We can't afford to get it wrong..........again.

..those aren't mistakes........this is a NEVER BEFORE thing!!! and you expect HUMANS to STOP a virus????!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!! to know what to do for something we've never seen before???
.....we can't stop the common cold!!!!! ...it's like wars---there always have been wars and always will be
..it's like 9-11/WW2/Boston Bombing/etc
..I guess Churchill/Stalin/Bush/FDR/etc etc all made mistakes that could have stopped ALL the world's problems.......?????!!!

That's the thing here, too. Even after this virus is history- and it will be- there are other pathogens on the horizon. Swine flus, horse flus, bird flus, viruses in the air, in the water, in the food already, just looking for a vector to enter the human population.

They say that aids started out in the Green Monkey of Africa, finally got into the human population when someone in Deepest Darkest Africa trained one of the primate to give it to him in the Caboose. There is no way to stop this thing, and if we stopped the economy because of aids, it would still be stopped.
..those aren't mistakes........this is a NEVER BEFORE thing!!! and you expect HUMANS to STOP a virus????!!!!!!!!!!??????!!!!!! to know what to do for something we've never seen before???
.....we can't stop the common cold!!!!! ...it's like wars---there always have been wars and always will be
..it's like 9-11/WW2/Boston Bombing/etc
..I guess Churchill/Stalin/Bush/FDR/etc etc all made mistakes that could have stopped ALL the world's problems.......?????!!!

That's the thing here, too. Even after this virus is history- and it will be- there are other pathogens on the horizon. Swine flus, horse flus, bird flus, viruses in the air, in the water, in the food already, just looking for a vector to enter the human population.

They say that aids started out in the Green Monkey of Africa, finally got into the human population when someone in Deepest Darkest Africa trained one of the primate to give it to him in the Caboose. There is no way to stop this thing, and if we stopped the economy because of aids, it would still be stopped.
..Berg can stop it!!!!!!!!!!! BEFORE it happens
Stop being such a pussy. Either put on your big boy pants and get back to work or hide in your basement sucking your thumb and clutching your security blanket.
Here's the problem with that ignorant comment and why it defeats the purpose you so desperately desire. Opening the economy to soon will be a setback for what everyone wants. An eventual return to normalcy. Your approach virtually ensures a return to mandatory social distancing and will extend the period of economic malaise.
Stop being such a pussy. Either put on your big boy pants and get back to work or hide in your basement sucking your thumb and clutching your security blanket.
Here's the problem with that ignorant comment and why it defeats the purpose you so desperately desire. Opening the economy to soon will be a setback for what everyone wants. An eventual return to normalcy. Your approach virtually ensures a return to mandatory social distancing and will extend the period of economic malaise.
..my company is one company of a group of companies--we've haven't stopped working ---no C19 cases
Consider this.............

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

Why Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore saw another coronavirus wave — and will likely see more
Hong Kong’s bump in coronavirus infections, beginning in March, was relatively small, and largely attributed to people returning to the territory from places overseas where the coronavirus was then spreading rapidly, such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

..........and this................

#FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches

Aerial snapshots of people flocking to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Fla., made waves on the Internet on Saturday.
Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday. Duval and St. Johns counties have reopened their beaches, while Miami-Dade County officials said they are considering following suit.

.............and this.

‘Liberate’: Trump tweets support of protests against stay-at-home orders

President Trump encouraged protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread.
It's understandable people are getting frustrated with being required to stay at home. Both for reasons of the natural human desire to socialize and for financial reasons. Millions of families were already living month to month with little savings despite a strong job market. Being put out of work has exposed their vulnerability to not having the means to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.

But here's the thing. The government and corporate America have taken on an enormous amount of debt to try to keep the economy from collapsing as it has been forced to grind to a virtual halt. Hopes for a re-opening of the economy has resulted in a partial rebound of the financial markets. Social distancing measures have worked. Crucially, the stress on the medical system has subsided somewhat. And the country is clearly eager to return to some degree of normalcy.

However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to patient and disciplined. We can not allow ourselves to be pressured in to acting too soon based on a political agenda. We've come too far to take chances now.

What makes you think a Permanent Shut Down of the World Economy is so tremendous of an idea? And make no mistake about it, it would be Permanent if the Liberal Overlords had their druthers. They really dig this power trip.

COVID 19 will soon be history, but there will be COVID 20,21, 22, etc. There will be other viruses, bacteria, spirochetes, fungi, etc. after this, as there always are, each demanding even more rigorously policed lockdown states.
I'm going to assume you were either too lazy to read this far in to the OP.................."However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to be patient and disciplined."....................or you just act reflexively to any post that doesn't essentially say, Trump is awesome and infallible.
If you are waiting for the chinese disease to go away it will never happen

the virus will kill Americans every year from now on

and the cure in the form of a lockdown is hurting us worse than the disease itself
Consider this.............

