Waterboarding, Are you liberals that hypocritical and just downright DUMB?

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.

Yes Nick is our very own Ted Kascinsky ranting about his own secret world and how only he understands the concept of American freedom

Threatening to throw people into concentration camps to protect the Constitution is an all time irony

When progressive socialists disagree with your politics you become the uni-bomber...

Why can't I be OBL???

Why not call me Rand Weaver or David Koresh for that matter, maybe Jim Jones....
Oh yeah It would be the cherry on the fucking sundae if someone called me McVeih next.
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.

Yes Nick is our very own Ted Kascinsky ranting about his own secret world and how only he understands the concept of American freedom

Threatening to throw people into concentration camps to protect the Constitution is an all time irony

When progressive socialists disagree with your politics you become the uni-bomber...

Why can't I be OBL???

Why not call me Rand Weaver or David Koresh for that matter, maybe Jim Jones....

And when a fascist disagrees with your views, he wants to throw you into a concentration camp and have you burned like the Jews.

Hyperbole meet hyperbole.
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.

Yes Nick is our very own Ted Kascinsky ranting about his own secret world and how only he understands the concept of American freedom

Threatening to throw people into concentration camps to protect the Constitution is an all time irony

When progressive socialists disagree with your politics you become the uni-bomber...

Why can't I be OBL???

Why not call me Rand Weaver or David Koresh for that matter, maybe Jim Jones....

No....I have read your posts

They more closely resemble the writings of Ted Kascinsky. Weaver and Koresh actually had good social skills you seem more like a Ted to me
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Oh yeah It would be the cherry on the fucking sundae if someone called me McVeih next.

Rightwinger is a low life scumbag.. no matter the politics one should never engage in comparing an American to the worst filth, ie terrorists simply over ideology. Ignore the loser.
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Yes Nick is our very own Ted Kascinsky ranting about his own secret world and how only he understands the concept of American freedom

Threatening to throw people into concentration camps to protect the Constitution is an all time irony

When progressive socialists disagree with your politics you become the uni-bomber...

Why can't I be OBL???

Why not call me Rand Weaver or David Koresh for that matter, maybe Jim Jones....

No....I have read your posts

They more closely resemble the writings of Ted Kascinsky

You're the forum posterboy for a FUCKTARD.. Truly.. congrats.
Oh yeah It would be the cherry on the fucking sundae if someone called me McVeih next.

RightWinger is a low life scumbag.. no matter the politics one should never engage in comparing an American to the worst filth, ie terrorists simply over ideology. Ignore the loser.

Should someone propose throwing people into concentration camps, and call it protecting the Bill of Rights?
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.
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When progressive socialists disagree with your politics you become the uni-bomber...

Why can't I be OBL???

Why not call me Rand Weaver or David Koresh for that matter, maybe Jim Jones....

No....I have read your posts

They more closely resemble the writings of Ted Kascinsky

You're the forum posterboy for a FUCKTARD.. Truly.. congrats.

No, I have actually read the rants of poor Nick. He has serious social and emotional issues that one should not take lightly. His reactions to other people and emotional outbursts reveal a troubled mind
If you read a book on them, wouldn't you know that they were executed for passing atomic bomb secrets? Wouldn't you know that FDR died before the bomb was dropped?

Me thinks, you are not as intelligent as you claim to be

I know all about it dummy..

You ever read the letters they left to their children before they were zapped to death?

I read a book about them 10 years ago, but recently read their letters to their children. In those letters they knew they were going to die - they were very sad letters...

You see Nick..

Unlike you, who grew up with your head up your ass when it came to current events, I actually paid attention to the news and the political situation. Anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s knew about the Rosenbergs. It is only your generation who acts like they just discovered a hidden secret

Aren't you tired of all the board liberals schooling you on American History? You really should have paid more attention growing up

I'm owning all of you... the funny part is you don't know it...
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.
Liberals whining about free speech???? ROFLMAO The very same leftists who have tried their damn'd est to shut down Talk Radio even trying to use the FCC???? Go fuck yourselves.
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I know all about it dummy..

You ever read the letters they left to their children before they were zapped to death?

I read a book about them 10 years ago, but recently read their letters to their children. In those letters they knew they were going to die - they were very sad letters...

You see Nick..

