We are tired of this bs...

You know, people here sure aren't doing a very good job of trying to understand where IM2 is coming from. Just try putting yourself in his place for a change as the black experience is different than that of whites.

Just imagine if you were him and had been given absolutely every advantage to succeed, complete with handicapping all others so you were the one receiving preferential treatment?

Now, imagine how you would feel if you were still a complete failure in lige - a drag on society with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and mortified that you amounted to absolutely nothing in life despite all the advantages you were given to succeed?

I mean, wouldn't you be angry and bitter too?
Well to be fair, he did say "WE", so he ain't the only one angry and bitter in his mind. I guess he's standing in for the others as their race relations officer. That's ok.

IM2 isn't considering or rather what he is purposely ignoring, is all the problems in the black communities in which sadly changes perceptions, and sadly changes the attitudes of those who are policing such communities........... Sadly the cops are psychologically and negatively affected by these things in which are happening to them and others in these communities, where next it causes mis-trust for all citizens involved afterwards or when something bad happens.....

People have seen a pattern over the years of behavioral issues, crimes, and murder amongst the poor in these poor communities (bars on Windows), but it is being buried in order to act as if it never happens (i.e don't convide in the man/the law right?), so sadly it is buried or sometimes twisted by those living in the communities or by the activist having a political slant involved (into something else), when it's not......... Now when found to be crimes that are committed by a black person in which the black victim was victimized by that black person committing the crime, is it being shut up or blamed on others ?????????

Chicago is the worst I hear, but is (the crime from it all), slowly growing outward everywhere in the country these days ??

I wouldn't want to police the black communities in some areas, and especially as a white cop. Hell No.

I do know that blacks are abused, and so are whites just as well as others in this country, but we have to take each case on it's findings, and we all must get behind the truth no matter what happens. Don't like seeing anyone abused regardless of their race, and we must seek out fair justice for all, and do it always.

Then there is the accidental killings (manslaughter), where mistaken intentions, identity or age is involved. Always sad.
Of course we will here the same retardation by the brain damaged but if things like this continue you 30 percenters are not going to like it.

Grandmother Confronts SWAT Team Officer In Court For Killing 7 Year Old Grandchild

Melanated Cop Sentenced To 40 Years For Fatal Shooting Of 6 Year Old Boy

You are the one to blame....

A. Nathan’s confrontation.
1. (1-4) Nathan’s parable.
Then the LORD sent Nathan to David. And he came to him, and said to him: “There were two men in one city, one rich and the other poor. “The rich man had exceedingly many flocks and herds. But the poor man had nothing, except one little ewe lamb which he had bought and nourished; and it grew up together with him and with his children. It ate of his own food and drank from his own cup and lay in his bosom; and it was like a daughter to him. And a traveler came to the rich man, who refused to take from his own flock and from his own herd to prepare one for the wayfaring man who had come to him; but he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared it for the man who had come to him.”

a. Then the LORD sent Nathan to David: David’s sin displeased the LORD but David didn’t listen to the conviction of the Holy Spirit or to his conscience. Now God sent someone else to speak to David. God mercifully kept speaking to David even when David didn’t listen.

i. Yet no one should presume God will speak forever to the unrepentant sinner. God said in Genesis 6:3, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever.” When we hear or sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we must respond to it immediately, because it might not always be there.

b. There were two men in one city: With wisdom and courage, Nathan used a story to get the message through to David. It was common in those days to keep a lamb as a pet, and Nathan used this story of the pet lamb to speak to his friend David.

i. Previously the prophet Nathan delivered a message of great blessing to David (2 Samuel 7). David knew that Nathan was not a negative critic but a friend. It made David receptive to the message of the story.

c. Who refused to take from his own flock… he took the poor man’s lamb: The sin Nathan describes is theft. There is a sense in which David stolesomething from Uriah. The Bible (in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5) says that in marriage a husband has authority over the body of his wife (and vice-versa). Obviously, David did not have this authority over the body of Bathsheba and he stole from Uriah. Adultery and sexual immorality are theft – taking something that does not belong to us.

i. This principle is also true regarding pornography and lust. Leviticus 18 describes the sin of uncovering the nakedness of those other than our spouse. The idea is that the nakedness of others doesn’t belong to us, and it is theft if we take it.

