We are VERY near a vaccine for COVID-19

Two vaccines with similar science are in phase two of human trials and is working in every case....no failures in any test subject so far....phase three begins next week...the final phase begins next month making a vaccine for everyone possible by September....that would blow the libs minds right out of their skulls.....

I'd be curious how they intend to get around the FDA multi-year testing phase, unless Trump's administration is giving this a waver.
Trials originally were started one after the other with breaks inbetween to watch breakdown rates of the immune systems response and how it weakens. In this case they waited just one month before starting the next phase so they are overlapping. They will do what used to take 18-24 months in just 7 months. IF the safety phase is good as it appears to be so far, then inoculations can start rapidly as we look at the breakdown rates long term. IF one proves better than the other we can bolster the response with a second shot. Its a win/win and a new way to look at how to generate safe vaccines in the future.

My understanding, was that the FDA did not allow overlapping. When did this change?
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

Let me ask you a very simple question. How long have virus infections been around and how many have they managed to actually cure or even prevent? Common head colds are virus infections as are the flu, herpes and many other maladies. I know of none that the medical community has been able to effect a cure for or even to effectively prevent. So why on earth do you think this will be any different?
Two vaccines with similar science are in phase two of human trials and is working in every case....no failures in any test subject so far....phase three begins next week...the final phase begins next month making a vaccine for everyone possible by September....that would blow the libs minds right out of their skulls.....

Yes this all is VERY VERY important, this needs to be completed ASAP.

Agreed but you know this company has just 35 employees...

The are opening for funding and the Gates foundation would be a primary source of such funding...

I don't understand what is the objection to the gate foundation

I would prefer not to answer the question re. what the objection to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is, we just are not fans of that man. For one thing he has NO medical degree.

He has a foundation full of Doctors and he listens to them. Are you saying he should ignore them and just propose unproven solutions that could be harmful?
He is a good communicator and has excellent organisational skills...

What do you not like... He predicted this outbreak and took his own money (billions) and invested in the groundwork on a cure.

Sorry but what is not to like?
If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.

When they say morphing do they mean mutation? Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain. This is what I am getting told by our Government Scientists including the Scientists in the Ministry of Defence.

I am not an expert on this thing, I have been educating myself about it since it appear in early March and more educating myself when we were doing the Total Lockdown. Now we are in Stage II of lifting the Total Lockdown and the population are allowed to go out and go to the park or go to a bar or restaurant or Church etc this does not mean I have stopped educating myself or stopped asking questions to our Scientists when I get the chance to see them.

Your doctor friends then when they say morphing are they meaning mutation?

It can mutant into something stronger:

Wonder where you are getting your info from?

If the virus changes it can change in many ways..
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

Let me ask you a very simple question. How long have virus infections been around and how many have they managed to actually cure or even prevent? Common head colds are virus infections as are the flu, herpes and many other maladies. I know of none that the medical community has been able to effect a cure for or even to effectively prevent. So why on earth do you think this will be any different?

We have cured and have vaccines for loads...

It is new ones we don't have... Flu is not one virus but a family of viruses and we get new strains every year...

Virus cured include Smallpox, Measles.....
Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain.
This is a flat out lie.

Every years new flu strain is a mutation, some are more deadly, some are less.

I am told by many that when a virus mutates it mutates into a less potent strain ie. less deadly strain.

You are wrong according to the experts, here is one article by some of those experts:


Here is another article saying the same thing:


Here is another article saying the same:


This article also refer to that article from The Los Angeles Times that I am not able to read, the one you link to in your other post:



Here is another article that says the same:






If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.

When they say morphing do they mean mutation? Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain. This is what I am getting told by our Government Scientists including the Scientists in the Ministry of Defence.

I am not an expert on this thing, I have been educating myself about it since it appear in early March and more educating myself when we were doing the Total Lockdown. Now we are in Stage II of lifting the Total Lockdown and the population are allowed to go out and go to the park or go to a bar or restaurant or Church etc this does not mean I have stopped educating myself or stopped asking questions to our Scientists when I get the chance to see them.