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

Why Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore saw another coronavirus wave — and will likely see more
Hong Kong’s bump in coronavirus infections, beginning in March, was relatively small, and largely attributed to people returning to the territory from places overseas where the coronavirus was then spreading rapidly, such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

..........and this................

#FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches

Aerial snapshots of people flocking to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Fla., made waves on the Internet on Saturday.
Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday. Duval and St. Johns counties have reopened their beaches, while Miami-Dade County officials said they are considering following suit.

.............and this.

‘Liberate’: Trump tweets support of protests against stay-at-home orders

President Trump encouraged protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread.
It's understandable people are getting frustrated with being required to stay at home. Both for reasons of the natural human desire to socialize and for financial reasons. Millions of families were already living month to month with little savings despite a strong job market. Being put out of work has exposed their vulnerability to not having the means to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.

But here's the thing. The government and corporate America have taken on an enormous amount of debt to try to keep the economy from collapsing as it has been forced to grind to a virtual halt. Hopes for a re-opening of the economy has resulted in a partial rebound of the financial markets. Social distancing measures have worked. Crucially, the stress on the medical system has subsided somewhat. And the country is clearly eager to return to some degree of normalcy.

However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to be patient and disciplined. We can not allow ourselves to be pressured in to acting too soon based on a political agenda. We've come too far to take chances now.
We got it wrong in 2008. On both sides.
Stop being such a pussy. Either put on your big boy pants and get back to work or hide in your basement sucking your thumb and clutching your security blanket.
Here's the problem with that ignorant comment and why it defeats the purpose you so desperately desire. Opening the economy to soon will be a setback for what everyone wants. An eventual return to normalcy. Your approach virtually ensures a return to mandatory social distancing and will extend the period of economic malaise.

There is where you are wrong, everyone does NOT want a "return to normalcy" at all.

Gov. Whitmer and many of the other liberal elite really get off on telling other people what to do and keeping them locked down. This is the "new normal" they've been looking for.
BERG for Leader of the WORLD!! he will eradicate all the world's problems BEFORE they happen !!!!!!!!!!
...he can tell the future
You aren't seriously suggesting the outbreak in the US wasn't predicted, are you? Or that medical experts didn't predict something like this would happen years ago?

Get a hold of the book, "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. I admit it's longer than a bumper sticker so perhaps it's too much info for you to handle.
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What's wrong with encouraging the people to let their voices be heard?
That's a very kind way of interpreting what Trump did. Which was to issue guidelines, tell governors decisions would be left to them, and then foment unrest by encouraging protests against Trump's own guidelines as well as encouraging people to ignore the guidelines.

"It’s unclear why Trump seems to be siding with the protesters given that the states in question have imposed restrictions that follow the recommendations laid out by Trump’s White House coronavirus task force last month that go by the name “The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines For America.”
BERG for Leader of the WORLD!! he will eradicate all the world's problems BEFORE they happen !!!!!!!!!!
...he can tell the future
You aren't seriously suggesting the outbreak in the US wasn't predicted, are you? Or that medical experts predicted something like this would happen years ago?

Get a hold of the book, "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. I admit it's longer than a bumper sticker so perhaps it's too much info for you to handle.

Pestilences have happened since antiquity, berg. Ever hear of the plague of Justinian? The Black Death? Leprosy? Polio scare? The Spanish Flu? Cholera outbreaks? aids? Typhus? Measles?

Pestilences have always been a part of mankind and always will be. In the Bible, in Revelation, a prophesy of a pestilence that will knock off 1/4 of all mankind lies in the future.
BERG for Leader of the WORLD!! he will eradicate all the world's problems BEFORE they happen !!!!!!!!!!
...he can tell the future
You aren't seriously suggesting the outbreak in the US wasn't predicted, are you? Or that medical experts predicted something like this would happen years ago?

Get a hold of the book, "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston. I admit it's longer than a bumper sticker so perhaps it's too much info for you to handle.
.....just like Pearl Harbor/9-11/etc etc was ''predicted'' = bullshit ..no --it wasn't predicted....so you are saying FDR and Mr Trump/etc KNEW the economy would go to shit and people would die--but they did nothing?????!!! =BULLSHIT
Gov. Whitmer and many of the other liberal elite really get off on telling other people what to do and keeping them locked down. This is the "new normal" they've been looking for.
As I'm sure you know, that is baseless, paranoid, bullshit. Sorry to call you out for it.
Consider this.............

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

Why Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore saw another coronavirus wave — and will likely see more
Hong Kong’s bump in coronavirus infections, beginning in March, was relatively small, and largely attributed to people returning to the territory from places overseas where the coronavirus was then spreading rapidly, such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

..........and this................

#FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches

Aerial snapshots of people flocking to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Fla., made waves on the Internet on Saturday.
Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday. Duval and St. Johns counties have reopened their beaches, while Miami-Dade County officials said they are considering following suit.

