"We are at War" NuttyYahoo


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2009
The Free Texas Republic
Well, the Palestinians seem to have had enough. After years of abuse by their Israeli apartheid overlords, there is an uprising taking place. They are out gunned and technologically not on a par with their oppressors, so this prison riot is doomed to fail.
You need to decide who actually brought about this stupidity and the motivation .
It seems remarkably stupid even for Hamas .
Reminds me of the Kyiv war criminal , the mad midget , obsessively trying to win at Bakhmut and sacrificing up to 60 000 to get precisely nowhere .
You need to decide who actually brought about this stupidity and the motivation .
It seems remarkably stupid even for Hamas .
Reminds me of the Kyiv war criminal , the mad midget , obsessively trying to win at Bakhmut and sacrificing up to 60 000 to get precisely nowhere .
Brings to mind the picture of the mouse giving the finger to the hawk as he is swooping in. Israel has known no chastisement from the outside world for it's depredations and Hamas is going to make it worse.
Well, the Palestinians seem to have had enough. After years of abuse by their Israeli apartheid overlords, there is an uprising taking place. They are out gunned and technologically not on a par with their oppressors, so this prison riot is doomed to fail.
Fuck the god awful Palestinians. They are rightfully about to get their shit pushed in by Israel. They need to just napalm the entire Gaza strip.
We have all seen this before. Hamas attacks Israel...kills a few people, injures some more, causes some property damage. Israeli retaliates, but Hamas choreographs things so that "innocent" "Palestinians" will be killed and injured in Israel's counterattack. The Leftist Press (sorry for the redundancy) excoriates Israel for killing women and children.

Well, the Palestinians seem to have had enough
Go ahead and celebrate the murderers while you can. They are about to pay a price they could never have even imagined in their worst nightmares and they deserve every moment of the pain coming their way. It's time the IDF engaged in some serious "urban renewal" by flattening every building for 2 miles along the border with Israel.

Why is Hamas attacking Israel?​

Hamas spokesperson Khaled Qadomi has told Al Jazeera that the group’s military operation is in response to all the atrocities the Palestinians have faced over the decades.
“We want the international community to stop atrocities in Gaza, against Palestinian people, our holy sites like Al-Aqsa. All these things are the reason behind starting this battle,” he said.
Asked whether Hamas had taken Israeli soldiers and civilians hostage, Qadomi replied: “They are not hostages. They are prisoners of war.”
He added that the Israeli settlers are also occupiers and according to international law, they are invaders.
“So the situation today is a war against invaders,” he said.
The Palestinians should be pushed into the sea and their hovels razed to the ground.
Afterward, the real question remains.

Should Israel, after they clean up the Palestine, destroy Iran?

I'm thinking that 40+ years of this nonsense is enough. Put an end to the supplier of terror to Arab radicals and destroy the leadership of Iran.
Well, the Palestinians seem to have had enough. After years of abuse by their Israeli apartheid overlords, there is an uprising taking place. They are out gunned and technologically not on a par with their oppressors, so this prison riot is doomed to fail.
You side with your fellow murderous subhumans who live according to seventh century values

Why do you hate liberalism with such genocidal intensity?

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