Your doctor friends then when they say morphing are they meaning mutation?

It can mutant into something stronger:

Wonder where you are getting your info from?

If the virus changes it can change in many ways..
AGREED. Since mutations are RANDOM, Ted, one can never say the next mutation will be better. That is how Covid got to be bad in the first place.
If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.

When they say morphing do they mean mutation? Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain. This is what I am getting told by our Government Scientists including the Scientists in the Ministry of Defence.

I am not an expert on this thing, I have been educating myself about it since it appear in early March and more educating myself when we were doing the Total Lockdown. Now we are in Stage II of lifting the Total Lockdown and the population are allowed to go out and go to the park or go to a bar or restaurant or Church etc this does not mean I have stopped educating myself or stopped asking questions to our Scientists when I get the chance to see them.

Your doctor friends then when they say morphing are they meaning mutation?

It can mutant into something stronger:

Wonder where you are getting your info from?

If the virus changes it can change in many ways..

More contagious does NOT mean MORE deadly, it does not mean multi-millions are going to start dropping dead from this thing.

Where are you getting your info from? A Los Angeles Times article that mentions a report that is ONLY a preprint from some group and has NOT been even assessed correctly yet by other experts, see below:


If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.

When they say morphing do they mean mutation? Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain. This is what I am getting told by our Government Scientists including the Scientists in the Ministry of Defence.

I am not an expert on this thing, I have been educating myself about it since it appear in early March and more educating myself when we were doing the Total Lockdown. Now we are in Stage II of lifting the Total Lockdown and the population are allowed to go out and go to the park or go to a bar or restaurant or Church etc this does not mean I have stopped educating myself or stopped asking questions to our Scientists when I get the chance to see them.

Your doctor friends then when they say morphing are they meaning mutation?

It can mutant into something stronger:

Wonder where you are getting your info from?

If the virus changes it can change in many ways..
AGREED. Since mutations are RANDOM, Ted, one can never say the next mutation will be better. That is how Covid got to be bad in the first place.

It seems that there are some who WANT COVID-19 to kill as many as possible, they are literally praying for this to happen, this is why we are seeing such hostility to the reopening of Western Society, this is why we have those who DEMAND almost permanant lockdown and do NOT want ANY drugs being used to even TREAT anyone with COVID-19.
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

Let me ask you a very simple question. How long have virus infections been around and how many have they managed to actually cure or even prevent? Common head colds are virus infections as are the flu, herpes and many other maladies. I know of none that the medical community has been able to effect a cure for or even to effectively prevent. So why on earth do you think this will be any different?

We have cured and have vaccines for loads...

It is new ones we don't have... Flu is not one virus but a family of viruses and we get new strains every year...

Virus cured include Smallpox, Measles.....

Flu is a Coronavirus, you are aware of this already?
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

So what can we learn from this?

Here's what we can learn: Super rich and wealthy people, who have been in business for decades, some of whom were even in venture capitalist companies, created a profit-seeking company to produce pharmaceuticals, and this capitalist profit-based company had big pharma companies investing in it, and capitalist investors...

Is now making a vaccine for Corona.

Rich white men, funded by rich white men, with a profit incentive, are creating a vaccine.

So.... Capitalism wins again.

Is this negative then?
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

I will wait until a few million people take it to see what the side effects are.
I don't usually ever get Flu vaccines.

Of course there should be a choice, I am against forced vaccinations and I think those who support forced vaccinations should say WHY they think forcing things onto peoples is a good thing. At this moment I think that only those over the age of 70 and those who have preexisting health issues regardless of age ie. lung problems, heart problems, Type I and Type II Diabetes, cancers etc all that crowd it should be mandatory that they all are vaccinated. This means then that the majority of every nations population I see no reason why they all should be vaccinated IF we have already vaccinated all the old and sick.

Never in history have we Quarantined HEALTHY peoples and with that REDUCED the healthy peoples immune systems to bizarrely protect the already old and sick who's immune systems are fucked already.
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

Let me ask you a very simple question. How long have virus infections been around and how many have they managed to actually cure or even prevent? Common head colds are virus infections as are the flu, herpes and many other maladies. I know of none that the medical community has been able to effect a cure for or even to effectively prevent. So why on earth do you think this will be any different?

