Watch Tucker Carlson Lose It After Bill Nye Takes Him To School On Climate Change

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Except all 3 Milankovitch cycles are currently trending down and yet we set three record warm instrument measured years in a row!
Something is interfering with the natural cooling of the Milankovitch cycles. Could it possibly be the effect of 7+ billion people?
There is only one Milankovitch cycle, the one named for Milankovitch. And it doesn't "trend" it just IS.


Correct, there is only ONE.
Except all 3 Milankovitch cycles are currently trending down and yet we set three record warm instrument measured years in a row!
Something is interfering with the natural cooling of the Milankovitch cycles. Could it possibly be the effect of 7+ billion people?
There is only one Milankovitch cycle, the one named for Milankovitch. And it doesn't "trend" it just IS.


Correct, there is only ONE.
There are 3 (THREE) Milankovitch cycles, Eccentricity, Precession, and Axial Tilt/Obliquity, each having a different number of years in each cycle. MORON!

this thread is still going? 17 people even care!!
For sure, no one cares about your consistently vacuous posts, kookie.

s0n........I win all the time in here, particularly with regard to the big picture as it relates to climate science. And this is a public forum......nobody thinks the winner of the argument is the guy who is angry and miserable in their posts all the time. Why? Because the reader knows that the board member wouldn't be having their head explode in every post if they felt their argument was winning. That's just the way it is s0n......the person who is always flipping out angry is ALWAYS looked at as losing badly.

Now my stuff is standard fare beating the other side's head in with a baseball bat on the most critical matter discussed in these pages and that is..........

Where is the science mattering in the real world ( outside the realm of the internet )?? Where is the "consensus" having an affect on government energy policy makers?

The short answer is............nowhere ( anywhere in the world btw )! Nobody is impressed with the science enough ever to do anything more than make renewable energy some fringe laughingstock for providing electricity.....and this is after 20 years of the religion beating their breasts on the science being "settled".


The thing with progressives is........and its fascinating..........they can be standing right in front of you with their faces covered in liquid dog doo and will still tell you they are winning!:popcorn:
Hey -- we lost tucker and Bill Nye PAGES ago here. And it's the same-o -- same-o that you can sample in ZILLIONS of other threads in this forum. Since it's NOT on topic --- It's gotta close...
Oops the science fraud didn't see this coming ..

To what degree is climate changed caused by human activity? Is it a hundred percent caused by human activity, is it 74.3%? It’s “settled science,” please tell us to what degree human activity is responsible.”
“So the word ‘degree’ is a word that you chose,” Nye said, “but the speed that climate change is happening is caused by humans. Instead of happening on time-scales of millions of years, or let’s say, fifteen thousand years, it’s happening on a time-scale of decades, and now years.”
“To what extent is human activity responsible for speeding that up?” Carlson asked agaib before Nye could continue.
“A hundred percent!” said Nye. “If that’s the number you want. Humans are causing it to happen catastrophically fast.”
“OK so at what rate would it have changed without human activity?” asked Carlson. “You look annoyed that I’m asking these questions, but they’re very basic questions. They’re not denial.”

bear513 Sorry, didn't realize when I merged your thread with this one it was closed. You can start a new one if you like
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