*We As A Nation, Are No Better Than Venezuela*

so move to Russia, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus hater dupe anti American POS.... You take the ravings of an orange con man and total bs over hundreds of years of real history. You don't know anything factual about Venezuela the pandemic or anything else *******.
Sorry bout that,

1. Please refrain from editing my posts moron.
2. Having a problem America is a third world country?
3. Takes time.
4. I'm not going anywhere.

Sorry bout that,

1. Please refrain from editing my posts moron.
2. Having a problem America is a third world country?
3. Takes time.
4. I'm not going anywhere.

If you think America is a third world country then you have no clue what a third world country is. I’m curious though what is an example of a modern day first world country? And which country do you think is the greatest on Earth?
Sorry bout that,

1. Please refrain from editing my posts moron.
2. Having a problem America is a third world country?
3. Takes time.
4. I'm not going anywhere.

that is my computer not me and it's irrelevant to the argument which you lost about 20 years ago. Everything you know is wrong DUHH...
Sorry bout that,

1. Please refrain from editing my posts moron.
2. Having a problem America is a third world country?
3. Takes time.
4. I'm not going anywhere.

you left reality about 20 years ago lol....
For your information my Mother died from a brain aneurysm in 2012.
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh great posters drag out the body of their dead mothers to prove a point.
2. Leave dead mothers in peace.
3. You can't bring *Mother* back by using her as a shield to prove your lame point.

If you think America is a third world country then you have no clue what a third world country is. I’m curious though what is an example of a modern day first world country? And which country do you think is the greatest on Earth?
Sorry bout that,

1. I've been to several third world countries and own a house in one.
2. They on the most part are ruled with an iron glove.
3. They assassinate their rivals.
4. They raid the oppositions houses.
5. They clamp down on all opposing population, by weaponizing tax collectors, giving them weapons to kill citizens.
6. I've been to most of Central America, and parts of South America.
7. I know what *Third World Nations* are.
8. And I know we have just become one, and I'm not happy about it.
9. As far as your question on what country is best on earth now, I'd have to say, New Zealand, my opinion, thou I've never been there.
10. Its a sad day August 8th 2022.

It must awful to have your existence so tied up in a political ideology that you would convince yourself that we're worse than a shitty country.

I don't know how people like this make it through a freakin' day.
It must awful to have your existence so tied up in a political ideology that you would convince yourself that we're worse than a shitty country.

I don't know how people like this make it through a freakin' day.
Sorry bout that,

1. I said *Equal Too*. *No Better Than*.
2. We are on the same footing as most nations, which are *Third World Shit Holes*.
3. Facts laid bare, its ok I'm getting used to it, you should too.
4. I don't make the truth just speak it.

Your truth. An ugly place, but that's your choice.
Sorry bout that,

1. So your having problems coming to terms with our new national status.
2. Its ok, takes time for some to realize the truth.
3. My truth is a *Universal Truth*.
4. I'm telling it, you can't resist, cause its *True*.
5. Its a shame it has happened, but the truth, is the truth.

Sorry bout that,

1. So your having problems coming to terms with our new national status.
2. Its ok, takes time for some to realize the truth.
3. My truth is a *Universal Truth*.
4. I'm telling it, you can't resist, cause its *True*.
5. Its a shame it has happened, but the truth, is the truth.

Your truth is your opinion, nothing more. Stuff you believe.

You possess zero (0) special insight.
Your truth is your opinion, nothing more. Stuff you believe.

You possess zero (0) special insight.
Sorry bout that,

1. Thats your useless opinion, about the *Truth*
2. I am the one who also called *August 8th 2022*.
3. Search it and find out something.

Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh great posters drag out the body of their dead mothers to prove a point.
2. Leave dead mothers in peace.
3. You can't bring *Mother* back by using her as a shield to prove your lame point.

My post was in response to another post that was deleted.
Sorry bout that,

1. I've been to several third world countries and own a house in one.
2. They on the most part are ruled with an iron glove.
3. They assassinate their rivals.
4. They raid the oppositions houses.
5. They clamp down on all opposing population, by weaponizing tax collectors, giving them weapons to kill citizens.
6. I've been to most of Central America, and parts of South America.
7. I know what *Third World Nations* are.
8. And I know we have just become one, and I'm not happy about it.
9. As far as your question on what country is best on earth now, I'd have to say, New Zealand, my opinion, thou I've never been there.
10. Its a sad day August 8th 2022.

Sad for you but not for most. For most they go about their lives proud to live in the greatest country on earth and not in an actual third world country. They believe in law and order and don’t really care too much about trump illegally taking papers and the FBI going to his house to take them back. Most certainly aren’t calling America a third word country because of it. Don’t be a drama Queen
It must awful to have your existence so tied up in a political ideology that you would convince yourself that we're worse than a shitty country.

I don't know how people like this make it through a freakin' day.
China is next in line for world power. And they are worse. The globalists who have weakened the West on purpose, are playing a dangerous game.
Nether do I. The Republic is dead.
Just Trump and his cult's brains.


Kool-Aid has announced they will be debuting a new flavor this week called “Trump Orange.” The formula has been tweaked and Kool-Aid CEO says its the most powerful drink they have ever made.

“We know that supporters of the president love to drink his Kool-Aid, so we are forecasting this to be a huge seller for us,” he said. “We’ve had similar flavors in the past which have also done well such as the Anti-Vaccine Berry Blast, Alex Jones Town Grape, and Flat Earth Strawberry Jam. We are confident this will surpass all of those.”
Sad for you but not for most. For most they go about their lives proud to live in the greatest country on earth and not in an actual third world country. They believe in law and order and don’t really care too much about trump illegally taking papers and the FBI going to his house to take them back. Most certainly aren’t calling America a third word country because of it. Don’t be a drama Queen
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm so happy you are ok we are now a *Third World Shit Hole*.
2. You got accustomed to it rather quickly, and since Obama put his hand to it, has been rather quickly too.
3. You talk of pride, and you will be brought low.
4. America has Fallen.
5. That will never change.
6. The fundamental change has come to pass.
7.This my Nation was founded on *ONE MAN JESUS*
8. This nation was fundamentally changed by *ONE MAN OBAMA*.
9. Its a shame but the facts will never change.
10. *America Has Fallen*.
11. There are many reasons this has taken place, I could list them.
12. But it wouldn't change anything, its a little too late for change.
13. A, *Nation in Sack Cloth and Ash*, would not get G-D to turn back to us, we have indeed earned what's taken place.


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