Waterboarding, Are you liberals that hypocritical and just downright DUMB?

IQ of 160+?

I have to call BULLSHIT on that!!!!!

The one thing that really proves his IQ is closer to 70 is his question.

"When the fuck was it forbidden that woman [sic] or blacks couldn't vote?"


A person with an IQ of 70 would find it difficult to operate a rotary phone or use a blender let alone master the internet...

That is certainly common knowledge....

"retarded" is not an insult - it actually has a definition.

Posting on a message board is mastering the internet?

I'd say anyone that didn't know that there was a time in our nations history that women nor blacks were allowed to vote is either borderline retarded or completely ignorant of US history and certainly not a person who claims an IQ of 160+.
You applaud Obama "getting Bin Ladin" out of one side of your mouths and condemn waterboarding out of the other side of your mouths?

How stupid is that? How do you think Obama GOT Osama? Bin Ladin just gave himself up? NO! We got the intel FROM WATERBOARDING!!!!

Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information

Leon Panetta, the CIA director, has confirmed that controversial "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as waterboarding yielded some of the intelligence information that ultimately led to Osama bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information - Telegraph

You libs can't have it both ways! You can't applaud Obama getting Osama THEN condemn the Republican position on waterboarding at the same time.

Pretty DAMN STUPID to make waterboarding an issue in the election, because that just brings back WHY we have waterboarding.


Remember how many people died on 9/11 because Clinton made getting intel so difficult? Like putting walls between the agencies and rules like you can't use informers that were former terrorrists?

There's a reason why many people lay 9/11 on Clinton's doormat. Because it was HIS policies about collecting intel that made 9/11 possible.

And it was BUSH'S change in those rules about collecting intel, INCLUDING WATERBOARDING that got Bin Ladin, and has kept another 9/11 from happening until this day.

But then, we KNOW why you libs really condemn wateboarding. BECAUSE IT PROVES BUSH IS THE ONE THAT GOT BIN LADIN. It was HIS methods of collecting intel that got us the information to take that SOB out.

Even the CIA Chief admits that.

If Obama and you libs had your way, there would have been no waterboarding and Bin Ladin would still be out there.

Pretty stupid libs. Keep bringing back these issues to the voter's mind.

2012 is coming!


Not true! Apparently you didn't read the Michele Bachmann waterboarding thread. Panetta told John McCain that waterboarding had NOTHING to do with finding Osama bin Laden. Damn, you Tea-Tards are too easy.

More lies from the right.
Yow. Your post made less sense than your usual pile of bloody diarrhea.

Cut back on the meds.

Your asinine attempt at insults is about as pathetic as your attempt at sounding logical. Liberals think they can dodge, deflect, lie.. and the truth will be covered up. Those days are gone. Liberals don't give a shit about free speech unless it affects their own agenda.. it's well known and documented so shove your stupid innocent act.. That dog no longer barks dummy.
You don't even know what the hell you were replying to.

I asked your buddy Nick here how he intends to put liberals in concentration camps, as he has repeatedly said on this thread, and asked for specifics, and you make some stupid post about how I am whining about free speech.

Even when your reply has something remotely to do with what you are quoting, you sound like a harping skank. It just looks grand mal epileptic when it doesn't even relate to the post you quote.

Certainly I do STOOPID.. YOU and your ridiculously pathetic attempt to LIE.. The hypocrisy of the left whining about FREE SPEECH is as outdated as your yowls of racism!! IN other words, stuff it up your ass.. No one gives a shit about liberal bedwetting any longer..
Your asinine attempt at insults is about as pathetic as your attempt at sounding logical. Liberals think they can dodge, deflect, lie.. and the truth will be covered up. Those days are gone. Liberals don't give a shit about free speech unless it affects their own agenda.. it's well known and documented so shove your stupid innocent act.. That dog no longer barks dummy.
You don't even know what the hell you were replying to.

I asked your buddy Nick here how he intends to put liberals in concentration camps, as he has repeatedly said on this thread, and asked for specifics, and you make some stupid post about how I am whining about free speech.

Even when your reply has something remotely to do with what you are quoting, you sound like a harping skank. It just looks grand mal epileptic when it doesn't even relate to the post you quote.

Certainly I do STOOPID.. YOU and your ridiculously pathetic attempt to LIE.. The hypocrisy of the left whining about FREE SPEECH is as outdated as your yowls of racism!! IN other words, stuff it up your ass.. No one gives a shit about liberal bedwetting any longer..

You're apparently oblivious to what this concentrat...........conversation is about.
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.

You just get thrown in camps or outcasted or shunned by your communities.

Have you considered public stoning?
Your asinine attempt at insults is about as pathetic as your attempt at sounding logical. Liberals think they can dodge, deflect, lie.. and the truth will be covered up. Those days are gone. Liberals don't give a shit about free speech unless it affects their own agenda.. it's well known and documented so shove your stupid innocent act.. That dog no longer barks dummy.
You don't even know what the hell you were replying to.

I asked your buddy Nick here how he intends to put liberals in concentration camps, as he has repeatedly said on this thread, and asked for specifics, and you make some stupid post about how I am whining about free speech.

Even when your reply has something remotely to do with what you are quoting, you sound like a harping skank. It just looks grand mal epileptic when it doesn't even relate to the post you quote.

Certainly I do STOOPID.. YOU and your ridiculously pathetic attempt to LIE.. The hypocrisy of the left whining about FREE SPEECH is as outdated as your yowls of racism!! IN other words, stuff it up your ass.. No one gives a shit about liberal bedwetting any longer..
If you're really intent upon embarrassing yourself further, be my guest.
Killing vs. waterboarding took the Obama policy off the table. If captured the American public would've cried for waterboarding!!!
0-2 board genius

It was not FDR
It was not Truman

It was Ike, a Republican, who executed the Rosenbergs

Oh shut the fuck up... I'd bet absolutely everything I own that you had no idea who the fuck they were until I brought them up..

