Waterboarding, Are you liberals that hypocritical and just downright DUMB?

I laugh at you everyday....

You're not on my ignore list for a reason......

Face it Nick, you are a social outcast. You have no real friends, your attempts at social interaction generally lead to you being ostracized. You have problems at work.

You claim to be a libertarian but that is just an excuse because you just don't fit in

I have an IQ of 160 +l (its difficult to determine when it's that high)

I probably had more friends when I was a progressive but that doesn't matter - what does matter is REALITY....

I'd take reality over friends everyday or anyday.....

Besides most of those I knew are dead or in prison - which makes a man think and find the truth to begin with...

I feel sorry for you...

You know nothing about me.....

Wow.......I, for one, am impressed. I am just a lowly sewer worker

You are probably the smartest person on this board. What did it do for you? Did you manage to get an advanced degree? Other than becoming an anarchist, what has those smarts done for you?

How many times did you get kicked out of school Nick? I bet none of them were your fault. How many times have you been fired from a job? Bet they were just jealous of your IQ.

You have problems functioning in social situations, don't you?
So you advocate violence against me??

I thought you progressive "liberals" were all peaceful and lovy-dubby...

I think not...

You're more than welcome to come over any time you want buddy - I'm a boxer and boxed for a decade I could TKO you in 3 punches...

Lets see..you have an IQ of 160..you can knock someone out in three punches..and you play hockey.

Well you've threatened to waterboard me, pal. My picture is up in my profile and I live in Greenpoint. I am generally walking my dog around 9:30-10:00 am in McCarren park.

You are still welcome to try. :lol:

I can probably knock out a grown adult male with 3-punches, I play hockey in a senor/beer league where we don't hit, besides I generally play goal..

I don't believe an IQ means much - just because a person or individual has the talent to lean or cram their brain doesn't necessarily mean they will find truth...... They may find THEIR truth but not the truth...

A knockout is usually 1 punch, handled. Are the other two going to be misses, or just warm ups? :blahblah:
Hey, sometimes Court can be arbitrary. Kangaroo Courts are not much better at serving justice either.

Just because he's on your side of most issues, doesn't mean you have to help him pimp his idea of putting everyone on "the left" in concentration camps.

Loons are loons.


I don't think Anyone belongs in a Concentration Camp. Scout's Honor. :)

Scout's Honor is gleefully accepted.
You applaud Obama "getting Bin Ladin" out of one side of your mouths and condemn waterboarding out of the other side of your mouths?

How stupid is that? How do you think Obama GOT Osama? Bin Ladin just gave himself up? NO! We got the intel FROM WATERBOARDING!!!!

C'mon....c'mon.....that little gem came from Bill O'Lielly's comedy-show.....and, The American People know Bill-O is.....

Face it Nick, you are a social outcast. You have no real friends, your attempts at social interaction generally lead to you being ostracized. You have problems at work.

You claim to be a libertarian but that is just an excuse because you just don't fit in

I have an IQ of 160 +l (its difficult to determine when it's that high)

I probably had more friends when I was a progressive but that doesn't matter - what does matter is REALITY....

I'd take reality over friends everyday or anyday.....

Besides most of those I knew are dead or in prison - which makes a man think and find the truth to begin with...

I feel sorry for you...

You know nothing about me.....

Oh, thank you. Now I understand. You took that last step past scary intelligent to COMPLETELY unhinged.

It is difficult for me too that most don't understand the Bill of Rights or the Constitution.
Lets see..you have an IQ of 160..you can knock someone out in three punches..and you play hockey.

Well you've threatened to waterboard me, pal. My picture is up in my profile and I live in Greenpoint. I am generally walking my dog around 9:30-10:00 am in McCarren park.

You are still welcome to try. :lol:

I can probably knock out a grown adult male with 3-punches, I play hockey in a senor/beer league where we don't hit, besides I generally play goal..

I don't believe an IQ means much - just because a person or individual has the talent to lean or cram their brain doesn't necessarily mean they will find truth...... They may find THEIR truth but not the truth...

A knockout is usually 1 punch, handled. Are the other two going to be misses, or just warm ups? :blahblah:

For you it will take two...
I laugh at you everyday....

You're not on my ignore list for a reason......

Face it Nick, you are a social outcast. You have no real friends, your attempts at social interaction generally lead to you being ostracized. You have problems at work.

You claim to be a libertarian but that is just an excuse because you just don't fit in

I have an IQ of 160 +l (its difficult to determine when it's that high)

I probably had more friends when I was a progressive but that doesn't matter - what does matter is REALITY....

I'd take reality over friends everyday or anyday.....

