We are literally living Atlas Shrugged

Well, I mean, the Democrats knew they had to dumb down society to win elections and to their credit - they did that.

Our education results are lower than any point in US history, and it shows by the election of imbeciles like AOC, Joe Biden, and Anthony Weiner.
Atlas Shrugged could have been boiled down to about 50 pages.

Seriously. It is mind-numbingly redundant.
Ok - I’ll give you that. Never claimed it was a masterpiece. Just simply stated that fact that the premise of the book came to fruition because liberalism is an ignorant ideological 🤷‍♂️
Atlas Shrugged could have been boiled down to about 50 pages.

Seriously. It is mind-numbingly redundant.
Doesn’t it say a lot that you have to shift the conversation from the fact that liberalism has collapsed society to where Atlas Shrug ranks in literary classics?

Who gives a fuck about how good this work of fiction is?? The point here is that liberalism is so ignorant, it actually caused life to imitate art in the worst way imaginable.
Ok - I’ll give you that. Never claimed it was a masterpiece. Just simply stated that fact that the premise of the book came to fruition because liberalism is an ignorant ideological 🤷‍♂️
You know why the Left is winning?

Because idiots like you never hold the Right accountable for their lies.

The GOP told you for eight years they were going to repeal and replace Obamacare. Trump told you he had a wonderful replacement.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

And most of you fools STILL haven't caught on.

You've been so gaslighted, it's ridiculous.

That's why the Left is winning.

Ayn Rand didn't write a word about submissive cucks like you.
Wait…what? “Scene”? Uh-oh. Looks like someone just accidentally admitted they didn’t read the book! Resorted to just watching the movie, did ya? :oops8:

Actually, there was an incident in the book where incompetent railroad workers ran a coal powered steam train through a long tunnel causing the death by asphyxiation of everyone on board.
I'm curious what role Trumpsters think they play in Atlas Shrugged. All her heroes were the smart people, the "elite" that Trumpsters are so angry at. She also was an atheist and adamantly opposed racism.

Where do the slack-jawed wrestling fans fit in?
You know why the Left is winning?
The left isn’t “winning”. Hell, conservatives just rolled back Roe v Wade. We’re winning more than we’ve ever won.

However, whatever success the left does experience, I can explain. The left took hold of education in the United States, dumbed it down, and now we have an ignorant electorate. I mean, in another thread right here on USMB a liberal tool actually made the following claims:
  1. The “administration” (ie President) controls the purse strings
  2. Executive Order are only issued during “national emergencies”
  3. The President wields unlimited power during “national emergencies”
  4. There were never direct flights to China
All of those are wildly wrong and deeply ignorant. And every year, millions of people just like that get to cast votes.
Because idiots like you never hold the Right accountable for their lies.
You sound like an imbecile as always. You don’t know a damn thing about me, what I support or don’t support.
The GOP told you for eight years they were going to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The Dumbocrats told your dumb ass that the Bill Clinton sex scandals were a “vast right-wing conspiracy” (Spoiler Alert: everything reported was 100% true)

The Dumbocrats told your dumb ass that the infamous Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell was a “Russian election interference operation” (Spoiler Alert: it was all 100% true)

Did you hold them accountable? Nope! Instead, you swallowed load after load after load from your Democrat masters - and then begged them for another. It’s who you are at your core. You can’t think for yourself. You question nothing. And you want government to control you (and everyone else).
Trump told you he had a wonderful replacement.

Biggest. Hoax. Ever.
Fragile ‘lil snowflake, I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and I didn’t vote for Donald Trump in 2020.

See - this is exactly what I’m talking about. You have no clue what you’re taking about, but you’re so arrogant that you can’t stop yourself from talking out anyway.
Ayn Rand didn't write a word about submissive cucks like you.
You’re so “triggered” because you know I’m right. You adopted a failed (and ignorant) ideology and any time the facts show as much, you get triggered 🤷‍♂️

You also project. Worshipping government, voting for people to take your money and your liberty from you to control you, and believing whatever insane bullshit they feed you, is major “cuck”.

Telling government to fuck off - demanding your liberty, is the polar opposite of “cuck”. But of course, a true “cuck” would make the ass-backwards claims you just made.
All her heroes were the smart people, the "elite" that Trumpsters are so angry at.
You mean like Elon Musk? Yeah, sorry chief - it’s the left that loathes all of the smart people like Musk.

