"We are Preparing for Massive Civil War", Says DHS Informant

Nope. Just go read the constitutions and national law codes of the USSR and the Reich. The people will not permit local elites (the leaders in so called societies of equals) to lead. The population will rise up and crush them with the help of national forces.

Jake, you're as crazy as Robodoon.

Just because you're a Stalinist dreaming of totalitarian dictatorship rather than a survivalist, doesn't make you any less of a nutjob.

I don't see your dream of Soldiers in the streets, shooting anyone who fails to show loyalty to Dear Leader, any time soon.

Serious question Jake, why don't you just move to North Korea? Honestly, they have the society you dream about.
So you say you aren't racist? OK fine is salt jones racist?

I thought about this, and as much as it kills me, I have to defend Syndi on this. I've never seen him post anything racist.

I know I said ok.:lol: he's not a racist but he has yet that I have seen called out anyone who is racist from his side of the political isles for being a racist.
UncensoredFascist reveals his weak authoritarian mind above. He is a wolf enemy of our republic and democracy in a supposed 'conservative' clothing.
UncensoredFascist reveals his weak authoritarian mind above. He is a wolf enemy of our republic and democracy in a supposed 'conservative' clothing.
or maybe just a jabbering loud mouth with erectile dysfunction issues ?
:lol: mebbe so

whatever he is taking, similar to NeoFascist, fouls up the cognitive ability and makes them piss down their legs and shout "commienazisocialistfascistpinkogaytraitor" in under one second.

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