We are VERY near a vaccine for COVID-19

Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain.
This is a flat out lie.

Every years new flu strain is a mutation, some are more deadly, some are less.

I am told by many that when a virus mutates it mutates into a less potent strain ie. less deadly strain.

You are wrong according to the experts, here is one article by some of those experts:

View attachment 338625

Here is another article saying the same thing:

View attachment 338626

Here is another article saying the same:

View attachment 338629

This article also refer to that article from The Los Angeles Times that I am not able to read, the one you link to in your other post:

View attachment 338630
View attachment 338633

Here is another article that says the same:

View attachment 338635

View attachment 338637
View attachment 338638

View attachment 338642
View attachment 338643

You wasted a shit load of time and energy, 'cause not one of those articles says what you claim.
Every virus that mutates always mutates into something less potent than the original strain of that virus, a virus does not mutate into something more potent than the original strain.
This is a flat out lie.

Every years new flu strain is a mutation, some are more deadly, some are less.

BTW last year January 2019 I got the flu for only the second time in my life and it was a 3 week nightmare and it literally nearly killed me, I even had The Last Rites BUT note I comment it NEARLY killed me BUT it DIDN'T. Why? Because I am in very good health and I'm young that's why. Same thing with COVID-19 essentially, the death ratio is minute compared to the Recovery rate and also to the rate of those who have had the thing and displayed no symptoms.

What this means is this IF you are in already good health and IF you get COVID-19 you have a next to zero chance of dying from this thing, you probably will feel TERRIBLE for 2-3 weeks but you then will recover.

IF your immune system is already compromised via whatever preexisting health condition you have then yes you MIGHT take longer to recover OR you might die.

The majority of the world population in the worlds respective nations are not already sick with their immune systems compromised and/or fucked. The healthy population of each nation then should not be punished by being told to give up their human right to freedom and enjoying life so they are effectively under House Arrest so they can protect a small proportion who are old or sick with compromised and/or fucked immune systems. That would be INSANE to suggest that that should be done.
Ah, so you're another advocate of the "let 'em die" policies.
If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.
All viruses mutate overtime. A vaccine will only be at best marginally effective. Just like the annual flu vaccine.

It will be good for generating profits for big Pharma, which is the ultimate goal.
Two vaccines with similar science are in phase two of human trials and is working in every case....no failures in any test subject so far....phase three begins next week...the final phase begins next month making a vaccine for everyone possible by September....that would blow the libs minds right out of their skulls.....

Yes this all is VERY VERY important, this needs to be completed ASAP.

Agreed but you know this company has just 35 employees...

The are opening for funding and the Gates foundation would be a primary source of such funding...

I don't understand what is the objection to the gate foundation

I would prefer not to answer the question re. what the objection to The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is, we just are not fans of that man. For one thing he has NO medical degree.
Exactly,do not take the vaccine they say they have now,gates is the main person behind this vaccine,he is very much connected to the elite.Gates is a mass murderer,he is behind the vaccine that killed thousands of Africans.also there is no virus,this fake virus hoax they have come up with has already achieved their objectives,it has ruined the economy which has destroyed the livilhoods of many people causing suicides.here in America we have lost several libertys same as 9/11. This hoax virus follows the same pattern of 9/11,problem,reaction,solution.create the problem,get a reaction,offer the solution.inboth cases our libertys were lost because of draconian legislation,do not take the vaccine
If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.
All viruses mutate overtime. A vaccine will only be at best marginally effective. Just like the annual flu vaccine.

It will be good for generating profits for big Pharma, which is the ultimate goal.
If they rush a vaccine to the point of not really testing it properly I'll not be one of the first guinea pigs to take it.

Apeiron Biologics AG are already testing this thing on volunteers and have been doing we already know in this nation but also they are testing it on select groups in Germany, the United Kingdom and China.
Lots of people are working on a vaccine, not just the firm you are shilling for.
I've spoken to doctor friends and they assure me that any properly tested and fully vetted vaccine, if they even get one out by end of this year would be near record time. Normal time figure about 18 months. Added complication, Covid-19 keeps morphing. There were already 3 variants last time I checked.
All viruses mutate overtime. A vaccine will only be at best marginally effective. Just like the annual flu vaccine.

It will be good for generating profits for big Pharma, which is the ultimate goal.
So...Liberals will be upset if a vaccine is developed?
I thought the narrative was that Liberals want everyone to be compulsorily vaccinated to give them autism and 5G nano-bots...or something...it's hard to keep up.

Is that what Obamagate is I wonder?
Here are two graphics re. the worst Pandemics in history, the graphics are from March 2020 but even if you add the figures up to today May 20 look where COVID-19 is, it's STILL where it was in March. We did NOT have this crazed freakout for eg. Swine Flu and I was not around in 1957 for that Asian Flu that is listed with 1.1 millions deaths but I can find NO articles about how in 1957 the ENTIRE Western Economy except for the most basic of things was shut down and EVERYONE in 1957 was literally told to stay inside under effective House Arrest.
Hi Lucy, thanks for those charts. I took both and tried to resample and re-interpolate them to larger, clearer sizes without exacerbating artifacts too much (had to downsize the 2nd to make it loadable here). Hope you find that useful. Xenforo seems to like to resample and resize files to its liking anyway, oh well, and 2nd file came out same as yours. Of course, many try to use the argument that had we not done the shutdowns (and much worse in other parts of the world), that Covid would have been far worse! But that is of course a hard thing to prove or disprove since we have few standard models to compare with, EXCEPT that unlike these other pandemics, Covid was the only one to infect a great many people yet have very mild if any symptoms! And of course, there ARE a few countries which did everything AGAINST our models (Sweden, Japan, S. Korea) and got wholly BETTER outcomes!

Chances seem good that had we simply moved all the nursing home patients outdoors or somewhere without a sealed, closed in environment, and instituted aggressive staff PPE, that most of them might still be alive.


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