Besides most of those I knew are dead or in prison - which makes a man think and find the truth to begin with...

I feel sorry for you...

You know nothing about me.....

We have seen what happens to people with extremely high IQs who have difficulty fitting into society.

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. As a result of testing conducted in the fifth grade, which determined he had an IQ of 167, he was allowed to skip the sixth grade and enroll in the seventh grade. Kaczynski described this as a pivotal event in his life. He recalled not fitting in with the older children and being subjected to their bullying

Have you been keeping up with your manifesto Nick?
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I can probably knock out a grown adult male with 3-punches, I play hockey in a senor/beer league where we don't hit, besides I generally play goal..

I don't believe an IQ means much - just because a person or individual has the talent to lean or cram their brain doesn't necessarily mean they will find truth...... They may find THEIR truth but not the truth...

A knockout is usually 1 punch, handled. Are the other two going to be misses, or just warm ups? :blahblah:

For you it will take two...

A smart man with such a high IQ knows that he cannot judge a ghost on a message board. I can see by your photo that I've torn down the mantle of many your size, yes in the ring.

Are you retarded, or do you not know the 6th and 7th Amendments? Because you're Bill of Rights this and that, while calling for Concentration camps, and that's why everyone is making fun of you: for the irony, for the idiocy, and lastly for the extremism.
Face it Nick, you are a social outcast. You have no real friends, your attempts at social interaction generally lead to you being ostracized. You have problems at work.

You claim to be a libertarian but that is just an excuse because you just don't fit in

I have an IQ of 160 +l (its difficult to determine when it's that high)

I probably had more friends when I was a progressive but that doesn't matter - what does matter is REALITY....

I'd take reality over friends everyday or anyday.....

Besides most of those I knew are dead or in prison - which makes a man think and find the truth to begin with...

I feel sorry for you...

You know nothing about me.....

Wow.......I, for one, am impressed. I am just a lowly sewer worker

You are probably the smartest person on this board. What did it do for you? Did you manage to get an advanced degree? Other than becoming an anarchist, what has those smarts done for you?

How many times did you get kicked out of school Nick? I bet none of them were your fault. How many times have you been fired from a job? Bet they were just jealous of your IQ.

You have problems functioning in social situations, don't you?

I have problems with democrats.......
Face it Nick, you are a social outcast. You have no real friends, your attempts at social interaction generally lead to you being ostracized. You have problems at work.

You claim to be a libertarian but that is just an excuse because you just don't fit in

I have an IQ of 160 +l (its difficult to determine when it's that high)

I probably had more friends when I was a progressive but that doesn't matter - what does matter is REALITY....

I'd take reality over friends everyday or anyday.....

Besides most of those I knew are dead or in prison - which makes a man think and find the truth to begin with...

I feel sorry for you...

You know nothing about me.....

We have seen what happens to people with extremely high IQs who have difficulty fitting into society.

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. As a result of testing conducted in the fifth grade, which determined he had an IQ of 167, he was allowed to skip the sixth grade and enroll in the seventh grade. Kaczynski described this as a pivotal event in his life. He recalled not fitting in with the older children and being subjected to their bullying

Have you been keeping up with your manifesto Nick?

Funny how your socialist ass skipped the biggest terrorist attack in history and attempted to compare me to the mail bomber.... I bet the fact you put .50 cents in the Salvation Army jar really justifies your stupidity to yourself...
A knockout is usually 1 punch, handled. Are the other two going to be misses, or just warm ups? :blahblah:

For you it will take two...

A smart man with such a high IQ knows that he cannot judge a ghost on a message board. I can see by your photo that I've torn down the mantle of many your size, yes in the ring.

Are you retarded, or do you not know the 6th and 7th Amendments? Because you're Bill of Rights this and that, while calling for Concentration camps, and that's why everyone is making fun of you: for the irony, for the idiocy, and lastly for the extremism.

I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....
I have an IQ of 160 +l (its difficult to determine when it's that high)

I probably had more friends when I was a progressive but that doesn't matter - what does matter is REALITY....

I'd take reality over friends everyday or anyday.....

Besides most of those I knew are dead or in prison - which makes a man think and find the truth to begin with...

I feel sorry for you...

You know nothing about me.....

We have seen what happens to people with extremely high IQs who have difficulty fitting into society.

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. As a result of testing conducted in the fifth grade, which determined he had an IQ of 167, he was allowed to skip the sixth grade and enroll in the seventh grade. Kaczynski described this as a pivotal event in his life. He recalled not fitting in with the older children and being subjected to their bullying

Have you been keeping up with your manifesto Nick?