2. (5-6) David condemns the cruel man of Nathan’s story.
So David’s anger was greatly aroused against the man, and he said to Nathan, “As the LORD lives, the man who has done this shall surely die! And he shall restore fourfold for the lamb, because he did this thing and because he had no pity.”

a. David’s anger was greatly aroused: Nathan did not ask David for a judicial decision, and David naturally assumed the story was true. David immediately passed sentence on the guilty man of Nathan’s story. David showed that we often try to rid our guilty consciences by passing judgment on someone else.

b. The man who has done this shall surely die: David’s sense of righteous indignation was so affected by his own guilt that he commanded a death sentence for the hypothetical case brought by Nathan, even though it wasn’t a capital crime.

i. David had to condemn his own sin before he could find forgiveness. We often try to find refuge in excusing or minimizing or deflecting the blame of our sin; we simply do not condemn sin in ourselves.

ii. David’s use of the oath “As the LORD lives” shows how passionate his indignation is. He called God to witness the righteousness of his death sentence upon Nathan’s hypothetical rich man.

c. He shall restore fourfold for the lamb: David rightly knew that penalizing the rich man – even with death – wasn’t enough. He also had to restore something to the man he took something from. David knew that true repentance means restitution.

i. Restore fourfold also shows that David’s sin and hardness of heart did not diminish his knowledge of the Bible. He immediately knew what the Bible said about those who steal sheep: If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and slaughters it or sells it, he shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep(Exodus 22:1). David knew the words of the Bible but was distant from the Author.

d. Because he had no pity: The idea is that the man should have had pity on his neighbor and did not. In the same way David shouldhave had pity on Uriah and Bathsheba’s father and grandfather.

3. (7-9) Nathan’s confrontation.
Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you from the hand of Saul. I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judah. And if that had been too little, I also would have given you much more! Why have you despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in His sight? You have killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword; you have taken his wife to be your wife, and have killed him with the sword of the people of Ammon.’”

a. You are the man: With this, Nathan applied the parable with alarming simplicity. Nathan had to shock David into seeing his sin for what it was. “This was downright plain dealing indeed.” (Trapp)

i. Shocked, but not frightened: “You cannot frighten men into repentance, you may frighten them into remorse; and the remorse may or may not lead on to repentance.” (Maclaren)

ii. “God accuses us and condemns us one by one that He may save us one by one.” (Maclaren) A personalsalvation requires a personalconviction of sin. It wasn’t enough for David to confess that he was a sinner in a general sense; he had to confess his sin at this very point.
Of course we will here the same retardation by the brain damaged but if things like this continue you 30 percenters are not going to like it.

Grandmother Confronts SWAT Team Officer In Court For Killing 7 Year Old Grandchild

Melanated Cop Sentenced To 40 Years For Fatal Shooting Of 6 Year Old Boy

police in the US can kill with impunity; bottom line

As the 40 year sentence aptly demonstrates...

The white cop in the first video got no time.

So... You’re cool with bad cops getting off. But only if they’re Negros... Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Learn how to read.
You know, people here sure aren't doing a very good job of trying to understand where IM2 is coming from. Just try putting yourself in his place for a change as the black experience is different than that of whites.

Just imagine if you were him and had been given absolutely every advantage to succeed, complete with handicapping all others so you were the one receiving preferential treatment?

Now, imagine how you would feel if you were still a complete failure in lige - a drag on society with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and mortified that you amounted to absolutely nothing in life despite all the advantages you were given to succeed?

I mean, wouldn't you be angry and bitter too?
Well to be fair, he did say "WE", so he ain't the only one angry and bitter in his mind. I guess he's standing in for the others as their race relations officer. That's ok.

IM2 isn't considering or rather what he is purposely ignoring, is all the problems in the black communities in which sadly changes perceptions, and sadly changes the attitudes of those who are policing such communities........... Sadly the cops are psychologically and negatively affected by these things in which are happening to them and others in these communities, where next it causes mis-trust for all citizens involved afterwards or when something bad happens.....

People have seen a pattern over the years of behavioral issues, crimes, and murder amongst the poor in these poor communities (bars on Windows), but it is being buried in order to act as if it never happens (i.e don't convide in the man/the law right?), so sadly it is buried or sometimes twisted by those living in the communities or by the activist having a political slant involved (into something else), when it's not......... Now when found to be crimes that are committed by a black person in which the black victim was victimized by that black person committing the crime, is it being shut up or blamed on others ?????????

Chicago is the worst I hear, but is (the crime from it all), slowly growing outward everywhere in the country these days ??

