Watching the G7 Summit, one reality is quite clear to me...

...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning daffy a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
See the partisan team politic drama stations like fox and msnbc are thriving.

October 2018 Ratings: MSNBC Is One of the Most-Watched Networks on Basic Cable
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning daffy a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
See the partisan team politic drama stations like fox and msnbc are thriving.

October 2018 Ratings: MSNBC Is One of the Most-Watched Networks on Basic Cable
October 2018 isn't today.

CNN's and MSLSD's ratings are in the shitter, and everyone knows it.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
Obama didn’t declare war against the media and then proceed to spread lies on a daily basis like trump is doing.

Yes they overuse the race card but trump has also made some pretty racist statements so they both own responsibility and fault for the destructive atmosphere we have. The shitty thing is that they both benefit from it and we the people are the suckers.
You think the media fears trump and wants him to lose? You don’t understand the media very well then.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning daffy a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
See the partisan team politic drama stations like fox and msnbc are thriving.

October 2018 Ratings: MSNBC Is One of the Most-Watched Networks on Basic Cable
October 2018 isn't today.

CNN's and MSLSD's ratings are in the shitter, and everyone knows it.
Well I provided a link and you didn’t so at this point I’m winning.
Bottom line ,,,Trump is a divider not a uniter and he's getting worse not better Now he has the Jewish people up in arms
So what's YOUR solution to China stealing everything the US creates?
Send 'Stolen Valor' John Chamberlain Kerry to China to 'negotiate with them? The fucking moron would be lucky to get back on a private plane to the US with his fucking shorts on!!!!!!!
AND you know it!
There are 100K Chinese students attending the most elite universities specializing in the 'hard' sciences right now. How many do you think are going to stay in the US and 'blend in'?
How many are headed straight back to China to tell the Chinese government everything they have learned about US scientific advances???????????

So, what is your plan? Should we kick them all out of the country?

What has Trump done about the 100K Chinese students attending the most elite universities? How does the escalation of tariffs help that problem?
You asshole! How many Chinese spies enrolled in US elite universities when BONOBO was president for EIGHT FUCKING YEARs!!!!!!!!!?
100K Chinese spies did NOT enroll in the last two years!
BONOBO did fuck all to stop the Chinese from stealing everything but our fucking garbage cans for eight years.
Trump promised the working class and business owners that he would deal with the China problems. In spite of getting no help from those idiots in congress and other world leaders he's fighting for us.
You mean he is taxing us.
The agitprop media wants Trump gone at any and all cost....If that isn't glaringly evident to you by now, what would you need to see and hear?
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
Obama didn’t declare war against the media and then proceed to spread lies on a daily basis like trump is doing.

Yes they overuse the race card but trump has also made some pretty racist statements so they both own responsibility and fault for the destructive atmosphere we have. The shitty thing is that they both benefit from it and we the people are the suckers.
Oboingo didn't have to push back against the media, because they sucked his dick on a daily basis and you know it.

And as for spreading outright lies, the Murican media is only mad at the God Emperor about any of them because he's horning in on their racket.
Wrong....There's a saying I've heard in the Caribbean and from Euros I've met; "Murica sneezes and we get a cold"....Their economies are far more subject to economic downturns because of the burdens that The State piles onto them....And nearly all of western Europe has used US military presence and NATO to shift funding from providing for their own defense into welfare state opium.

Like I said before, fuck 'em.

And yet we have at least one recession a decade
There’s absolutely no way to avoid recessions. How can asset values ever be expected to increase infinitely? Economies grow and expand and when there’s money artificially being created and injected into economies to spur growth that money chases value and eventually the assets it flows into increase in value beyond their sustainability and then prices begin to normalize and the economy contracts to correct the overinvestment. It’s a normal business cycle but it can be reduced in impact with less centrally controlled monetary policy.

I do agree they are built into the system, you cannot avoid them, only mitigate the damage. Part of the problem with trying to delay them is it removes the tools used to mitigate the damage.
If we stopped creating so much artificial money all the time to fix a beyond-broken worldwide credit system the affects would be far less catastrophic when economies contract. The “tool” they always use is making money cheap so people continue borrowing. This just continues to lead to more bubbles.

It is almost as if they do that on purpose
Yep. It’s the real way they’re transferring wealth. They make us believe it’s fiscal policy that does it but it’s the monetary policy.
The saying is you weep what you sow and during his 2½ years in office Trump hasn't positioned himself into a respected international leader.
If they wanted him gone they would black him out and ignore him. No they don’t want him gone, they love having an easy target that they can cover at nausea.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
Obama didn’t declare war against the media and then proceed to spread lies on a daily basis like trump is doing.

Yes they overuse the race card but trump has also made some pretty racist statements so they both own responsibility and fault for the destructive atmosphere we have. The shitty thing is that they both benefit from it and we the people are the suckers.
Oboingo didn't have to push back against the media, because they sucked his dick on a daily basis and you know it.

And as for spreading outright lies, the Murican media is only mad at the God Emperor about any of them because he's horning in on their racket.
The media liked Obama because Obama was a good dude who treated them well. Just as Fox likes to kiss Trumps ass. Fox was also non stop against Obama just like the other stations are towards Trump. Let’s stop pretending we all know the game and see what’s going on.

Trump could have saved hardship by developing relationships with the media but his thin skin, huge ego, and need for an enemy to banter and discredit took over. He’d rather yell fake news than defend himself. Scary thing is seeing his puppets fall for the tactics.
during his 2½ years in office Trump hasn't positioned himself into a respected international leader.}}}}

the understatement of the year
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
Obama didn’t declare war against the media and then proceed to spread lies on a daily basis like trump is doing.

