Watching democrats try to defend their party's platforms


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
Democrats are human beings too. There, I said it. As human beings possessed of some degree of reasoning capability they must realize all to well the primary platforms of their party are indefensible. Water is wet and always shall be. The sun is hot. Two plus two equals four. There are five fingers on the (healthy) human hand. The former are indelible truths—facts of our existence in this plane we all inhabit known as reality.

And yet, for some reason, many democrats will defend the platforms of their party almost to the death, and readily move the goalposts of their party's promises and reasoning in order to suit the narrative of the day.

What did Bill Clinton once say about abortion? Something about it being "safe, legal and rare?" Now, after having moved the goalposts on their official abortion narrative about a thousand thousand yards forward, democrats want the right to abort children regularly or all the time and up to the moment of birth, at least. So what we get are democrat voters who will look you right in the eye and claim moment of birth abortion is not murder. Well, of course it is. But here's that old, inescapable rub again . . . democrats denying water is wet and being proud to do it.

What does a civilization do with such people, with supposedly sane adults, who deny stupidly and proudly facts as provable as gravity? People who gladly surrender their souls and minds for political ideology, which by this point, where abortion for instance is concerned, has become religion.

Take transgenderism. Five minutes on Google or less will inform the average democrat how the whole transgender 'religion' was founded on a lie—on the botched circumcision of an innocent child and was motivated by a doctor trying to save his ass at the expense of said child.

But those good old democrats . . . they'll tell you, swear on their lives to you, that transgenderism is all about some sacred choice made by innocent little children all on their own who want to swap sexes. Almost as if those children heard the voice of some god.

And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, crazy enough on its own, democrats will swear up and down that transgender surgery is not the violent mutilation of a child's body. In fact, they'll even try to convince you all that cutting on little kid bodies is a beautiful thing.

What can you do with such people possessed of hideous, anti-human ideology in a civilized society? I mean, you sure can't live with them and expect good things to follow.

Point is . . . pretty much all democratic party platforms are extremely harmful to some segment of the population and yet democrat voters, even knowing this, still try so hard to defend them. Such people can never be trusted in civilized society let alone with our children or pregnant wives or daughters.

I've got some bad news for all you democratic party voters out there: water is wet and it always will be. Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Stop trying to prove the unprovable. Stop trying to transmute facts into something else. We know you know we know that you know the difference between make believe and reality. So just stop trying . . .
The statist left uses the same illogical rationing with their global warming/climate change fantasy. One needs to understand where this 'hive mentality' issue the statist left is plagued with comes from. Monophobia(autophobia), catagelophobia, sociophobia, glossophobia, xenophobia, decidophobia are just some of the phobias that drive people into Dependent Personality Disorder(DPD). YES, the statist left has created a religion unique to itself but taking the phobias listed above into account ALL cults(regardless of name) will exhibit similar illogical reasoning. Some people are just so lacking in self confidence that they cannot make even the simplest decisions on there own, are frightened to be alone even for just a few moments or fear speaking in public. So it is obvious that group dependent individuals will seek out a group of like minded people & to fit in with said group they easily adopt GROUPTHINK(cult mentality). That is WHY the statist left CANNOT change it's tune even when they know that they are obviously incorrect in their stated beliefs.
Democrats are human beings too. There, I said it. As human beings possessed of some degree of reasoning capability they must realize all to well the primary platforms of their party are indefensible. Water is wet and always shall be. The sun is hot. Two plus two equals four. There are five fingers on the (healthy) human hand. The former are indelible truths—facts of our existence in this plane we all inhabit known as reality.

And yet, for some reason, many democrats will defend the platforms of their party almost to the death, and readily move the goalposts of their party's promises and reasoning in order to suit the narrative of the day.

What did Bill Clinton once say about abortion? Something about it being "safe, legal and rare?" Now, after having moved the goalposts on their official abortion narrative about a thousand thousand yards forward, democrats want the right to abort children regularly or all the time and up to the moment of birth, at least. So what we get are democrat voters who will look you right in the eye and claim moment of birth abortion is not murder. Well, of course it is. But here's that old, inescapable rub again . . . democrats denying water is wet and being proud to do it.

What does a civilization do with such people, with supposedly sane adults, who deny stupidly and proudly facts as provable as gravity? People who gladly surrender their souls and minds for political ideology, which by this point, where abortion for instance is concerned, has become religion.

Take transgenderism. Five minutes on Google or less will inform the average democrat how the whole transgender 'religion' was founded on a lie—on the botched circumcision of an innocent child and was motivated by a doctor trying to save his ass at the expense of said child.

But those good old democrats . . . they'll tell you, swear on their lives to you, that transgenderism is all about some sacred choice made by innocent little children all on their own who want to swap sexes. Almost as if those children heard the voice of some god.

And then, as if that wasn't bad enough, crazy enough on its own, democrats will swear up and down that transgender surgery is not the violent mutilation of a child's body. In fact, they'll even try to convince you all that cutting on little kid bodies is a beautiful thing.

What can you do with such people possessed of hideous, anti-human ideology in a civilized society? I mean, you sure can't live with them and expect good things to follow.

Point is . . . pretty much all democratic party platforms are extremely harmful to some segment of the population and yet democrat voters, even knowing this, still try so hard to defend them. Such people can never be trusted in civilized society let alone with our children or pregnant wives or daughters.

I've got some bad news for all you democratic party voters out there: water is wet and it always will be. Stop trying to defend the indefensible. Stop trying to prove the unprovable. Stop trying to transmute facts into something else. We know you know we know that you know the difference between make believe and reality. So just stop trying . . .
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Your job's done here.
The statist left uses the same illogical rationing with their global warming/climate change fantasy. One needs to understand where this 'hive mentality' issue the statist left is plagued with comes from. Monophobia(autophobia), catagelophobia, sociophobia, glossophobia, xenophobia, decidophobia are just some of the phobias that drive people into Dependent Personality Disorder(DPD). YES, the statist left has created a religion unique to itself but taking the phobias listed above into account ALL cults(regardless of name) will exhibit similar illogical reasoning. Some people are just so lacking in self confidence that they cannot make even the simplest decisions on there own, are frightened to be alone even for just a few moments or fear speaking in public. So it is obvious that group dependent individuals will seek out a group of like minded people & to fit in with said group they easily adopt GROUPTHINK(cult mentality). That is WHY the statist left CANNOT change it's tune even when they know that they are obviously incorrect in their stated beliefs.
thats a hoot, considering how hot it was last week.

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