"We are Preparing for Massive Civil War", Says DHS Informant

This time, I say, let Republicans secede. Then we can ship them a little bread and some rubbers like we do to other third world countries with an uneducated population.
This time, I say, let Republicans secede. Then we can ship them a little bread and some rubbers like we do to other third world countries with an uneducated population.

Please, youd have riots in the street within days.
Another scared cracker thread. Hahahaha.

"Cracker thread." I'm not a cracker, idiot. I just passed along what the informant stated, but being the typical liberal, you don't want to comment on that, just name call.

If you insist on being racist when you address opponents, at least call me a more appropriate racial slur. I am a bigger mutt than Obama, so take your pick.
Some are predicting a collapse of the American dollar and riots later this year. Not sure whether to take this seriously, but the government did buy 450 million hollow points. Of course, the public has been buying up guns and ammo. I don't think it's to start a coup or anything, but more a fear that the liberal administration would ban all guns if Obama gets re-elected.

Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed.

Uprisings in Greece is, indeed, a problem, but an uprising of armed Americans becomes a matter of serious national security, a point addressed in a recent report by the Pentagon and highlighted as a vulnerability and threat to the U.S. during war-game exercises at the Department of Defense last year, according to one of the DoD’s war-game participants, Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.

Through his sources, Hagmann confirmed Rickards’ ongoing thesis of a fear of a U.S. dollar collapse at the hands of the Chinese (U.S. treasury bond holders of approximately $1 trillion) and, possibly, the Russians (threatening to launch a gold-backed ruble as an attractive alternative to the U.S. dollar) in retaliation for aggressive U.S. foreign policy initiatives against China’s and Russia’s strategic allies Iran and Syria.

"We are Preparing for Massive Civil War", Says DHS Informant

Read more: “We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant | Beacon Equity: Penny Stocks, Stock Alerts

Those plans are to go along with Executive Order signed by Obama on March 16, 2012: Jim Garrison: Martial Law by Executive Order Numerous sources for this one -I chose Huffington Post for the doubting liberals.

This EO allows the President all by his lonesome to declare martial law across the entire nation and completely strip the other two branches of all powers entirely. It shifts total power to the President who becomes dictator for the duration with specific massive powers he gives to his unelected Secretaries. It gives him the "right" to be dictator indefinitely with NO legal recourse by the other two branches of government who may not challenge his authority. No other elected official but himself will have any power for as long as the President-turned-dictator decides. (Dictators get freely elected but one of the things they do is make sure they can't be peacefully removed again.)

This EO shreds the Constitution in its entirety, abolishes all Constitutional rights of the states and individuals and gives him total control including the power to confiscate all forms of transportation including private, total power and control of all forms of energy and all energy resources, control of all water resources, all construction materials, the total control and confiscation of all and any goods -including the power to confiscate water and food even from individuals and in fact does not distinguish between that owned by any company, business or industry and plain old private citizens with a can of ravioli in their pantry. It gives government the authority to arrest and detain any US citizen indefinitely without charge or trial and do so on mere SUSPICION without any judicial oversight or due process. I'm pretty sure I have a good idea of what amounts to "suspicion" for a leftwing extremist totalitarian loving asshole like him.

This EO was written and signed in complete secrecy with no public attention or debate.

The worst part is there need not be ANY national emergency whatsoever, can be enacted during peacetime and completely at the President's SOLE DISCRETION. With the other two branches immediately stripped of all power.

Now imagine if George Bush had signed this egregious power grab claiming a "right" to forcibly impose totalitarianism on us all and set himself up as dictator even during peacetime and claimed he could give himself the "right" to strip all citizens of all their rights entirely for as long as HE decided. And he signed this to go along with his plan for winning a civil war right here at home and signed it in near secrecy. Think the media would do nothing but yawn then? Signed by the same man who is on record as saying he believed our Constitution was a flawed document. Obama is the most narcissistic President in my lifetime and probably of all time. It is stomach churning to listen to just how deep that narcissism really runs. Narcissism and egomania go hand in hand. Egomania is the one trait all dictators have in common and Obama has plenty to spare. And now a scary-as-hell EO to go along with it.
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This time, I say, let Republicans secede. Then we can ship them a little bread and some rubbers like we do to other third world countries with an uneducated population.