Watching you people rage over successful billionaires is comical.
She also was an atheist and adamantly opposed racism.
And who are the racists? The left.
  • It was Democrats who declared war on their own nation to keep black people in slavery
  • It was Democrats who introduced Jim Crow laws
  • It was Democrats who fought against the Civil Rights movement
  • It is Democrats who are obsessed with skin color in 2023
Actually, there was an incident in the book where incompetent railroad workers ran a coal powered steam train through a long tunnel causing the death by asphyxiation of everyone on board.
Uh…I was pointing out how he called it a “scene”. There are no “scenes” in books. Scenes are only in movies/plays/etc.

He outed himself. He never read Atlas Shrugged.
She murdered them in a train tunnel.
Could you be any more of a limp-wristed, fragile little soy-boy? I mean, for fucks sake we’re talking about a fictional novel and you’ve now said:
  1. “The book is cruel”
  2. “She murdered them…”
Just let that set in for a moment. How can a fictional book be “cruel”? And how can people that don’t exist (and never did) be “murdered”?

You’re so fucking fragile that a piece of fiction has you spinning and spitting in an absolute tizzy. To the point where you’re acting like real people were murdered, and as such, it was “cruel” 🤦‍♂️

Good Lord, you desperately need some mental health therapy and medications. You’re in seriously bad shape, dude.
idiots like you never hold the Right accountable for their lies.
Let’s examine that - shall we?
“I did not have sexual relations with that woman” - Bill Clinton
He later went on national television and admitted he lied. That was after sworn testimony before a Grand Jury. So he committed perjury (a felony).

And idiots just like you not only never held him accountable, but you actually defend him, defended the lies, and attacked conservatives for reporting the truth.
idiots like you never hold the Right accountable for their lies.
Let’s examine that - shall we?
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance” - Barack Obama
Biggest. Hoax. Ever.

White House emails later showed Barack Obama discussing how upwards of 10 million citizens would lose their health insurance (and subsequently, their doctors) because of that egregiously unconstitutional, and very dirty, legislation.

And idiots just like you not only never held him accountable, but you actually defended him, defended the lies, and attacked conservatives for reporting the truth.
idiots like you never hold the Right accountable for their lies.
Let’s examine that - shall we?
“Benghazi was the rest of a YouTube video” - Barack Obama
Intelligence reports warned of a pending attack. The information was so well known, other nations pulled their people out of the area. Not your messiah Barack Obama though! No sir! Wouldn’t even arrange additional security. He let people die and then falsely blamed freedom of speech for it.

And idiots just like you not only never held him accountable, but you actually defended him, defended the lies, and attacked conservatives for reporting the truth.
You mean like Elon Musk? Yeah, sorry chief - it’s the left that loathes all of the smart people like Musk.

Watching you people rage over successful billionaires is comical.

You must have me mixed up with someone else. I've done no such thing.
And who are the racists? The left.
  • It was Democrats who declared war on their own nation to keep black people in slavery
  • It was Democrats who introduced Jim Crow laws
  • It was Democrats who fought against the Civil Rights movement
  • It is Democrats who are obsessed with skin color in 2023
Yeah, whatever. I agree, but I don't care. Both sides are hypocritical statists bent on using the government to dictate culture. They just have a different idea of what kind of "culture" to mandate.

Government should stay out of the social engineering game. That's not what they're hired to do.
idiots like you never hold the Right accountable for their lies.
Let’s examine that - shall we?
The now infamous “Trump Dossier” paid for by Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton hired Perkins Coie to commission the “Trump Dossier”. Under investigation, she could plead the 5th. And the law firm would be bound by “attorney-client privilege” so they would not be able to discuss Hillary’s involvement.

Perkins Coie used Fusion GPS (Christopher Steele) who actually reached out to intelligence officers in Russia. That’s right - actual “Russian Collusion” was committed by Hillary Clinton. And to add insult to injury, she got ahead of the scandal and started screaming it was Donald Trump who was guilty of “collusion”. Once again proving the age old adage, “an accusation by the left is an admission of guilt”.

And idiots just like you not only never held her accountable, but you actually defended her, defended the lies, and attacked conservatives for reporting the truth.

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