Funny how your socialist ass skipped the biggest terrorist attack in history and attempted to compare me to the mail bomber.... I bet the fact you put .50 cents in the Salvation Army jar really justifies your stupidity to yourself...

I don't know Ted........I mean Nick

Have you ever been tempted to give it all up and just go live in some cabin all by yourself? Ever feel a need to send a message to those who believe differently from yourself? Do you feel like it is you against the world?

.. In his Industrial Society and Its Future (also called the "Unabomber Manifesto"), he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom necessitated by modern technologies requiring large-scale organization

Any of this sound familiar Nick?
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For you it will take two...

A smart man with such a high IQ knows that he cannot judge a ghost on a message board. I can see by your photo that I've torn down the mantle of many your size, yes in the ring.

Are you retarded, or do you not know the 6th and 7th Amendments? Because you're Bill of Rights this and that, while calling for Concentration camps, and that's why everyone is making fun of you: for the irony, for the idiocy, and lastly for the extremism.

I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....

Well then, with such an IQ you should know how your little idea of throwing anyone on the left into Concentration camps is contradicted BY the Bill of Rights. Jeebus.......:lol:

We have seen what happens to people with extremely high IQs who have difficulty fitting into society.

Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. As a result of testing conducted in the fifth grade, which determined he had an IQ of 167, he was allowed to skip the sixth grade and enroll in the seventh grade. Kaczynski described this as a pivotal event in his life. He recalled not fitting in with the older children and being subjected to their bullying

Have you been keeping up with your manifesto Nick?

Funny how your socialist ass skipped the biggest terrorist attack in history and attempted to compare me to the mail bomber.... I bet the fact you put .50 cents in the Salvation Army jar really justifies your stupidity to yourself...

I don't know Ted........I mean Nick

Have you ever been tempted to give it all up and just go live in some cabin all by yourself? Ever feel a need to send a message to those who believe differently from yourself? Do you feel like it is you against the world?

What do you think this argument is about dummy??

I said I would put the progressive pricks in prison if it was up to me for treason...

Apparently you're fucking dumb.
For you it will take two...

A smart man with such a high IQ knows that he cannot judge a ghost on a message board. I can see by your photo that I've torn down the mantle of many your size, yes in the ring.

Are you retarded, or do you not know the 6th and 7th Amendments? Because you're Bill of Rights this and that, while calling for Concentration camps, and that's why everyone is making fun of you: for the irony, for the idiocy, and lastly for the extremism.

I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....


To our board anarchist, ending slavery and giving women the vote is tyranny

Can I interest you in a cabin in the woods Nick?
A smart man with such a high IQ knows that he cannot judge a ghost on a message board. I can see by your photo that I've torn down the mantle of many your size, yes in the ring.

Are you retarded, or do you not know the 6th and 7th Amendments? Because you're Bill of Rights this and that, while calling for Concentration camps, and that's why everyone is making fun of you: for the irony, for the idiocy, and lastly for the extremism.

I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....

Well then, with such an IQ you should know how your little idea of throwing anyone on the left into Concentration camps is contradicted BY the Bill of Rights. Jeebus.......:lol:


No its called treason...

You ever hear of the Rosenbergs? guess who executed them? under which president you believe?
A smart man with such a high IQ knows that he cannot judge a ghost on a message board. I can see by your photo that I've torn down the mantle of many your size, yes in the ring.

Are you retarded, or do you not know the 6th and 7th Amendments? Because you're Bill of Rights this and that, while calling for Concentration camps, and that's why everyone is making fun of you: for the irony, for the idiocy, and lastly for the extremism.

I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....


To our board anarchist, ending slavery and giving women the vote is tyranny

Can I interest you in a cabin in the woods Nick?

When the fuck was it forbidden woman or blacks couldn't vote..

This isn't the fucking Qu'ran...
I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....

Well then, with such an IQ you should know how your little idea of throwing anyone on the left into Concentration camps is contradicted BY the Bill of Rights. Jeebus.......:lol:


No its called treason...

You ever hear of the Rosenbergs? guess who executed them? under which president you believe?

You see, even for treason, there is a Process BY THE CONSTITUTION, you can't just arbitrarily throw all Democrats into camps you sick bumbleheaded fuck.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
I know the Bill of Rights and the other 17 tyrannical Amendments....


To our board anarchist, ending slavery and giving women the vote is tyranny

Can I interest you in a cabin in the woods Nick?

When the fuck was it forbidden woman or blacks couldn't vote..

This isn't the fucking Qu'ran...

There was laws prohibiting women and blacks from voting, which is why their right to do so was added to the constitution......................or didn't you know / agree with that?


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