Watergate Redux

We do not seem to be experiencing a pretty close duplicate of Watergate. There was actual evidence of something happening when the burglars
were caught. Trump has offered no proof but Breitbart which is part of the alt-right and has run bigoted articles against minorities and

Maybe our young readers should find out what the truth is before making any judgements. Trump has made unsubstantiated claims in the past
such as Obama's birth certificate and Ted Cruz's father meeting with Lee Harvey Oswald. His defenders are just as crazy. Steve King
suggests a massive conspiracy in the government against Trump. There is no evidence that anyone broke any laws.

The fact is that the mainstream conservative media is as dishonest as the mainstream news media. They will lie and cheat to cover
for Trump. If Trump said the world was flat they would parrot that.

The Gateway Pundit is the biggest purveyor of fake news. Hannity has used him as a source several times and ended up having to apologize when it was not true.
Gateway Pundit now has a reporter in the White House press pool. They are highly legit like Breitbart. The MSM are the fake news.
Trump is a liar . Lies all the time !

The whole thing is a smoke screen to distract from all the Sessions nonsense .
Proof? What? You don't have any? dang, who'd a thunk it?

He's not talking about Russian election hacking. This is about legit things. We know this because the media acts completely opposite of how they normally act. Sucks for them. Obama was right about one thing, the media should be wired and investigated.

Let's settle something . Do you NOT believe the Russians hacked the dnc and release the emails ?

I believe the Russians hacked the DNC and released the emails. I also believe the Democrats tapped Trump. In both cases, Democrats are getting exposed for who they really are and how corrupt they are willing to be. Democrats are going to keep screaming about the Russians and keep trying to demonize the opposition...... It's like watching a sinking ship.

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