Water Guns (usa): Theater


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Let's throw a proverbial monkey wrench into the tired old debate about citizens' rights to own guns.

The NRA has achieved much for those who support them, and home-defense handguns, hunting rifles, and high-gear police station armaments continued to be perceived as symbols of democratic space self-determination.

The Hollywood (USA) movie "The Purge" (2013) presents a fantasia-paranoia story about an elitist community enforcing a havoc-themed curfew law that is challenged by the desperate needs of the lone gunmen and libertine home-owner.

Some of my personal favorite gun equipment include the Beretta, Smith & Wesson 9mm, RAP4 Spyder with Special Ops Silencer, and the ParaOrdnance Longslide. I've never served in the armed forces or with the police forces, but I'm a big fan of action equipment surveillance.

So I'm going to add a spice to this hot arena --- the water gun.

America is the global hub of toys, and American toys arguably outshine toys from other nations. American toy companies such as Toys 'R Us are immensely profitable. These companies shelve countless water guns and offer kids of all ages an imagination world of play-fighting equipment --- the fake gun.

While there are a lot of toy guns or fake guns out there, I'm adding this special note specifically about water guns, simply because they annoy or shake the person they are aimed at without actually harming them physically.

I believe that the capital marketing of toy guns in our age of convenience consumerism represents a social investment in 'perception control.'

Beware the Green Goblin who throws you off the water gun track in the USA with his nefarious Halloween 2014 acid-filled pumpkin bombs (the new eco-terrorism Molotov cocktail).


Water Warriors - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Halloween 2014

This Halloween, the wide distribution of comic book-themed TV programs such as "Arrow" (The CW) and "Gotham" (Fox TV) has intensely spiked social appreciation of vigilantism-playgrounds and cop fantasies.

It would not be surprising to find that children will go trick-or-treating not only in costumes but carrying water guns.

There's no reason that consumerism can not be coordinated with community spirit.

Americans make the best toys in the world, and you can find the perfect water gun at your local Toys 'R Us for Halloween.

Maybe the USA can compete with Canada and Mexico in water gun sales for continental dominance in this emerged symbolic consumerism market.

The Factory

There is a secret underground club called the Order of the Phantom (Lee Falk comics-related) which keeps in its treasure chest various gun molds of wax intended to serve as pedagoguery blueprints for a line of waxen water-guns. Wax and hot water are not a great mix, so this line is purely symbolic. The idea is to promote water-gun sales.

This trophy case is a clear example of the modern sociological marketability of water-gun themed propaganda informing debates surrounding the NRA.

I am a member of the Order of the Phantom, and other members include Tom Cruise, Jeremy Piven, and Dick Tracy.


Phantom comics novels - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Brand Marketing Awning

Let's throw in some brand marketing into this issue/topic.

Let's imagine you purchase a G.I. Joe toy water-gun for your kids this summer and they use it to fantasy-play create a simulation war-games scenario involving terrorists and American police vying with each other for dominion in the landscape of the American backyard.

Would you start to see how water-guns encourage imagination about violence re-invention?

Only in America...



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