We Are ‘Apes,‘

Whether human beings are apes or not can easily be determined with a DNA test.

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species.

Chimps, Humans 96 Percent the Same, Gene Study Finds

In the first place, many mammals have a high degree of genetic similarity (Spetner, Not by Chance, page 69). For example, the cytochrome C of a dog is about 90 percent similar to that of a human, and the hemoglobin of a horse is about 88 percent similar to that of a human. In view of this, a 98 percent genetic similarity between apes and humans is not surprising. It is interesting that some sources put the difference between humans and apes much higher, as high as 10 percent. At least for one gene, human and chimpanzee alleles seem to differ by 13 base pairs out of 270, for a difference of about 5 percent. (See Science, 6 Jan. 1995, pp. 35-36.)

The Ape-Human Connection

For me the fact that there is a difference means we are not apes because the DNA does not exactly match. Mammals have similarities but that's as far as it goes. Apes are apes,Humans are Humans, being siimilar doesn't mean we are related.

If our DNA exactly matched the DNA of the chimpanzee, then we would be chimpanzees. What you have just said is equivalent to saying that since an iPhone (human) is not a Blackberry (chimpanzee), then an iPhone (human) is not a cell phone (ape).
Atheist Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy: We Are ‘Apes,‘ Evidence for Jesus’ Existence ‘Is Surprisingly Shaky’ & Christ Dying for Humanity‘s Sins Is a ’Truly Disgusting Idea’

August 26, 2012

Famed atheist Richard Dawkins sat down with Playboy Magazine to discuss “the simple beauty of evolution, the improbability of God and why the pope should be arrested,” among other subjects. As usual, Dawkins took a provocative approach in the interview — one that people of faith will surely find offensive. These contentious anti-religious views appear in the September issue of Playboy.


Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy About Jesus, Evolution & Atheism | TheBlaze.com

Dawkins is going to have a rude awakening when he meets God.

You should probably realize that to an atheist, this sort of threat is equivalent to someone telling you that Captain Hook is going to torture you after you die if you like Peter Pan more than you like him.
Whether human beings are apes or not can easily be determined with a DNA test.

Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species.

Chimps, Humans 96 Percent the Same, Gene Study Finds

In the first place, many mammals have a high degree of genetic similarity (Spetner, Not by Chance, page 69). For example, the cytochrome C of a dog is about 90 percent similar to that of a human, and the hemoglobin of a horse is about 88 percent similar to that of a human. In view of this, a 98 percent genetic similarity between apes and humans is not surprising. It is interesting that some sources put the difference between humans and apes much higher, as high as 10 percent. At least for one gene, human and chimpanzee alleles seem to differ by 13 base pairs out of 270, for a difference of about 5 percent. (See Science, 6 Jan. 1995, pp. 35-36.)

The Ape-Human Connection

For me the fact that there is a difference means we are not apes because the DNA does not exactly match. Mammals have similarities but that's as far as it goes. Apes are apes,Humans are Humans, being siimilar doesn't mean we are related.

If our DNA exactly matched the DNA of the chimpanzee, then we would be chimpanzees. What you have just said is equivalent to saying that since an iPhone (human) is not a Blackberry (chimpanzee), then an iPhone (human) is not a cell phone (ape).


Evolutionist: We are similar to chimps, have similar DNA therefore we are descended from chimps.

Creationists: We are not an exact match to chimps, have different DNA and there is no proof that we are descended from apes therefore I beleive we were created by a being of highher intelligence than ourselves as Humans and never were apes.

Alien Coloizationist: We are simular to apes but not exact. Humans don't quite fit in because we are the only creatures that farm,destroy thier own habitat and fabricate almost everything. Without such fabrications we are ill equipped naturally on earth thus pointing that perhaps our natural habitat is eslewhere. Thus I believe we were brought here from another planet because this planet was similar but not and exact match to our home planet and we have adapted to this planet.

Now with the absence of definative proof, who is to say who is right?
Scientists have sequenced the genome of the chimpanzee and found that humans are 96 percent similar to the great ape species.

Chimps, Humans 96 Percent the Same, Gene Study Finds

In the first place, many mammals have a high degree of genetic similarity (Spetner, Not by Chance, page 69). For example, the cytochrome C of a dog is about 90 percent similar to that of a human, and the hemoglobin of a horse is about 88 percent similar to that of a human. In view of this, a 98 percent genetic similarity between apes and humans is not surprising. It is interesting that some sources put the difference between humans and apes much higher, as high as 10 percent. At least for one gene, human and chimpanzee alleles seem to differ by 13 base pairs out of 270, for a difference of about 5 percent. (See Science, 6 Jan. 1995, pp. 35-36.)