Yes they overuse the race card but trump has also made some pretty racist statements so they both own responsibility and fault for the destructive atmosphere we have. The shitty thing is that they both benefit from it and we the people are the suckers.
Oboingo didn't have to push back against the media, because they sucked his dick on a daily basis and you know it.

And as for spreading outright lies, the Murican media is only mad at the God Emperor about any of them because he's horning in on their racket.
The media liked Obama because Obama was a good dude who treated them well. Just as Fox likes to kiss Trumps ass. Fox was also non stop against Obama just like the other stations are towards Trump. Let’s stop pretending we all know the game and see what’s going on.

Trump could have saved hardship by developing relationships with the media but his thin skin, huge ego, and need for an enemy to banter and discredit took over. He’d rather yell fake news than defend himself. Scary thing is seeing his puppets fall for the tactics.
It’s got to suck being you.
...Trumps presidency has shone the light on the weak, unconcerned global leadership we have had for far too long.

Honestly, I'm only a fan based on Trumps actions. I know him from the business world, I watched the Apprentice maybe two time. His entry into politics meant nothing to me at the time. It's clear if he keeps it up, it's a certainty his base and others get motivated to vote for him again in 2020.

You can sense the media fears this. They want him so badly to stop with the tariffs and upset his base and his campaign promises, but he won't stop, in spite of all history showing weak leaders do under pressure from media. They try everything to tell him "you're going to hurt yourself"! He bucks the trend and does what is right, not listening to the noise and it drives the media insane. He defies them, and rightfully so.

Now they are even throwing all these weak Primary "challengers". They won't win. It's all to create more negative attacks on him to benefit the Democrat appointee.

So, I'm watching this rag tag of leaders. None of them standing up to the massive elephant in the room. China. Everyone knows it. Citizens from South Africa to Greenland know it. These leaders know it. Yet, only Trump has the balls to deal with it. Thankfully for America and the worlds sake.

God help us, if we have to experience another global travesty (or war) with such weak global leadership. Sorry, but none of them inspire confidence. Not even Johnson who is supposed to be like Trump, but his words suggest otherwise.
Trump is waiting for his payoff & once he gets it everything will be honky dory with China again & people like you will be left standing there with your hand on your ass for falling for Trump's bullshit.
Right....That's why they invested two years into spinning a conspiracy theory so huge that even David Icke would scoff at it...Now they can't even compete with the fucking Cartoon Channel for viewership....If keeping Trump around is good for their ratings, I'd like to see what him killing their ratings looks like
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
Obama didn’t declare war against the media and then proceed to spread lies on a daily basis like trump is doing.

Yes they overuse the race card but trump has also made some pretty racist statements so they both own responsibility and fault for the destructive atmosphere we have. The shitty thing is that they both benefit from it and we the people are the suckers.
Oboingo didn't have to push back against the media, because they sucked his dick on a daily basis and you know it.

And as for spreading outright lies, the Murican media is only mad at the God Emperor about any of them because he's horning in on their racket.
The media liked Obama because Obama was a good dude who treated them well. Just as Fox likes to kiss Trumps ass. Fox was also non stop against Obama just like the other stations are towards Trump. Let’s stop pretending we all know the game and see what’s going on.

Trump could have saved hardship by developing relationships with the media but his thin skin, huge ego, and need for an enemy to banter and discredit took over. He’d rather yell fake news than defend himself. Scary thing is seeing his puppets fall for the tactics.
Do you like indica or sativa best?
Trump promised the working class and business owners that he would deal with the China problems. In spite of getting no help from those idiots in congress and other world leaders he's fighting for us.
Do you think he is effectively fighting for us? Cause so far I see him leveraging our economy at the expense of our businesses and consumers. It’s a gamble and a strong arm tactic that China doesn’t seem to be responding to. How long are you willing to fund this gamble of his?

Define "effectively" you know vs prior presidents doing jack shit nothing.
Most the time they are just calling Trump out on his lies, unless it’s fox or con media which spends most it’s time spinning and pointing the finger back at dems... but yes there is all kinds of embellishing involved. It’s because the media thrives off drama and controversy
Most of the time they're screeching "RACIST!!" because "RUSSIA!!" blew up in their faces.

If they were really interested in exposing lies, they would have been just as hard on Barry Oboingo, instead of having their collective heads jammed up his ass like they did....But they didn't because they're not.
Obama didn’t declare war against the media and then proceed to spread lies on a daily basis like trump is doing.

Yes they overuse the race card but trump has also made some pretty racist statements so they both own responsibility and fault for the destructive atmosphere we have. The shitty thing is that they both benefit from it and we the people are the suckers.
Oboingo didn't have to push back against the media, because they sucked his dick on a daily basis and you know it.

And as for spreading outright lies, the Murican media is only mad at the God Emperor about any of them because he's horning in on their racket.
The media liked Obama because Obama was a good dude who treated them well. Just as Fox likes to kiss Trumps ass. Fox was also non stop against Obama just like the other stations are towards Trump. Let’s stop pretending we all know the game and see what’s going on.

Trump could have saved hardship by developing relationships with the media but his thin skin, huge ego, and need for an enemy to banter and discredit took over. He’d rather yell fake news than defend himself. Scary thing is seeing his puppets fall for the tactics.
It’s got to suck being you.

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