We have cured and have vaccines for loads...

It is new ones we don't have... Flu is not one virus but a family of viruses and we get new strains every year...

Virus cured include Smallpox, Measles.....

Flu is a Coronavirus, you are aware of this already?
It seems that there are some who WANT COVID-19 to kill as many as possible, they are literally praying for this to happen, this is why we are seeing such hostility to the reopening of Western Society, this is why we have those who DEMAND almost permanant lockdown and do NOT want ANY drugs being used to even TREAT anyone with COVID-19.
It often seems that way. The position of myself is to shutdown as best you can UP TO A POINT, try to save lives, isolate, wear masks, etc., anything that helps, but then, come hell or high water, at some point, you have to move on NO MATTER WHAT! Because to do less is to destroy the civilized world.

Yet others seem to feel that you must shut down, lock down totally, forever and a day until you effect the ideal solution: a total collapse of the pandemic, that life returns to normal. And EVERYTHING ELSE can and must wait until we BEAT THE VIRUS! Problem is, THAT DAY MAY NEVER COME! And in the process, the cure will end up being worse than the disease. I'm reminded of that when I read this local post in my community:

Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 1.43.24 PM.png

So, in Sandra's mind, if cases spike, we never should have opened. She seems oblivious to TWO facts:
  1. In viral plagues, flu, etc., people DIE. There is no stopping that.
  2. You can't close an economy for very long, business dies, people run out of money, jobs disappear, and that is damage that does not repair the day after you reopen, not in a week, not in a month, maybe not even in a year.
It took us basically TEN YEARS to recover from the SNL scandal of 2009. We've already saved a lot of lives, but at some point, the world is going to have to resume no matter what the deaths.
Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain.
This is a flat out lie.

Every years new flu strain is a mutation, some are more deadly, some are less.

BTW last year January 2019 I got the flu for only the second time in my life and it was a 3 week nightmare and it literally nearly killed me, I even had The Last Rites BUT note I comment it NEARLY killed me BUT it DIDN'T. Why? Because I am in very good health and I'm young that's why. Same thing with COVID-19 essentially, the death ratio is minute compared to the Recovery rate and also to the rate of those who have had the thing and displayed no symptoms.

What this means is this IF you are in already good health and IF you get COVID-19 you have a next to zero chance of dying from this thing, you probably will feel TERRIBLE for 2-3 weeks but you then will recover.

IF your immune system is already compromised via whatever preexisting health condition you have then yes you MIGHT take longer to recover OR you might die.

The majority of the world population in the worlds respective nations are not already sick with their immune systems compromised and/or fucked. The healthy population of each nation then should not be punished by being told to give up their human right to freedom and enjoying life so they are effectively under House Arrest so they can protect a small proportion who are old or sick with compromised and/or fucked immune systems. That would be INSANE to suggest that that should be done.
It seems that there are some who WANT COVID-19 to kill as many as possible, they are literally praying for this to happen, this is why we are seeing such hostility to the reopening of Western Society, this is why we have those who DEMAND almost permanant lockdown and do NOT want ANY drugs being used to even TREAT anyone with COVID-19.
It often seems that way. The position of myself is to shutdown as best you can UP TO A POINT, try to save lives, isolate, wear masks, etc., anything that helps, but then, come hell or high water, at some point, you have to move on NO MATTER WHAT! Because to do less is to destroy the civilized world.

Yet others seem to feel that you must shut down, lock down totally, forever and a day until you effect the ideal solution: a total collapse of the pandemic, that life returns to normal. And EVERYTHING ELSE can and must wait until we BEAT THE VIRUS! Problem is, THAT DAY MAY NEVER COME! And in the process, the cure will end up being worse than the disease. I'm reminded of that when I read this local post in my community:

View attachment 338655

So, in Sandra's mind, if cases spike, we never should have opened. She seems oblivious to TWO facts:
  1. In viral plagues, flu, etc., people DIE. There is no stopping that.
  2. You can't close an economy for very long, business dies, people run out of money, jobs disappear, and that is damage that does not repair the day after you reopen, not in a week, not in a month, maybe not even in a year.
It took us basically TEN YEARS to recover from the SNL scandal of 2009. We've already saved a lot of lives, but at some point, the world is going to have to resume no matter what the deaths.