.............and this.

‘Liberate’: Trump tweets support of protests against stay-at-home orders

President Trump encouraged protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread.
It's understandable people are getting frustrated with being required to stay at home. Both for reasons of the natural human desire to socialize and for financial reasons. Millions of families were already living month to month with little savings despite a strong job market. Being put out of work has exposed their vulnerability to not having the means to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.

But here's the thing. The government and corporate America have taken on an enormous amount of debt to try to keep the economy from collapsing as it has been forced to grind to a virtual halt. Hopes for a re-opening of the economy has resulted in a partial rebound of the financial markets. Social distancing measures have worked. Crucially, the stress on the medical system has subsided somewhat. And the country is clearly eager to return to some degree of normalcy.

However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to be patient and disciplined. We can not allow ourselves to be pressured in to acting too soon based on a political agenda. We've come too far to take chances now.
But the left is consistently wrong ...is it because you guys are so smart?

Pestilences have happened since antiquity, berg. Ever hear of the plague of Justinian? The Black Death? Leprosy? Polio scare? The Spanish Flu? Cholera outbreaks? aids? Typhus? Measles?

Pestilences have always been a part of mankind and always will be. In the Bible, in Revelation, a prophesy of a pestilence that will knock off 1/4 of all mankind lies in the future.
What does that have to do with suggesting we adhere to the advice of medical experts and take the re-opening of the economy carefully so as to prevent a setback?
But the left is consistently wrong ...is it because you guys are so smart?
Actually, conservatives are not only wrong about every major issue facing America but they are in the minority as well. But that is a discussion for another thread.
Gov. Whitmer and many of the other liberal elite really get off on telling other people what to do and keeping them locked down. This is the "new normal" they've been looking for.
As I'm sure you know, that is baseless, paranoid, bullshit. Sorry to call you out for it.

I saw the gleam in the eye of liberal talking heads excited about the massive layoffs over the past month. I saw their knee-jerk reaction against the hope that President Trump is generating with his tremendous hydroxychloroquine plus zinc treatment for the disease. You can tell me that that the libs want this resolved, but it really doesn't look like it from this vantage.
Stop being such a pussy. Either put on your big boy pants and get back to work or hide in your basement sucking your thumb and clutching your security blanket.
Here's the problem with that ignorant comment and why it defeats the purpose you so desperately desire. Opening the economy to soon will be a setback for what everyone wants. An eventual return to normalcy. Your approach virtually ensures a return to mandatory social distancing and will extend the period of economic malaise.
We are going to have to social distance regardless. Social distancing is not synonymous with lockdown. I social distance AND I work. A lot of others can do that too. It might not be possible in the metropolis'...but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to wait on you. We can carry the burden while you adapt you the new reality.

We in the trucking industry had to adapt I the fly...and we found ways to carry the load both literally and figuratively while the rest of the nation healed and during that time other business owners found there own ways to adapt and overcome.

I delivered tractors to a farm equipment dealer in rural Illinois yesterday...they had a sign with a phone number outside a brand new door they had installed for their parts and service counter...I called it. They said to come on in. They had built a Plexiglas room in front of the counter. You called in and if there was a customer already in there they would get your info and call you when the customer left. If you needed parts they would get them ready for you. If you just needed service, they would send someone out.

THAT'S how you reopen an economy...not by hiding, but by finding ways to safely accommodate your business structure to mitigate as much interaction as possible.
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Consider this.............

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

Why Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore saw another coronavirus wave — and will likely see more
Hong Kong’s bump in coronavirus infections, beginning in March, was relatively small, and largely attributed to people returning to the territory from places overseas where the coronavirus was then spreading rapidly, such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

..........and this................

#FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches

Aerial snapshots of people flocking to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Fla., made waves on the Internet on Saturday.
Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday. Duval and St. Johns counties have reopened their beaches, while Miami-Dade County officials said they are considering following suit.

.............and this.

‘Liberate’: Trump tweets support of protests against stay-at-home orders

President Trump encouraged protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread.
It's understandable people are getting frustrated with being required to stay at home. Both for reasons of the natural human desire to socialize and for financial reasons. Millions of families were already living month to month with little savings despite a strong job market. Being put out of work has exposed their vulnerability to not having the means to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.

But here's the thing. The government and corporate America have taken on an enormous amount of debt to try to keep the economy from collapsing as it has been forced to grind to a virtual halt. Hopes for a re-opening of the economy has resulted in a partial rebound of the financial markets. Social distancing measures have worked. Crucially, the stress on the medical system has subsided somewhat. And the country is clearly eager to return to some degree of normalcy.

However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to be patient and disciplined. We can not allow ourselves to be pressured in to acting too soon based on a political agenda. We've come too far to take chances now.

TDS thread 1,411

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