitive dissidence isn’t a delusion, but simple human nature in that humans have a tendency to eschew scientific evidence that disagrees with their worldview.

Firing back, Carlson claimed that we all should be skeptical and “asking ourselves questions” when it comes to uh, scientific evidence, but Nye was not having this argument. “Climate change denial is denial”, he explained. “The evidence is overwhelming.” Carlson followed up and asked point blank why there’s a change in the climate, and if it’s part of an endless cycle or if human activity is the cause of it.

It’s not a subtle question, human activity is causing climate change, to a degree that it’s a very serious problem in the next few decades,” Nye responded. After some back and forth in which Nye was constantly interrupted and given rephrased questions in an attempt to throw him off, Tucker demanded to know why we shouldn’t be “encouraging people to ask honest questions.” To that, Nye shot back, “Let me ask you this, why aren’t you concerned about it, don’t you have four children?

It was more than apparent that Carlson did not invite his guest on to participate in a productive conversation, but attempt to discredit him — a point Nye later made by using his phone to time how long it would take Carlson to interrupt him. Although he probably fully anticipated it, as this sort of discourse is par for the course when it comes to the Fox News host.

Bill was off his meds.
It has been very amusing to watch the antics of the denier cultists on this one.

A popular science explainer, Bill Nye, appeared on the FauxNews show with Tucker Carlson, a rightwing corporate stooge, and tried to discuss global warming and its consequent climate changes. Carlson played to his denier cult audience by posing fairly meaningless questions based on a misunderstanding or denial of the scientific facts. Bill Nye patiently and repeatedly tried to give some kind of rational response to the fairly idiotic questions Carlson kept rephrasing but Carlson interrupted and cut him off about 30 times without any sign whatsoever that he was even trying to understand Nye's responses, that were based on actual climate science.

So, the corporate puppet-masters of the denier cult decided to go full-on alternative reality and immdiatedly put out very fraudulent and deceptive articles crowing about how Nye supposedly couldn't answer Carlson's questions. And the denier cult sheep were clueless enough to believe them!

All this is obvious when you actually watch the exchange. Nye made Carlson look like an idiot frantically trying to deflect the truth. Carlson' closing remark,"that sounded ominous", about Nye's comment, in effect, that they would be seeing each other again on this topic, sounded bizarrely paranoid and unhinged.

Watch Tucker Carlson Lose It After Bill Nye Takes Him To School On Climate Change


Following his Facebook Live chat with Bernie Sanders yesterday, during which he made some pretty depressing predictions regarding the continued effects of climate change, Bill Nye was invited onto Fox News to discuss the subject with Tucker Carlson. Unfortunately, this conversation was not nearly as productive — or civil, for that matter — as his one with the Senator was.

Carlson came right out of the gate swinging, condescendingly panning the Science Guy’s claims that climate change skeptics suffer from the psychological delusion of cognitive dissonance. When Nye was given a chance to speak, he calmly explained that cognitive dissidence isn’t a delusion, but simple human nature in that humans have a tendency to eschew scientific evidence that disagrees with their worldview.

Firing back, Carlson claimed that we all should be skeptical and “asking ourselves questions” when it comes to uh, scientific evidence, but Nye was not having this argument. “Climate change denial is denial”, he explained. “The evidence is overwhelming.” Carlson followed up and asked point blank why there’s a change in the climate, and if it’s part of an endless cycle or if human activity is the cause of it.

It’s not a subtle question, human activity is causing climate change, to a degree that it’s a very serious problem in the next few decades,” Nye responded. After some back and forth in which Nye was constantly interrupted and given rephrased questions in an attempt to throw him off, Tucker demanded to know why we shouldn’t be “encouraging people to ask honest questions.” To that, Nye shot back, “Let me ask you this, why aren’t you concerned about it, don’t you have four children?

It was more than apparent that Carlson did not invite his guest on to participate in a productive conversation, but attempt to discredit him — a point Nye later made by using his phone to time how long it would take Carlson to interrupt him. Although he probably fully anticipated it, as this sort of discourse is par for the course when it comes to the Fox News host.