I wouldn't want to police the black communities in some areas, and especially as a white cop. Hell No.

I do know that blacks are abused, and so are whites just as well as others in this country, but we have to take each case on it's findings, and we all must get behind the truth no matter what happens. Don't like seeing anyone abused regardless of their race, and we must seek out fair justice for all, and do it always.

Then there is the accidental killings (manslaughter), where mistaken intentions, identity or age is involved. Always sad.

Two dumb whites lying to each other.
Your videos conflict with each other.

No they don't. They show one way white preference manifests itself. The a cop who busted into the wrong house and murdered that 7 year old black child got no sentence. The black cop who killed that 6 year old white child in a car chase whereby his father was armed and shooting at police with his child in the car is serving concurrent prison terms. But no one expects you to see this because you're dumb.

We all need to remember that in AmeriKKKa white is right & black is wrong; that is still the status quo.

AmeriKKKa brought this upon itself by accepting slavery as a means to produce cheap goods, back in the day; we will always be paying for our past sins
Quit whining and just behave. Only then will your problems will go away.

When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
You know, people here sure aren't doing a very good job of trying to understand where IM2 is coming from. Just try putting yourself in his place for a change as the black experience is different than that of whites.

Just imagine if you were him and had been given absolutely every advantage to succeed, complete with handicapping all others so you were the one receiving preferential treatment?

Now, imagine how you would feel if you were still a complete failure in lige - a drag on society with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and mortified that you amounted to absolutely nothing in life despite all the advantages you were given to succeed?

I mean, wouldn't you be angry and bitter too?

Here is another example of a white person with psychosis.
Your videos conflict with each other.

No they don't. They show one way white preference manifests itself. The a cop who busted into the wrong house and murdered that 7 year old black child got no sentence. The black cop who killed that 6 year old white child in a car chase whereby his father was armed and shooting at police with his child in the car is serving concurrent prison terms. But no one expects you to see this because you're dumb.

We all need to remember that in AmeriKKKa white is right & black is wrong; that is still the status quo.

AmeriKKKa brought this upon itself by accepting slavery as a means to produce cheap goods, back in the day; we will always be paying for our past sins
Quit whining and just behave. Only then will your problems will go away.

When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.
Video Captures EXACTLY How Cops Treat Black People

Citizen to police officer "The problem is I'm black..."

I'd be willing to wager this man was raised by an emotionally troubled PRO BLACK minded MOM teaching her child to HATE.

"Emotionally ill American Mom Sharing Her illness With Her Children and Police"

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed-8.jpg

Melanated Cop Sentenced To 40 Years For Fatal Shooting Of 6 Year Old Boy

Phillip Scott, kendrick lamar.jpg

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Much like most hateful PRO BLACK minded Americans cashing in on PRO BLACK America's people and community harming dysfunctions, the host of the Advise Show is wading waist deep in HATE & hypocrisy.

Several years ago I was blocked from posting comments on the Advise Show YT channel after calling out host Phil Scott for creating a channel denigrating apparent emotionally or mentally ill black American citizens as HOOD RATS and SAVAGE ANIMALS.

Apparently I am not the only citizen witnessing Phil's hate toward apparent emotionally troubled fellow American citizens, many who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are IRRESPONSIBLY introduced to an UNHEALTHY, traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

"Phil From The Advise Show Exposed As A Black Women Hater" Published on Sep 30, 2018 by Tectonic Logic

"Phil "The Advise Show" Scott Is Trying To Hide The Evidence Now!" Published on Oct 8, 2018 by Domeniq X #PhonyPhilTheFraud

In this YT broadcast, Domeniq speaks about witnessing Phil Scott transitioning to a PRO BLACK image. A PRO BLACK image that in my opinion Phil recognized was more profitable for him and his family than his RATCHET hating image. :sad:

The GOOD NEWS: Introducing RESPONSIBLE, caring 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"
"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt, BlackVoiceNews.com

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates

Jazelle Hunt, a Washington correspondent for the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service, recently completed week-long training at the University of Southern California as one of 14 journalists awarded a 2014 National Health Fellowship.
"T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.", a Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement applying to ALL American and foreign born citizens!