So push comes to shove and little weasel rdean looks like he intends to side with those who want to impose a dictatorship and believe they have an inherent right to RULE and the masses have no right to oppose them? Interesting to know.
It's bullshit, no civil war or mass uprisings are in any conceivable near future scenario.
shouldn't this be in the conspiracy theory folder?

Why? Combined with the President's Executive Order of March 16, 2012 -not such a far-fetched conspiracy is it?

But for you lefties who would defend Obama at all costs, particularly his Executive Order that allows the President to become dictator at HIS discretion and even if there is NO national emergency whatsoever -are you real comfortable with that identical power being available to a Republican President? Hmm? It doesn't go away just because the occupant of the White House changes. Because I'm NOT -NO President of any party should be able to declare martial law during peacetime with no national emergency and no war, no nothing going on to justify it!

Now let's get real here -and I mean REAL. Show of hands that anyone believes Obama intended to hand Romney a gift like this to declare martial law even during peacetime and power to immediately strip the other branches of government of all power, strip all Americans of all Constitutional rights with his unelected Secretaries taking over all power and control of .....everything and for as long as he wanted. Anyone seeing that one -an Obama who thinks Romney should be able to tear up the Constitution if he feels like it even when there is NO national emergency of any kind? Hmm?
Some are predicting a collapse of the American dollar and riots later this year.

Republicans certainly hope so, they’re so desperate to win the WH they’re willing to subject the American people to any horror or hardship: riots, economic collapse, continued high unemployment…

Republicans are as pathetic as they are reprehensible.
Some are predicting a collapse of the American dollar and riots later this year.

Republicans certainly hope so, they’re so desperate to win the WH they’re willing to subject the American people to any horror or hardship: riots, economic collapse, continued high unemployment…

Republicans are as pathetic as they are reprehensible.

Does that really work for you? Because it doesn't work for NORMAL PEOPLE with even a minimal level of intelligence. No one in their right mind hopes to see the dollar collapse. I worry about fucking morons like you who seem to think Republicans hate their own country -which explains in your mind HOW why it is the right are the staunchest defenders of the country and not leftwing kooks who are constantly tearing it down and want to replace our system entirely with a known historical failure? Gee might want to remember the right wants to maintain the US as a super power which can't happen if the dollar collapses and in fact unlikely to be a super power again in our lifetimes if that happens, huh?? Same desire to see the US remain a super power can't be said of the left though since they are the ones who insist our very existence is the cause of nearly all the world's ills.

Are you really, REALLY stupid enough to believe Republicans would rather be financially wiped out holding worthless dollar bills they would never recover in their lifetimes -all in order to prevent Obama from having 2 terms? Their entire financial future is worth just four fucking years in your badly diseased mind?

If you really believe that you lack more than just critical thinking skills -you don't have an IQ high enough that you should be voting at all. If you realize how fucking stupid you sounded saying it -then maybe you should hold off wallowing in that kind of pointless lying ass propaganda bullshit worthy of only a fascist.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the job of the DHS to prepare for various possible events?
. I worry about fucking morons like you who seem to think Republicans hate their own country -

Well nobody thinks this, because its stupid. Naturally you would think this though being a fucking moron.

No the reality is in order to get back into power so they can have the America they want, they are willing to risk everything.

Its a very simple opinion that anyone should understand...

Oh look what the moron tide brought in.
There will be ni sivil war because people are to fat to fight it... That's not a joke btw.
This time, I say, let Republicans secede. Then we can ship them a little bread and some rubbers like we do to other third world countries with an uneducated population.

:lol::lol::lol: Better not say that too loud derp. They might hear you and stop supporting your useless ass. Where do you think your food comes from? Here's a hint. Very few Dems are farmers.

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