Waterboarding, Are you liberals that hypocritical and just downright DUMB?

You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.
Truman, dickhead.

You are correct.....

But it still proves my point...

Umm, no it doesn't.

They had a TRIAL, douche-towel.

When was there trials before throwing people into concentration camps?

Or are you going to walk that back now, and say "oh oh but with trials" ?

Because, face it, your posts were rich with irony and idiocy -- > claiming you'll throw people in camps while simultaneously claiming to uphold the Bill of Rights.

Get your first clue.

And what's treasonous about Political disagreements?

stfu. Seriously.

Wikipedia is great - I bet anything you wish you had absolutely no idea who the Rosenbergs were 30 minutes ago when I read a book about them a decade ago...
You are correct.....

But it still proves my point...

0-2 board genius

It was not FDR
It was not Truman

It was Ike, a Republican, who executed the Rosenbergs

Oh shut the fuck up... I'd bet absolutely everything I own that you had no idea who the fuck they were until I brought them up..

I knew who the Rosenbergs were long before you were born. Unlike you, I actually paid attention while I was in school.
You are correct.....

But it still proves my point...

Umm, no it doesn't.

They had a TRIAL, douche-towel.

When was there trials before throwing people into concentration camps?

Or are you going to walk that back now, and say "oh oh but with trials" ?

Because, face it, your posts were rich with irony and idiocy -- > claiming you'll throw people in camps while simultaneously claiming to uphold the Bill of Rights.

Get your first clue.

And what's treasonous about Political disagreements?

stfu. Seriously.

Wikipedia is great - I bet anything you wish you had absolutely no idea who the Rosenbergs were 30 minutes ago when I read a book about them a decade ago...

You obviously had no idea. :lol: FDR
You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?
What an asinine comment, teapartysamurai, for several reasons.

No, waterboarding did not lead to Osama.

No, you are not a conservative,

Yes, you are a reactionary wack who has no business in the Republican Party.

A benyan like you has no business spouting off, but, hey, it is a free country, so continue to look stupid. You wear it so well.
You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?

:lol::lol: more rich irony :lol::lol:
You are correct.....

But it still proves my point...

Umm, no it doesn't.

They had a TRIAL, douche-towel.

When was there trials before throwing people into concentration camps?

Or are you going to walk that back now, and say "oh oh but with trials" ?

Because, face it, your posts were rich with irony and idiocy -- > claiming you'll throw people in camps while simultaneously claiming to uphold the Bill of Rights.

Get your first clue.

And what's treasonous about Political disagreements?

stfu. Seriously.

Wikipedia is great - I bet anything you wish you had absolutely no idea who the Rosenbergs were 30 minutes ago when I read a book about them a decade ago...

If you read a book on them, wouldn't you know that they were executed for passing atomic bomb secrets? Wouldn't you know that FDR died before the bomb was dropped?

Me thinks, you are not as intelligent as you claim to be
You applaud Obama "getting Bin Ladin" out of one side of your mouths and condemn waterboarding out of the other side of your mouths?

How stupid is that? How do you think Obama GOT Osama? Bin Ladin just gave himself up? NO! We got the intel FROM WATERBOARDING!!!!

Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information

Leon Panetta, the CIA director, has confirmed that controversial "enhanced interrogation techniques" such as waterboarding yielded some of the intelligence information that ultimately led to Osama bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden killed: CIA admits waterboarding yielded vital information - Telegraph

You libs can't have it both ways! You can't applaud Obama getting Osama THEN condemn the Republican position on waterboarding at the same time.

Pretty DAMN STUPID to make waterboarding an issue in the election, because that just brings back WHY we have waterboarding.


Remember how many people died on 9/11 because Clinton made getting intel so difficult? Like putting walls between the agencies and rules like you can't use informers that were former terrorrists?

There's a reason why many people lay 9/11 on Clinton's doormat. Because it was HIS policies about collecting intel that made 9/11 possible.

And it was BUSH'S change in those rules about collecting intel, INCLUDING WATERBOARDING that got Bin Ladin, and has kept another 9/11 from happening until this day.

But then, we KNOW why you libs really condemn wateboarding. BECAUSE IT PROVES BUSH IS THE ONE THAT GOT BIN LADIN. It was HIS methods of collecting intel that got us the information to take that SOB out.

Even the CIA Chief admits that.

If Obama and you libs had your way, there would have been no waterboarding and Bin Ladin would still be out there.

Pretty stupid libs. Keep bringing back these issues to the voter's mind.

2012 is coming!


Not true! Apparently you didn't read the Michele Bachmann waterboarding thread. Panetta told John McCain that waterboarding had NOTHING to do with finding Osama bin Laden. Damn, you Tea-Tards are too easy.

I do agree with Bachmann and West, among many others, on waterboarding. I think America has waterboarded 3 terrorists.***

Retired Lt. Col. Allen West, now U.S. Representative from Florida Allen West, provides some important and much-needed perspective on the perennial liberal angst over waterboarding (not that things like perspective, facts, logic, reason, national security, or saving innocent human lives really mean much to the anti-American Left anyway).