"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American urban-TRUTH-teller, Gun Violence & 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim
"My mother was cancer, she would destroy *EVERYBODY"* ~Richard 'The Iceman' Kuklinsky, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim and now-deceased convicted serial murderer.
"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D., Professor, Author, Child Abuse & Violence Researcher

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations


  • Phillip Scott, Dr Nadine Burke Harris, Dr Bruce Perry.jpg
    Phillip Scott, Dr Nadine Burke Harris, Dr Bruce Perry.jpg
    430 KB · Views: 30
Melanated Cop Sentenced To 40 Years For Fatal Shooting Of 6 Year Old Boy

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Much like most hateful PRO BLACK minded Americans cashing in on PRO BLACK America's people and community harming dysfunctions, the host of the Advise Show is wading waist deep in HATE & hypocrisy.

Several years ago I was blocked from posting comments on the Advise Show YT channel after calling out host Phil Scott for creating a channel denigrating apparent emotionally or mentally ill black American citizens as HOOD RATS and SAVAGE ANIMALS.

Apparently I am not the only citizen witnessing Phil's hate toward apparent emotionally troubled fellow American citizens, many who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are IRRESPONSIBLY introduced to an UNHEALTHY, traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

"Phil From The Advise Show Exposed As A Black Women Hater" Published on Sep 30, 2018 by Tectonic Logic

"Phil "The Advise Show" Scott Is Trying To Hide The Evidence Now!" Published on Oct 8, 2018 by Domeniq X #PhonyPhilTheFraud

In this YT broadcast, Domeniq speaks about witnessing Phil Scott transitioning to a PRO BLACK image. A PRO BLACK image that in my opinion Phil recognized was more profitable for him and his family than his RATCHET hating image. :sad:

The GOOD NEWS: Introducing RESPONSIBLE, caring 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"
"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt, BlackVoiceNews.com

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates

Jazelle Hunt, a Washington correspondent for the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service, recently completed week-long training at the University of Southern California as one of 14 journalists awarded a 2014 National Health Fellowship.
"T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.", a Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement applying to ALL American and foreign born citizens!

"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American urban-TRUTH-teller, Gun Violence & 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim
"My mother was cancer, she would destroy *EVERYBODY"* ~Richard 'The Iceman' Kuklinsky, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim and now-deceased convicted serial murderer.
"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D., Professor, Author, Child Abuse & Violence Researcher

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

The environment and conditions in child raising is everything. The series gangland is one horrific example of a tragic environment created, and sadly it's left to it's own demons to fester like an open sore in those communities. Why people can't get a handle on such a thing just boggles the mind. It makes one wonder if they give a crap about their children at all when see such things being created or worse glorified by Hollyweird and the media.

Then they think the answer is to forcefully throw other people's children into the schools that these poorly raised children go too, as if that somehow is going to help after the damage has been done. It doesn't help, it just corrupts or damages the children that are then forcefully exposed to it all.

Why people ignore the obvious, and allow their children to become pawns in these government experiments is simply amazing.

Into which culture's should people want to assimilate or want for their children to be exposed to ???? I have seen alot of terrible stuff in the past, and it is being adrressed wrongfully.
Melanated Cop Sentenced To 40 Years For Fatal Shooting Of 6 Year Old Boy

#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

Hello. Much like most hateful PRO BLACK minded Americans cashing in on PRO BLACK America's people and community harming dysfunctions, the host of the Advise Show is wading waist deep in HATE & hypocrisy.

Several years ago I was blocked from posting comments on the Advise Show YT channel after calling out host Phil Scott for creating a channel denigrating apparent emotionally or mentally ill black American citizens as HOOD RATS and SAVAGE ANIMALS.

Apparently I am not the only citizen witnessing Phil's hate toward apparent emotionally troubled fellow American citizens, many who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are IRRESPONSIBLY introduced to an UNHEALTHY, traumatic, potentially life scarring childhood and teen upbringing fraught with Struggles, PAIN, Hardships, COMMUNITY FEAR, Frustrations, Uncertainty, Depression, Sorrow, Sadness, Torment, Demeaning Government Handouts, Resentment, HATE and COMMUNITY VIOLENCE!