Unlike you, who grew up with your head up your ass when it came to current events, I actually paid attention to the news and the political situation. Anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s knew about the Rosenbergs. It is only your generation who acts like they just discovered a hidden secret

Aren't you tired of all the board liberals schooling you on American History? You really should have paid more attention growing up

I'm owning all of you... the funny part is you don't know it...

Owning at being incorrect re: history, laws, the bill of rights, and your own IQ? orlly :lol:
I know all about it dummy..

You ever read the letters they left to their children before they were zapped to death?

I read a book about them 10 years ago, but recently read their letters to their children. In those letters they knew they were going to die - they were very sad letters...

You see Nick..

Unlike you, who grew up with your head up your ass when it came to current events, I actually paid attention to the news and the political situation. Anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s knew about the Rosenbergs. It is only your generation who acts like they just discovered a hidden secret

Aren't you tired of all the board liberals schooling you on American History? You really should have paid more attention growing up

I'm owning all of you... the funny part is you don't know it...

You have been repeatedly humiliated on this thread by your hated liberals.
You see Nick..

Unlike you, who grew up with your head up your ass when it came to current events, I actually paid attention to the news and the political situation. Anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s knew about the Rosenbergs. It is only your generation who acts like they just discovered a hidden secret

Aren't you tired of all the board liberals schooling you on American History? You really should have paid more attention growing up

I'm owning all of you... the funny part is you don't know it...

You have been repeatedly humiliated on this thread by your hated liberals.

I'm not a liberal, fwiw
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.
Liberals whining about free speech???? ROFLMAO The very same leftists who have tried their damn'd est to shut down Talk Radio even trying to use the FCC???? Go fuck yourselves.
Yow. Your post made less sense than your usual pile of bloody diarrhea.

Cut back on the meds.
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.

You just get thrown in camps or outcasted or shunned by your communities.
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.
Liberals whining about free speech???? ROFLMAO The very same leftists who have tried their damn'd est to shut down Talk Radio even trying to use the FCC???? Go fuck yourselves.
Yow. Your post made less sense than your usual pile of bloody diarrhea.

Cut back on the meds.

Your asinine attempt at insults is about as pathetic as your attempt at sounding logical. Liberals think they can dodge, deflect, lie.. and the truth will be covered up. Those days are gone. Liberals don't give a shit about free speech unless it affects their own agenda.. it's well known and documented so shove your stupid innocent act.. That dog no longer barks dummy.
You see Nick..

Unlike you, who grew up with your head up your ass when it came to current events, I actually paid attention to the news and the political situation. Anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s knew about the Rosenbergs. It is only your generation who acts like they just discovered a hidden secret

Aren't you tired of all the board liberals schooling you on American History? You really should have paid more attention growing up

I'm owning all of you... the funny part is you don't know it...

You have been repeatedly humiliated on this thread by your hated liberals.

Only in your own mind...
So tell us Nick. I 'd like to know how this plan of yours to throw progressives in the prison camp works.

Do you pick 'em up and toss em in after they have written a Letter to the Editor or messageboard posts....after they come back from the voting booth...if they have an Obama bumpersticker...or how bout everyone wearing Birkenstock's --- Is this like a "I know 'em when I see 'em" kinda thing?

Do you stop at 1 million? 20 million? Who will guard the camps and do you intend to feed them, or you just going to let them starve.

I'd love to hear the details. Please, this would be fascinating.

You just get thrown in camps or outcasted or shunned by your communities.
"You just get thrown in camp..."

Well that was really specific. I see you have this whole "throw progressives in concentration camps" thing really worked out.
Liberals whining about free speech???? ROFLMAO The very same leftists who have tried their damn'd est to shut down Talk Radio even trying to use the FCC???? Go fuck yourselves.
Yow. Your post made less sense than your usual pile of bloody diarrhea.

Cut back on the meds.

Your asinine attempt at insults is about as pathetic as your attempt at sounding logical. Liberals think they can dodge, deflect, lie.. and the truth will be covered up. Those days are gone. Liberals don't give a shit about free speech unless it affects their own agenda.. it's well known and documented so shove your stupid innocent act.. That dog no longer barks dummy.
You don't even know what the hell you were replying to.

I asked your buddy Nick here how he intends to put liberals in concentration camps, as he has repeatedly said on this thread, and asked for specifics, and you make some stupid post about how I am whining about free speech.

Even when your reply has something remotely to do with what you are quoting, you sound like a harping skank. It just looks grand mal epileptic when it doesn't even relate to the post you quote.

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