We are literally living Atlas Shrugged

Ah yes, Atlas Shrugged. The make believe fantasy of a lunatic kvnt that teaches other lunatics that when you don't like the results of democracy the only acceptable solution is to say "Fuck you, Imma go play by myself and break all my toys before I leave!"
If you made the toys, then why shouldn't you break them if you want to?

Of course, the point of the book went right over your head because you're a fucking dumbass servile statist.

BTW, dumbass, all novels are "make believe." That's what the word "fiction" means.
Ah yes, Atlas Shrugged. The make believe fantasy of a lunatic kvnt that teaches other lunatics that when you don't like the results of democracy the only acceptable solution is to say "Fuck you, Imma go play by myself and break all my toys before I leave!"
In other words, you’re panic-stricken over the thought of not being able to mooch off of conservatives? :laugh:

(Psst...nobody “broke” anything when they left in Atlas Shrugged. Just like here in then real world, government lead by idiot lefties “broke” everything)
Well, the copper mine heir blew up all his copper mines.
All of you left-wing parasites will. It’s the same reason none of you “socialists” move to Cuba. Once you don’t have conservatives to mooch off of, you’re fucked.

Did you forget what the topic of YOUR thread was?

Or haven't you read that piece of garbage?

John Galt took his ball and left.

Try it. You won't be missed
If you made the toys, then why shouldn't you break them if you want to?

If you want to have a hissy fit like a three year old then knock yourself out. Just don't complain when you get a spanking and are made to sit in the corner for eating your boogies.
Don't worry, I am sure Trump and the republicans won't screw us too much on rights, what there is anyway..

The truth is that there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between the two parties on any issue. Take the “opioid crisis” nonsense we have been hearing about. The Republicans are after Doctors for it, while they argued correctly IMO during the Obamacare debates that the only person who should be deciding your treatment is you and your doctor, not someone in Washington.

Obama was blasted, correctly, again in my opinion, for saying someone in pain from a heart condition should just take a pain pill. Sessions just told someone that someone in chronic pain should just tough it out and take an aspirin. Not a dimes difference.

You mention rights. Does it matter if it is the Republican Controlled Government spying on us with Stingray, Carnvore, and all the NSA fusion centers? Or is it good spying when the Democratic Controlled Government does it. Because everybody has been doing it since 9-11. When they are found out, the same Congressmen and Senators who are out there blasting the various Alphabet Soup Agencies for doing such terrible things can’t wait to vote and make it all legal now. The argument that they shouldn’t be dong it always falls by the wayside as some bandaid fix is supposed to make it all constitutional now.

Tell me how the two parties are different? Pick a topic, any topic, and if you look at the reality, it’s usually just rhetoric that is different, the dicking we take is always the same.
The truth is that there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between the two parties on any issue.

Total bullshit.

The parties differ over

sensible gun regulation
The economy
EPA regulations
Climate Change
Renewable energy
and a whole host of other issues.

To say that they are the same is childish or dishonest
If you made the toys, then why shouldn't you break them if you want to?

If you want to have a hissy fit like a three year old then knock yourself out. Just don't complain when you get a spanking and are made to sit in the corner for eating your boogies.
A free country is where the government doesn't "spank" you for breaking no laws. It's sad that you believe such behavior acceptable.

Of course, your characterization of the book is infantile and absurd.
All of you left-wing parasites will. It’s the same reason none of you “socialists” move to Cuba. Once you don’t have conservatives to mooch off of, you’re fucked.
Did you forget what the topic of YOUR thread was?
Yes...the topic was “Atlas Shrugged”. Which illustrates how societies collapse under idiotic left-wing (power-hungry) policy.
Yes...the topic was “Atlas Shrugged”. Which illustrates how societies collapse under idiotic left-wing (power-hungry) policy.

I believe the solution to this "problem" that Rand invented for her really bad novel...was for Galt to take his ball and go away.

If only you would do the same....and take like minded people with you...

We'd all be so much better off
Back in 2005, new york times broke the story about dubya's warrentless wiretapping. Its republicans who started it.

It's not wiretapping. It's Domestic Surveillance. And BOTH PARTIES LOVE IT. Even the folks who ENDED Domestic spy operations in the 1970s because it was being abused. The Patriot Act keeps getting STRONGER and restrictions are constantly rejected by WIDE voting margins.