"Phil From The Advise Show Exposed As A Black Women Hater" Published on Sep 30, 2018 by Tectonic Logic

"Phil "The Advise Show" Scott Is Trying To Hide The Evidence Now!" Published on Oct 8, 2018 by Domeniq X #PhonyPhilTheFraud

In this YT broadcast, Domeniq speaks about witnessing Phil Scott transitioning to a PRO BLACK image. A PRO BLACK image that in my opinion Phil recognized was more profitable for him and his family than his RATCHET hating image. :sad:

The GOOD NEWS: Introducing RESPONSIBLE, caring 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"
"Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates" By Jazelle Hunt, BlackVoiceNews.com

Black Children Have Highest Abuse Rates

Jazelle Hunt, a Washington correspondent for the National Newspaper Publishers Association News Service, recently completed week-long training at the University of Southern California as one of 14 journalists awarded a 2014 National Health Fellowship.
"T.H.U.G.L.I.F.E.", a Child Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Abandonment & Maltreatment *AWARENESS-PREVENTION* Public Service Announcement applying to ALL American and foreign born citizens!

"The HATE U Give Little Infants Fvvks *EVERYONE"* ~Tupac Shakur, American urban-TRUTH-teller, Gun Violence & 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim
"My mother was cancer, she would destroy *EVERYBODY"* ~Richard 'The Iceman' Kuklinsky, 'Childhood Trauma' (#ACEs) victim and now-deceased convicted serial murderer.
"I would have never been able to do this work if I had come into this world with a mother who stayed, who nurtured me in a healthy way." ~Dr. Stacey Patton, Ph.D., Professor, Author, Child Abuse & Violence Researcher

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

The environment and conditions in child raising is everything. The series gangland is one horrific example of a tragic environment created, and sadly it's left to it's own demons to fester like an open sore in those communities. Why people can't get a handle on such a thing just boggles the mind. It makes one wonder if they give a crap about their children at all when see such things being created or worse glorified by Hollyweird and the media.

Then they think the answer is to forcefully throw other people's children into the schools that these poorly raised children go too, as if that somehow is going to help after the damage has been done. It doesn't help, it just corrupts or damages the children that are then forcefully exposed to it all.

Why people ignore the obvious, and allow their children to become pawns in these government experiments is simply amazing.

Into which culture's should people want to assimilate or want for their children to be exposed to ???? I have seen alot of terrible stuff in the past, and it is being adrressed wrongfully.

More racist psychosis.
Video Captures EXACTLY How Cops Treat Black People

Citizen to police officer "The problem is I'm black..."

I'd be willing to wager this man was raised by an emotionally troubled PRO BLACK minded MOM teaching her child to HATE.

"Emotionally ill American Mom Sharing Her illness With Her Children and Police"

View attachment 253746


O my. The MSM is complicit in fostering this. You know, hate crime laws need to be repealed, because they were designed to divide us. Also it was just a foot in the door to push for "hatespeech" laws next, and that's when the mind control starts.

PS: You really support that woman. :rolleyes:
Your videos conflict with each other.

No they don't. They show one way white preference manifests itself. The a cop who busted into the wrong house and murdered that 7 year old black child got no sentence. The black cop who killed that 6 year old white child in a car chase whereby his father was armed and shooting at police with his child in the car is serving concurrent prison terms. But no one expects you to see this because you're dumb.

We all need to remember that in AmeriKKKa white is right & black is wrong; that is still the status quo.

AmeriKKKa brought this upon itself by accepting slavery as a means to produce cheap goods, back in the day; we will always be paying for our past sins
Quit whining and just behave. Only then will your problems will go away.

When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.

Criminal stats show you are wrong.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

Nothing else needs to be said.
No they don't. They show one way white preference manifests itself. The a cop who busted into the wrong house and murdered that 7 year old black child got no sentence. The black cop who killed that 6 year old white child in a car chase whereby his father was armed and shooting at police with his child in the car is serving concurrent prison terms. But no one expects you to see this because you're dumb.

We all need to remember that in AmeriKKKa white is right & black is wrong; that is still the status quo.

AmeriKKKa brought this upon itself by accepting slavery as a means to produce cheap goods, back in the day; we will always be paying for our past sins
Quit whining and just behave. Only then will your problems will go away.

When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.

Criminal stats show you are wrong.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

Nothing else needs to be said.


Percent of white in America=63%

Percent of black in America= 14%

Blacks commit almost half as many crimes as whites, despite there being only 1/4 or less of them as many as whites..hmm...

There's a bit of a problem there.

If whites committed crime at the rate blacks do, they'd commit

6.665.091 crimes a year.

That's just rounded numbers. That's just using the pure white people. Add in the white Hispanics and numbers would be over 7 million.
Last edited:

On April 2, 2019 Phillip Scott, host of YT's TheAdviseShow, addresses the homicide of Nipsey Hussle, as well as the GANG CULTURE responsible for Nipsey's brutal demise.