As Rep. West points out in the interview below, President Obama, for all his fluster and bluster over giving terrorists a much-needed face wash, is the beneficiary of information gained from waterboarding. He probably lacks the guts to obtain it himself, but he has benefited from what was obtained during the Bush Administration, and that has helped keep America safe

West further points out that many of our servicemen are waterboarded as part of their training. Would we really subject our own soldiers to torture …if waterboarding were torture?

Much more: Rep and Retired LTC Allen West on Waterboarding
Umm, no it doesn't.

They had a TRIAL, douche-towel.

When was there trials before throwing people into concentration camps?

Or are you going to walk that back now, and say "oh oh but with trials" ?

Because, face it, your posts were rich with irony and idiocy -- > claiming you'll throw people in camps while simultaneously claiming to uphold the Bill of Rights.

Get your first clue.

And what's treasonous about Political disagreements?

stfu. Seriously.

Wikipedia is great - I bet anything you wish you had absolutely no idea who the Rosenbergs were 30 minutes ago when I read a book about them a decade ago...

You obviously had no idea. :lol: FDR

I know FDR...

However that is kindergarten to me...

Right now I'm reading more in depth about Japanese using Chinese babies for sward skeet chopping.

Trust me I know all about that tyrant bastard FDR...

If you want degree you have to read about how that motherfucker was the greatest piece of shit humanity has ever received and anything other than that is a C...
You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.
You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.

:eek: s0nned!!!
Umm, no it doesn't.

They had a TRIAL, douche-towel.

When was there trials before throwing people into concentration camps?

Or are you going to walk that back now, and say "oh oh but with trials" ?

Because, face it, your posts were rich with irony and idiocy -- > claiming you'll throw people in camps while simultaneously claiming to uphold the Bill of Rights.

Get your first clue.

And what's treasonous about Political disagreements?

stfu. Seriously.

Wikipedia is great - I bet anything you wish you had absolutely no idea who the Rosenbergs were 30 minutes ago when I read a book about them a decade ago...

If you read a book on them, wouldn't you know that they were executed for passing atomic bomb secrets? Wouldn't you know that FDR died before the bomb was dropped?

Me thinks, you are not as intelligent as you claim to be

I know all about it dummy..

You ever read the letters they left to their children before they were zapped to death?

I read a book about them 10 years ago, but recently read their letters to their children. In those letters they knew they were going to die - they were very sad letters...
Detailed investigations by the New York Times and National Public Radio (among others) confirm that torture did not yield actionable information. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times at a CIA "black site". Much of what he said while undergoing this barbaric treatment turned out to be lies. Mohammed gave up the good stuff months later to interrogators using subtler techniques.

So it's true, the guy who gave up tha actionable infomation on bin Laden was tortured. But that infomation wasn't gained because of the torture.

Do you guy have these lies on a spinner or what?
You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.

First off I have not an idea what my IQ is - it was only assumed at 160, not to mention that only gives me the ability ...............

Many people in this world are smart but they don't take advantage of their gifts....

Did it ever occur to that maybe you can be wrong??? I can be.....
Wikipedia is great - I bet anything you wish you had absolutely no idea who the Rosenbergs were 30 minutes ago when I read a book about them a decade ago...

If you read a book on them, wouldn't you know that they were executed for passing atomic bomb secrets? Wouldn't you know that FDR died before the bomb was dropped?

Me thinks, you are not as intelligent as you claim to be

I know all about it dummy..

You ever read the letters they left to their children before they were zapped to death?

I read a book about them 10 years ago, but recently read their letters to their children. In those letters they knew they were going to die - they were very sad letters...

You see Nick..

Unlike you, who grew up with your head up your ass when it came to current events, I actually paid attention to the news and the political situation. Anyone who grew up in the 50s and 60s knew about the Rosenbergs. It is only your generation who acts like they just discovered a hidden secret

Aren't you tired of all the board liberals schooling you on American History? You really should have paid more attention growing up
You know, when I opened up this thread, I thought no one could be as skull-fuckingly stupid as teapartysamauri.

Congratulations Nick. You have outdone her to the power of 10.

Where I'm from we call that "throwing shit from the sidelines."

Those who threw shit from the sidelines got owned or they were the bully..

You a dumbass or a bully?
Where I'm from, it's called laughing my ass off at the idiot who claims a 160 IQ, yet wants to protect the Constitution by throwing political opponents in prison camps,

refers to the post constitution Amendments as tyrannical, doesn't seem to know there were laws that prevented blacks and women from voting,

thinks the 14th Amendment "manifests the authorization of anarchy," and has divined some magical secret knowledge of history no one else here has about the Rosenberg's, yet ridicules people cause they didn't know it was a dead president who executed them.

Naw, what this is - is a point & laugh gathering moment as we pass the deranged lunatic in the sandwich boards on the streetcorner, wondering when the guys from the asylum will be back to pick him up.

Yes Nick is our very own Ted Kascinsky ranting about his own secret world and how only he understands the concept of American freedom

Threatening to throw people into concentration camps to protect the Constitution is an all time irony
What an asinine comment, teapartysamurai, for several reasons.

No, waterboarding did not lead to Osama.

No, you are not a conservative,

Yes, you are a reactionary wack who has no business in the Republican Party.

A benyan like you has no business spouting off, but, hey, it is a free country, so continue to look stupid. You wear it so well.

You don't even know what "reactionary" means....

It's certainly a delight to watch you burn in your own ignorance...

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