I agree and agree, the opposite is just insane. The Sandra Kaplan's of this planet are just insane.
We are very near creating a vaccine for COVID-19. Tomorrow we (ie. various Government departments including The Ministry of Health and our own Ministry of Interior along with all the main private financing peoples) will have near all day meetings about this with Apeiron Biologics AG who are working literally round the clock on a vaccine. This is very exciting.

A press statement was released May 18 I was going to post it last night but got distracted etc For THOSE who get freaked out by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation situation, I am to tell you THIS below COVID-19 drug has ZERO funding from The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and if this is successful as I know it will be this ENTIRE Government INCLUDING Ministers and Secretaries and ALL FAMILY members in ALL Government Departments WILL take the vaccine, this as an example to those who are getting freaked out about taking ANY COVID-19 vaccine. OUR COVID-19 developed and tested with both Government AND private finance from FULLY vetted Independent private financing WILL be 100% SAFE.

The drug for COVID-19 has already named APN01(rhACE2), it will be developed into both a treatment AND a VACCINE:

View attachment 338316

About Apeiron Biologics AG which we are PROUD to say is an Austrian company based here in Wien, even though the CEO is British:

View attachment 338317

In America you possible not hear about Apeiron Biologics AG before and so I provide further info on them and also their website:

View attachment 338320

This is the INCREDIBLE Apeiron Biologics AG team, an INCREDIBLE group of AMAZINGLY talented peoples, pray for them because they could very well be VERY NEAR being able to save YOUR LIFE AND the lives of your family with their APN01(rhACE2) the COVID-19 drug, they ALL DESERVE their names listed and so this is who they are:

View attachment 338322

View attachment 338323
View attachment 338324
View attachment 338325
View attachment 338326
View attachment 338328
View attachment 338329

Edited to add I forget to provide the link to the website for Apeiron Biologics AG:

So what can we learn from this?

Here's what we can learn: Super rich and wealthy people, who have been in business for decades, some of whom were even in venture capitalist companies, created a profit-seeking company to produce pharmaceuticals, and this capitalist profit-based company had big pharma companies investing in it, and capitalist investors...

Is now making a vaccine for Corona.

Rich white men, funded by rich white men, with a profit incentive, are creating a vaccine.

So.... Capitalism wins again.

Is this negative then?

I guess.... we're told how white people are evil, men are evil, capitalist are evil, investors are evil, profits are evil, and wealthy people are evil, and corporations are evil, and making money off of sick people is evil...

According to that view, you just posted one of the most horrifically evil and terrible developments in the entire Corona pandemic.... a bunch of people are going to make millions if not billions on this!
It seems that there are some who WANT COVID-19 to kill as many as possible, they are literally praying for this to happen, this is why we are seeing such hostility to the reopening of Western Society, this is why we have those who DEMAND almost permanant lockdown and do NOT want ANY drugs being used to even TREAT anyone with COVID-19.
It often seems that way. The position of myself is to shutdown as best you can UP TO A POINT, try to save lives, isolate, wear masks, etc., anything that helps, but then, come hell or high water, at some point, you have to move on NO MATTER WHAT! Because to do less is to destroy the civilized world.

Yet others seem to feel that you must shut down, lock down totally, forever and a day until you effect the ideal solution: a total collapse of the pandemic, that life returns to normal. And EVERYTHING ELSE can and must wait until we BEAT THE VIRUS! Problem is, THAT DAY MAY NEVER COME! And in the process, the cure will end up being worse than the disease. I'm reminded of that when I read this local post in my community:

View attachment 338655

So, in Sandra's mind, if cases spike, we never should have opened. She seems oblivious to TWO facts:
  1. In viral plagues, flu, etc., people DIE. There is no stopping that.
  2. You can't close an economy for very long, business dies, people run out of money, jobs disappear, and that is damage that does not repair the day after you reopen, not in a week, not in a month, maybe not even in a year.
It took us basically TEN YEARS to recover from the SNL scandal of 2009. We've already saved a lot of lives, but at some point, the world is going to have to resume no matter what the deaths.