Nipsey Hussle, Rest in Peace_2.jpg

Sadly, PRO BLACK minded Phil Scott ignores who is primarily responsible for raising, nurturing and socializing perfectly healthy American newborns maturing into apparent emotionally troubled, far too often violent, SUIC!DAL, HOMIC!DAL teen and adult citizens engaging in 'people and community harming behaviors', as well as maturing into hateful citizens largely lacking compassion, empathy and respect for their peaceful or less fortunate neighbors!

More GOOD NEWS: Introducing RESPONSIBLE, caring 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, Education & PREVENTION Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

ht tps://vimeo.com/119419175/

Become enlightened, YouTube search terms: "mental health illness black community"



  • Nipsey Hussle, Rest in Peace_1.jpg
    Nipsey Hussle, Rest in Peace_1.jpg
    330.6 KB · Views: 23
We all need to remember that in AmeriKKKa white is right & black is wrong; that is still the status quo.

AmeriKKKa brought this upon itself by accepting slavery as a means to produce cheap goods, back in the day; we will always be paying for our past sins
Quit whining and just behave. Only then will your problems will go away.

When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.

Criminal stats show you are wrong.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

Nothing else needs to be said.


Percent of white in America=63%

Percent of black in America= 14%

Blacks commit almost half as many crimes as whites, despite there being only 1/4 or less of them as many as whites..hmm...

There's a bit of a problem there.

If whites committed crime at the rate blacks do, they'd commit

6.665.091 crimes a year.

That's just rounded numbers. That's just using the pure white people. Add in the white Hispanics and numbers would be over 7 million.

While you're lying to yourself, there are black Hispanics.

Your math is wrong.

That's the way it is.
Quit whining and just behave. Only then will your problems will go away.

When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.

Criminal stats show you are wrong.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

Nothing else needs to be said.


Percent of white in America=63%

Percent of black in America= 14%

Blacks commit almost half as many crimes as whites, despite there being only 1/4 or less of them as many as whites..hmm...

There's a bit of a problem there.

If whites committed crime at the rate blacks do, they'd commit

6.665.091 crimes a year.

That's just rounded numbers. That's just using the pure white people. Add in the white Hispanics and numbers would be over 7 million.

While you're lying to yourself, there are black Hispanics.

Your math is wrong.

That's the way it is.

My math is not precise on that, no. How many black Hispanics are there for every white Hispanic, moron? Out of 100, 3-4 maybe?
When will whites start doing this instead of lying to each other?
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.

Criminal stats show you are wrong.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

Nothing else needs to be said.


Percent of white in America=63%

Percent of black in America= 14%

Blacks commit almost half as many crimes as whites, despite there being only 1/4 or less of them as many as whites..hmm...

There's a bit of a problem there.

If whites committed crime at the rate blacks do, they'd commit

6.665.091 crimes a year.

That's just rounded numbers. That's just using the pure white people. Add in the white Hispanics and numbers would be over 7 million.

While you're lying to yourself, there are black Hispanics.

Your math is wrong.

That's the way it is.

My math is not precise on that, no. How many black Hispanics are there for every white Hispanic, moron? Out of 100, 3-4 maybe?

Probably a lot more. But it's irrelevant. Whites commit more crimes than anyone in America. That's the way it has always been.
Crime statistics prove that we do behave. We committ less crime than our percentage of the population. Nothing else needs to be said.

Criminal stats show you are wrong.

5,626,140 million whites arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 2.2 percent of the population.

2,221,697 million blacks arrested for crime/253,405,839 US population in 2017= 0.009 percent of the population.

Nothing else needs to be said.


Percent of white in America=63%

Percent of black in America= 14%

Blacks commit almost half as many crimes as whites, despite there being only 1/4 or less of them as many as whites..hmm...

There's a bit of a problem there.

If whites committed crime at the rate blacks do, they'd commit

6.665.091 crimes a year.

That's just rounded numbers. That's just using the pure white people. Add in the white Hispanics and numbers would be over 7 million.

While you're lying to yourself, there are black Hispanics.

Your math is wrong.

That's the way it is.

My math is not precise on that, no. How many black Hispanics are there for every white Hispanic, moron? Out of 100, 3-4 maybe?

Probably a lot more. But it's irrelevant. Whites commit more crimes than anyone in America. That's the way it has always been.

It's not.

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