The Ape-Human Connection

For me the fact that there is a difference means we are not apes because the DNA does not exactly match. Mammals have similarities but that's as far as it goes. Apes are apes,Humans are Humans, being siimilar doesn't mean we are related.

If our DNA exactly matched the DNA of the chimpanzee, then we would be chimpanzees. What you have just said is equivalent to saying that since an iPhone (human) is not a Blackberry (chimpanzee), then an iPhone (human) is not a cell phone (ape).


Evolutionist: We are similar to chimps, have similar DNA therefore we are descended from chimps.

Creationists: We are not an exact match to chimps, have different DNA and there is no proof that we are descended from apes therefore I beleive we were created by a being of highher intelligence than ourselves as Humans and never were apes.

Alien Coloizationist: We are simular to apes but not exact. Humans don't quite fit in because we are the only creatures that farm,destroy thier own habitat and fabricate almost everything. Without such fabrications we are ill equipped naturally on earth thus pointing that perhaps our natural habitat is eslewhere. Thus I believe we were brought here from another planet because this planet was similar but not and exact match to our home planet and we have adapted to this planet.

Now with the absence of definative proof, who is to say who is right?

If you can show me where any biologist has seriously argued that humans are descended from chimpanzees, I will gladly never post here again. Chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor, kind of like French and Spanish are both "descended" from Latin. No one would ever say that since Spanish and French are similar languages that one descended from the other. They share a common "ancestor" in Latin. Just like humans and chimpanzees are both descended from a common primate ancestor. This is not speculation, it is a well established scientific fact, and there is abundant evidence available to anyone with access to the internet. You are free to disbelieve it, just as you are free to believe that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it.
The idea that we are on par with Apes is truly a disgusting idea.

Name ONE animal that has it's own spoken and written language.

Yes we are an animal.
We are not divine, we are just at the top of the chain.
You cannot accept that you are an animal?

Even if you believe in God we are as or less than a dog or cat to him.

Did God tell you that you dizzy broad...


Sorry if I hurt yo feeling, I didn't mean for you to run away all wee weed up...:tongue:
If our DNA exactly matched the DNA of the chimpanzee, then we would be chimpanzees. What you have just said is equivalent to saying that since an iPhone (human) is not a Blackberry (chimpanzee), then an iPhone (human) is not a cell phone (ape).


Evolutionist: We are similar to chimps, have similar DNA therefore we are descended from chimps.

Creationists: We are not an exact match to chimps, have different DNA and there is no proof that we are descended from apes therefore I beleive we were created by a being of highher intelligence than ourselves as Humans and never were apes.

Alien Coloizationist: We are simular to apes but not exact. Humans don't quite fit in because we are the only creatures that farm,destroy thier own habitat and fabricate almost everything. Without such fabrications we are ill equipped naturally on earth thus pointing that perhaps our natural habitat is eslewhere. Thus I believe we were brought here from another planet because this planet was similar but not and exact match to our home planet and we have adapted to this planet.

Now with the absence of definative proof, who is to say who is right?

If you can show me where any biologist has seriously argued that humans are descended from chimpanzees, I will gladly never post here again. Chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor, kind of like French and Spanish are both "descended" from Latin. No one would ever say that since Spanish and French are similar languages that one descended from the other. They share a common "ancestor" in Latin. Just like humans and chimpanzees are both descended from a common primate ancestor. This is not speculation, it is a well established scientific fact, and there is abundant evidence available to anyone with access to the internet. You are free to disbelieve it, just as you are free to believe that the earth is flat and the sun revolves around it.

Common primate ancestor or chimp, it doesn't matter. This so called scientific fact is little more than theory and no better than creationism or alien colonization. Do I really need to point out that science has been 100% wrong in the past? The earth was not flat, the sun did not circle the earth, and we are not the center of the galaxy much less the universe. When you can say with 100% proof that humans evolved and weren't created or colonized maybe you'll have something. A bunch of similar old bones is just that, similar but not exact old bones, It's certainly not proof.