Here are two graphics re. the worst Pandemics in history, the graphics are from March 2020 but even if you add the figures up to today May 20 look where COVID-19 is, it's STILL where it was in March. We did NOT have this crazed freakout for eg. Swine Flu and I was not around in 1957 for that Asian Flu that is listed with 1.1 millions deaths but I can find NO articles about how in 1957 the ENTIRE Western Economy except for the most basic of things was shut down and EVERYONE in 1957 was literally told to stay inside under effective House Arrest.

They are literally acting like COVID-19 is the Bubonic Plague or whatever, you know with 200 MILLIONS dying across the planet. It is completely hysterical and out of all proportion.


It seems that there are some who WANT COVID-19 to kill as many as possible, they are literally praying for this to happen, this is why we are seeing such hostility to the reopening of Western Society, this is why we have those who DEMAND almost permanant lockdown and do NOT want ANY drugs being used to even TREAT anyone with COVID-19.
It often seems that way. The position of myself is to shutdown as best you can UP TO A POINT, try to save lives, isolate, wear masks, etc., anything that helps, but then, come hell or high water, at some point, you have to move on NO MATTER WHAT! Because to do less is to destroy the civilized world.

Yet others seem to feel that you must shut down, lock down totally, forever and a day until you effect the ideal solution: a total collapse of the pandemic, that life returns to normal. And EVERYTHING ELSE can and must wait until we BEAT THE VIRUS! Problem is, THAT DAY MAY NEVER COME! And in the process, the cure will end up being worse than the disease. I'm reminded of that when I read this local post in my community:

View attachment 338655

So, in Sandra's mind, if cases spike, we never should have opened. She seems oblivious to TWO facts:
  1. In viral plagues, flu, etc., people DIE. There is no stopping that.
  2. You can't close an economy for very long, business dies, people run out of money, jobs disappear, and that is damage that does not repair the day after you reopen, not in a week, not in a month, maybe not even in a year.
It took us basically TEN YEARS to recover from the SNL scandal of 2009. We've already saved a lot of lives, but at some point, the world is going to have to resume no matter what the deaths.

I do not think we are going to beat the virus, that is I think it is impossible to eradicate COVID-19 and reduce the rate of those who get it to 0.02% Those who are thinking we can do this, what planet are they on?

The situation is and again I am not an expert but I have been talking with experts and asking when I see them to keep educating me some more about this thing and they have said that the likely situation is that we are going to have to live with COVID-19, just like we all have to live with various strains of the flu and like those various strains of the flu that COVID-19 is probably going to become just another Seasonal virus.

So with this in mind, we have one of two choices:

When the next wave of COVID-19 appears probably between September-December EVERYONE freaks out AGAIN and gets hysterical and the World Wide Total Lockdown is back on, this time NEVER to be LIFTED until who knows a year, 18 months, 2024 whatever. With this we all just forget about things like the Western Economy and jobs and just go for a total economic collapse and complete disaster and a World Wide Economic Depression probably the worst in History and with that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of deaths across the Western World from poverty, near starvation, suicides etc


There is a logical and rational response and that is - ALL the over 70s and those with preexisting health issues ALL STAY INSIDE and do NOT go out EVEN for food or medicine. We will get your food and medicine delivered to YOU. And EVERYONE else go out, go to work, go to a bar, go to a sports event, go to a restaurant ie. LIVE YOUR LIFE as NORMAL.
Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain.
This is a flat out lie.

Every years new flu strain is a mutation, some are more deadly, some are less.
Please explain to the class how an RNA virus differs from a DNA virus. Then explain how it can become more violent as it breaks down. I am going to love this explanation..
More violent as it breaks down?

You obviously read something you thought you understood.

Go read it again.

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