:lol:, is this guy for real?

what a douchebag.

Can you believe this guy has such a limited view of the world that he thinks the Rosenbergs are some obscure historical footnote?
Oh shut the fuck up... I'd bet absolutely everything I own that you had no idea who the fuck they were until I brought them up..

:lol:, is this guy for real?

what a douchebag.

Can you believe this guy has such a limited view of the world that he thinks the Rosenbergs are some obscure historical footnote?

i think he has a good chance of blowing himself and his shack up in the future while trying to make a bomb.

a poor misunderstood creature.
Isn't it wonderful how these 'Conservatives' are so eager to torture and kill other human beings? The idea of our nation taking care of it's children is socialism to them. But the military, possibly the biggest socialist organzation for all nations, is their baby. Even when the military would just like the dimb bulb 'Conservatives' to just go away?
So you advocate violence against me??

I thought you progressive "liberals" were all peaceful and lovy-dubby...

I think not...

You're more than welcome to come over any time you want buddy - I'm a boxer and boxed for a decade I could TKO you in 3 punches...

Lets see..you have an IQ of 160..you can knock someone out in three punches..and you play hockey.

Well you've threatened to waterboard me, pal. My picture is up in my profile and I live in Greenpoint. I am generally walking my dog around 9:30-10:00 am in McCarren park.

You are still welcome to try. :lol:

I can probably knock out a grown adult male with 3-punches, I play hockey in a senor/beer league where we don't hit, besides I generally play goal..

I don't believe an IQ means much - just because a person or individual has the talent to lean or cram their brain doesn't necessarily mean they will find truth...... They may find THEIR truth but not the truth...

Do you wear a sombrero in the senor hockey league?

You do not have an IQ of 160. Please......just stop.
The libs are NEVER going to admit your right. Trying to convince them of anything is a huge waste of time, they'll just respond with crap like this which means nothing. I don't know if it's pride or stupidity - but no matter what proof is given them they won't let themselves agree. The only reason i can come up with is they all side with the terrorists. Doesn't matter that the terrorists would do ten times worse things to us if we were taken prisoner.

Would you like to discuss which one of us has a political ideology that is closer to that of the "terrorists"?

The OP contained no proof. It was an article discussing a moment of speculation by the former CIA Director. The article even stated that there is no way of determining if NOT USING WATERBOARDING would have yielded a different result.

Waterboarding is torture. We do not torture people.

So you think it's ok that the terrorists use torcher? It's ok for them to treat our soldiers, and civilians, with contempt and abuse....including beheadings? They'll do ANYTHING to get information out of people, including killing them in the end. NOBODY has died from waterboarding! For our government to come right out and say we will not torcher anyone, including waterboarding, just gives our enemies more strength. What have they got to be afraid of???

When Obama said this, and said if we were attacked by nuclear or chemical weapons we would not retaliate...he committed TREASON. To announce this to the world was probably the most stupid move he's made. The terrorists are not US citizens, they do not follow the Geneva convention, they don't care who they kill or how.

Why are you people siding with people that want to see the US destroyed???? How will you feel if one of your sons or daughters are killed in a terrorist attack when it happens again??

torcher? Too much fun!
Isn't it wonderful how these 'Conservatives' are so eager to torture and kill other human beings? The idea of our nation taking care of it's children is socialism to them. But the military, possibly the biggest socialist organzation for all nations, is their baby. Even when the military would just like the dimb bulb 'Conservatives' to just go away?

LIE....my son is in the military and he says that's not the consensus. Why lie?
Would you like to discuss which one of us has a political ideology that is closer to that of the "terrorists"?

The OP contained no proof. It was an article discussing a moment of speculation by the former CIA Director. The article even stated that there is no way of determining if NOT USING WATERBOARDING would have yielded a different result.

Waterboarding is torture. We do not torture people.

So you think it's ok that the terrorists use torcher? It's ok for them to treat our soldiers, and civilians, with contempt and abuse....including beheadings? They'll do ANYTHING to get information out of people, including killing them in the end. NOBODY has died from waterboarding! For our government to come right out and say we will not torcher anyone, including waterboarding, just gives our enemies more strength. What have they got to be afraid of???

When Obama said this, and said if we were attacked by nuclear or chemical weapons we would not retaliate...he committed TREASON. To announce this to the world was probably the most stupid move he's made. The terrorists are not US citizens, they do not follow the Geneva convention, they don't care who they kill or how.

Why are you people siding with people that want to see the US destroyed???? How will you feel if one of your sons or daughters are killed in a terrorist attack when it happens again??

torcher? Too much fun!

oops...i miss-spelled something. I know, NOBODY has done that before....right? I bet you never have.
So you think it's ok that the terrorists use torcher? It's ok for them to treat our soldiers, and civilians, with contempt and abuse....including beheadings? They'll do ANYTHING to get information out of people, including killing them in the end. NOBODY has died from waterboarding! For our government to come right out and say we will not torcher anyone, including waterboarding, just gives our enemies more strength. What have they got to be afraid of???

When Obama said this, and said if we were attacked by nuclear or chemical weapons we would not retaliate...he committed TREASON. To announce this to the world was probably the most stupid move he's made. The terrorists are not US citizens, they do not follow the Geneva convention, they don't care who they kill or how.

Why are you people siding with people that want to see the US destroyed???? How will you feel if one of your sons or daughters are killed in a terrorist attack when it happens again??

torcher? Too much fun!

oops...i miss-spelled something. I know, NOBODY has done that before....right? I bet you never have.

Nope. I have misspelled many words in my time. But you are a dummy, so it is fun to point it out when you do it.

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