All mamals have commonalities, some more than others. For science to find mamals with DNA similar to humans would be expected. Creating the theory of evolution as a possiblity, due diligence. Presenting it as fact Irresponsible and unfair to other possibilities. Of course to know for certain we'd have to have a time machine so I don't think we'll be getting the answer to that Question any time soon.
Atheist Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy: We Are ‘Apes,‘ Evidence for Jesus’ Existence ‘Is Surprisingly Shaky’ & Christ Dying for Humanity‘s Sins Is a ’Truly Disgusting Idea’

August 26, 2012

Famed atheist Richard Dawkins sat down with Playboy Magazine to discuss “the simple beauty of evolution, the improbability of God and why the pope should be arrested,” among other subjects. As usual, Dawkins took a provocative approach in the interview — one that people of faith will surely find offensive. These contentious anti-religious views appear in the September issue of Playboy.


Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy About Jesus, Evolution & Atheism | TheBlaze.com

I can understand how the religious right got upset reading that in Playboy.

Kinda gives his reputation away no ?
The idea that we are on par with Apes is truly a disgusting idea.

Name ONE animal that has it's own spoken and written language.

Yes we are an animal.
We are not divine, we are just at the top of the chain.
You cannot accept that you are an animal?

Even if you believe in God we are as or less than a dog or cat to him.

Speak for yourself because some nut in a white coat say's so don't make me accept it.
It has never been shown that humans and apes have a common primate ancestor. DNA sequencing is so sophisticated that canine DNA can be traced back to a common ancestor and all dogs are descended from wolves. There is a common canine ancestor. Not so with humans. With humans the best they can come up with is an ancestor that was ape-LIKE. A female wolf can, today, give birth to pups with a chihuahua father. There can be no human/ape offspring.

The very best that evolution can come up with is that mankind evolved from what it looked like at one time to what mankind looks like today but has never proven that mankind was one species and then evolved into another species.
You still don't buy that 'neanderthal to modern man' thing do you? Once again, we've upgraded, to the knowledge that modern man was alive and well and thriving right next to the Neanderthal camps. No evolution necessary.

Neanderthals were 100% human and even had a bigger brain then modern day humans.
Believing in evolution, or even being an atheist, does not require any anti-religious bigotry. Dawkins is just whoring himself out for attention.

If you read the bible as your source for God, macroevolution most certainly is at odds with God.
Atheist Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy: We Are ‘Apes,‘ Evidence for Jesus’ Existence ‘Is Surprisingly Shaky’ & Christ Dying for Humanity‘s Sins Is a ’Truly Disgusting Idea’

August 26, 2012

Famed atheist Richard Dawkins sat down with Playboy Magazine to discuss “the simple beauty of evolution, the improbability of God and why the pope should be arrested,” among other subjects. As usual, Dawkins took a provocative approach in the interview — one that people of faith will surely find offensive. These contentious anti-religious views appear in the September issue of Playboy.


Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy About Jesus, Evolution & Atheism | TheBlaze.com

Dawkins is going to have a rude awakening when he meets God.

You should probably realize that to an atheist, this sort of threat is equivalent to someone telling you that Captain Hook is going to torture you after you die if you like Peter Pan more than you like him.

God gives a desciription of what atheist will be doing when he comes.

Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed like a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 And they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?
Homo Sapiens are not apes, nor are homo sapiens descended from apes. Homo sapiens are descended from Homo heidelbergensis. Homo heidelbergensis are the earliest of humans and developed along two branches, Neanderthals, which came first and Cro-Magnons which arrived somewhat later but existed contemporaneously with Neanderthals and eventually replaced them when they died out.

A man was likely always a man, even if at one time that man looked more like an ape.
Dawkins is going to have a rude awakening when he meets God.

You should probably realize that to an atheist, this sort of threat is equivalent to someone telling you that Captain Hook is going to torture you after you die if you like Peter Pan more than you like him.

God gives a desciription of what atheist will be doing when he comes.

Rev 6:14 And the heaven departed like a scroll when it is rolled together. And every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains.
Rev 6:16 And they said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him sitting on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb;
Rev 6:17 for the great day of His wrath has come, and who will be able to stand?

"You'll get yours". A universally sustaining benediction for crackpots who use their religion like a bloody truncheon.
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Atheist Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy: We Are ‘Apes,‘ Evidence for Jesus’ Existence ‘Is Surprisingly Shaky’ & Christ Dying for Humanity‘s Sins Is a ’Truly Disgusting Idea’

August 26, 2012

Famed atheist Richard Dawkins sat down with Playboy Magazine to discuss “the simple beauty of evolution, the improbability of God and why the pope should be arrested,” among other subjects. As usual, Dawkins took a provocative approach in the interview — one that people of faith will surely find offensive. These contentious anti-religious views appear in the September issue of Playboy.


Richard Dawkins Tells Playboy About Jesus, Evolution & Atheism | TheBlaze.com
Dawkins is an idiot.

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