This isn't the J. Edgar type of domestic surveillance with a phone, fax and paper files. This is the world's most awesome Spying Machine that BOTH PARTIES bought for NSA to "protect America from Jihadis". And it's BEING USED AS A POLITICAL WEAPON.

Don't care where you THINK the finger points. NO ONE save about 4 in Congress are brave enough to criticize it. Hardly ANY real Civil Libertarians left alive today, save the Libertarians, sometimes the ACLU and the IJ and a host of Indies.

Even Trump who has been a victim of it -- backed off his criticisms of renewing the Patriot Act without revisions and provisions to toughen up the FISA requirements and access to Big Brother.

Must be that everyone in DC is already compromised in some way. Can't think of any other reason why there are no Civil Libertarians opposing Domestic Spying operations.
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Ever notice that everything for the "public good" always ends with more power for the government and more capability for their intrusion into the lives of citizens? Ayn Rand saw it coming.
Unbreakable encryption poses a threat to public safety that only legislation may be able to address, according to Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein. Strong encryption on smartphones that can't be cracked may call for laws restricting its use, Rosenstein said at a security conference in Utah.
No. Not it doesn't. At all. It doesn't even remotely pose a "threat" to public safety. Quite the contrary, it protects the public.

Legislation on encryption ‘may be necessary,’ deputy attorney general warns

Was thinking of Ayn Rand yesterday when the left started to go after Jeff Bezos and Amazon. THAT is a chilling Atlas Shrugged moment. Because Bezos has bailed out the WashPo and other large newspapers and essentially uses them as "political action committees" in support of the resistance. He could afford the torch the WashPo and earn enough money the next day to make it back.

That's exactly what the industry leaders learned in Atlas Shrugged when they played nice to the little weasel bureaucrats with the power to TAKE everything that they had created.

Can't trust Swamp Weasels. And yes -- Ayn Rand understood all that from the days when the Communist parties weasels took her Dad's pharmacy in Russia and proceeded to run it into the ground. She KNEW how this works.
You do realize that you're talking about a fantasy (and a bad one at that) and acting like it has a basis in reality?
The Atlas Shrugged nonsense ended 5 years ago. The movies bombed. The public shrugged because Ayn Rand had nothing to say and the book is just another $.50 yard sale paper weight. Like the Saw Al Inski meme. Nobody cares because no one has ever heard of either of them.
The first of the three was the best and it was barely watchable.
Only fitting. The book was barely readable.
You do realize that you're talking about a fantasy (and a bad one at that) and acting like it has a basis in reality?
You do realize she grew up in communist U.S.S.R. and understood the dangers? You do realize she took that REAL LIFE experience and created a fictional story to serve as a warning? You do realize that warning is absolutely coming to fruition? You do realize the saying "life imitating art"?
Ever notice that everything for the "public good" always ends with more power for the government and more capability for their intrusion into the lives of citizens? Ayn Rand saw it coming.
Unbreakable encryption poses a threat to public safety that only legislation may be able to address, according to Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein. Strong encryption on smartphones that can't be cracked may call for laws restricting its use, Rosenstein said at a security conference in Utah.
No. Not it doesn't. At all. It doesn't even remotely pose a "threat" to public safety. Quite the contrary, it protects the public.

Legislation on encryption ‘may be necessary,’ deputy attorney general warns

We are literally laughing at you.
Yes...the topic was “Atlas Shrugged”. Which illustrates how societies collapse under idiotic left-wing (power-hungry) policy.

I believe the solution to this "problem" that Rand invented for her really bad novel...was for Galt to take his ball and go away.

If only you would do the same....and take like minded people with you...

We'd all be so much better off
We wish we could. Unfortunately the omnipotent state will track you down and force you to pay taxes and follow all its police state regulations.
Ever notice that everything for the "public good" always ends with more power for the government and more capability for their intrusion into the lives of citizens? Ayn Rand saw it coming.
Unbreakable encryption poses a threat to public safety that only legislation may be able to address, according to Deputy Atty. Gen. Rod Rosenstein. Strong encryption on smartphones that can't be cracked may call for laws restricting its use, Rosenstein said at a security conference in Utah.
No. Not it doesn't. At all. It doesn't even remotely pose a "threat" to public safety. Quite the contrary, it protects the public.

Legislation on encryption ‘may be necessary,’ deputy attorney general warns

We are literally laughing at you.
Idiots often laugh at what they don't understand.

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