Nye is all over the map.
"Nye could not give a specific answer to what Carlson asked for and only managed to answer “to a degree that it’s a very serious problem in the next few decades.”

"Carlson tried six different times to get Nye to be more specific about the relative impact of human activity on the climate. Seemingly frustrated, Nye claimed that humans are “100 percent” responsible for the change in climate that we may be witnessing.

"To Carlson’s last attempt at the question, Nye asserted that “the climate would be like it was in 1750” if not for human actions but offered no scientific evidence to back up his claim. He didn’t offer specifics on how he determined that exact date.

"Earlier that day, Nye sat down with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for a “conversation about climate change” on Facebook Live. The former Democratic presidential candidate mentioned that he has colleagues who believe that the earth may be getting warmer but are skeptical of human’s exact involvement. He asked Nye to tell him “why they are wrong.”

"Just like with Carlson, Nye simply stated “Well, the science is settled everybody, sorry.” Feeling satisfied with this answer, he moved on to bashing Fox News for “crossing the line” by questioning climate change.

"Later in the interview, Sanders asked Nye the same question but again received the same rhetoric that Carlson got but Sanders did not press him on the issue. Nye just stated that “there’s overwhelming proof. Proof isn’t even the word. It’s overwhelming evidence.”

"Sanders didn’t press Nye for his idea of locking up climate critics. Carlson had questioned Nye for, in April of 2016, actually suggesting that climate critics could be prosecuted for their beliefs. Nye was disinterested in elaborating on his comments with Carlson.

"After Nye refused to give specific and substantial answers to his questions, Carlson argued that Nye was just playing politics. “You’re not a scientist. You’re a popularizer” Carlson said “So much of this you don’t know. You pretend that you know, but you don’t know, and you bully people who ask you questions.”

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I don't buy into current scam that is the "climate change" scare. But that aside; the host was just a flat out asshole that wouldn't let his guest even try and answer his questions. WTF?
I don't buy into current scam that is the "climate change" scare. But that aside; the host was just a flat out asshole that wouldn't let his guest even try and answer his questions. WTF?
Because Nye the fake science guy refused to answer questions. He'd ask him a question, and the dude just blathers nonsense.

The global warming fanatics are cultists.
The study of climate on a global scale, is just too new for anyone to make sweeping conclusions about what's causing change at any given moment. To hear some of these kooks tell it; mans existence alone ended the ice age and killed of all the mega fauna.
"Nye could not give a specific answer to what Carlson asked for and only managed to answer “to a degree that it’s a very serious problem in the next few decades.”

"Carlson tried six different times to get Nye to be more specific about the relative impact of human activity on the climate. Seemingly frustrated, Nye claimed that humans are “100 percent” responsible for the change in climate that we may be witnessing.

"To Carlson’s last attempt at the question, Nye asserted that “the climate would be like it was in 1750” if not for human actions but offered no scientific evidence to back up his claim. He didn’t offer specifics on how he determined that exact date.

"Earlier that day, Nye sat down with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for a “conversation about climate change” on Facebook Live. The former Democratic presidential candidate mentioned that he has colleagues who believe that the earth may be getting warmer but are skeptical of human’s exact involvement. He asked Nye to tell him “why they are wrong.”

"Just like with Carlson, Nye simply stated “Well, the science is settled everybody, sorry.” Feeling satisfied with this answer, he moved on to bashing Fox News for “crossing the line” by questioning climate change.

"Later in the interview, Sanders asked Nye the same question but again received the same rhetoric that Carlson got but Sanders did not press him on the issue. Nye just stated that “there’s overwhelming proof. Proof isn’t even the word. It’s overwhelming evidence.”

"Sanders didn’t press Nye for his idea of locking up climate critics. Carlson had questioned Nye for, in April of 2016, actually suggesting that climate critics could be prosecuted for their beliefs. Nye was disinterested in elaborating on his comments with Carlson.

"After Nye refused to give specific and substantial answers to his questions, Carlson argued that Nye was just playing politics. “You’re not a scientist. You’re a popularizer” Carlson said “So much of this you don’t know. You pretend that you know, but you don’t know, and you bully people who ask you questions.”

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Newsbusters = fake news.
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