We can't afford to get it wrong..........again.

President Trump is generating with his tremendous hydroxychloroquine plus zinc treatment for the disease.
His treatment?

"The malaria drugs touted by President Trump as potentially “the biggest game changers in the history of medicine” have received a decidedly more sober assessment of their coronavirus-fighting potential from researchers in China, France and Brazil.

Both chloroquine and its close relative hydroxychloroquine offered signs that they may ease some of the hallmark symptoms of coronavirus infection in patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19. But the drugs largely failed to deliver improvements on other key measures when evaluated in rigorous research studies."
Consider this.............

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

Why Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore saw another coronavirus wave — and will likely see more
Hong Kong’s bump in coronavirus infections, beginning in March, was relatively small, and largely attributed to people returning to the territory from places overseas where the coronavirus was then spreading rapidly, such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

..........and this................

#FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches

Aerial snapshots of people flocking to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Fla., made waves on the Internet on Saturday.
Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday. Duval and St. Johns counties have reopened their beaches, while Miami-Dade County officials said they are considering following suit.

.............and this.

‘Liberate’: Trump tweets support of protests against stay-at-home orders

President Trump encouraged protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread.
It's understandable people are getting frustrated with being required to stay at home. Both for reasons of the natural human desire to socialize and for financial reasons. Millions of families were already living month to month with little savings despite a strong job market. Being put out of work has exposed their vulnerability to not having the means to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.

But here's the thing. The government and corporate America have taken on an enormous amount of debt to try to keep the economy from collapsing as it has been forced to grind to a virtual halt. Hopes for a re-opening of the economy has resulted in a partial rebound of the financial markets. Social distancing measures have worked. Crucially, the stress on the medical system has subsided somewhat. And the country is clearly eager to return to some degree of normalcy.

However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to be patient and disciplined. We can not allow ourselves to be pressured in to acting too soon based on a political agenda. We've come too far to take chances now.

TDS thread 1,411
Orange Man Good post # 173,982.
Coronavirus Advice From Abroad: 7 Lessons America’s Governors Should Not Ignore as They Reopen Their Economies

To help you and your aides think about this decision over the next few weeks, we’ve interviewed experts and frontline officials from Italy, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. While they differ on the details, their views formed a startlingly united consensus of what’s needed:

  • Massive, ongoing testing to detect where the disease is spreading,
  • a real-time ability to trace contacts of those infected and isolate them,
  • a willingness of people to wear masks in crowded public spaces,
  • reserves of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other equipment for hospital workers to handle any surge in cases,
  • and reliable, easily administered blood tests to find out the number of people who have been infected. If they work well, such tests could eventually be used to identify people with immunity who could work at higher-risk jobs.
At this point, it looks like Trump was right more often than the experts and their bogus recommendations. So how the hell can we be sure social distancing and quarantining healthy people did anything? How do we know anything about a second wave? How do we even know there will be a second wave? One thing we know for sure is that Democrat governors policies are causing an economic disaster either intentionally or through their own stupidity. Start getting back to work, now.
I have to ask, are you being sarcastic? If not, to the extent your post is representative of Trumpleton thinking, we have much bigger long term problems than this virus poses.

Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day....This post of your's proves it, but not for the reason YOU think it does...The long term problems we have are that lying progressives like you are embedded in our School, Media, and Print News operations spreading the conspiracy theory, and lies just like you do on a daily basis in here....
Coronavirus Advice From Abroad: 7 Lessons America’s Governors Should Not Ignore as They Reopen Their Economies

To help you and your aides think about this decision over the next few weeks, we’ve interviewed experts and frontline officials from Italy, Germany, Spain, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. While they differ on the details, their views formed a startlingly united consensus of what’s needed:

  • Massive, ongoing testing to detect where the disease is spreading,
  • a real-time ability to trace contacts of those infected and isolate them,
  • a willingness of people to wear masks in crowded public spaces,
  • reserves of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other equipment for hospital workers to handle any surge in cases,
  • and reliable, easily administered blood tests to find out the number of people who have been infected. If they work well, such tests could eventually be used to identify people with immunity who could work at higher-risk jobs.

HAHAHAHAHA! PROPUBLICA? Soros? Really? LOL....What a moron you really are....
No one is moving to quickly reopening things on a limited basis based on the conditions in your home state, city or county is not moving quickly. Some seem to think doing anything at all or even discussing opening the economy up is moving to quickly
No one is moving to quickly reopening things
Consider this.............

What we can learn from the “second wave” of coronavirus cases in Asia

Why Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore saw another coronavirus wave — and will likely see more
Hong Kong’s bump in coronavirus infections, beginning in March, was relatively small, and largely attributed to people returning to the territory from places overseas where the coronavirus was then spreading rapidly, such as the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States.

..........and this................

#FloridaMorons trends after people flock to reopened Florida beaches

Aerial snapshots of people flocking to a reopened beach in Jacksonville, Fla., made waves on the Internet on Saturday.
Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday. Duval and St. Johns counties have reopened their beaches, while Miami-Dade County officials said they are considering following suit.

.............and this.

‘Liberate’: Trump tweets support of protests against stay-at-home orders

President Trump encouraged protesters in Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia who are defying social distancing orders to rally against the states’ safety measures intended to stop the coronavirus spread.
It's understandable people are getting frustrated with being required to stay at home. Both for reasons of the natural human desire to socialize and for financial reasons. Millions of families were already living month to month with little savings despite a strong job market. Being put out of work has exposed their vulnerability to not having the means to cover an unexpected $1,000 expense.

But here's the thing. The government and corporate America have taken on an enormous amount of debt to try to keep the economy from collapsing as it has been forced to grind to a virtual halt. Hopes for a re-opening of the economy has resulted in a partial rebound of the financial markets. Social distancing measures have worked. Crucially, the stress on the medical system has subsided somewhat. And the country is clearly eager to return to some degree of normalcy.

However, we can't afford to make the mistake of moving too quickly only to see setbacks cause another wave of infections leading to a re-imposition of stay at home orders. There is too much at stake to risk that. The near universal warning from medical experts is it's too early for a restart. Testing is still inadequate, the rate of viral spread is too big, and medical facilities are still too stressed. Which is not to say small measures can't be taken on a regional basis to get things moving again. But we have to patient and disciplined. We can not allow ourselves to be pressured in to acting too soon based on a political agenda. We've come too far to take chances now.

What makes you think a Permanent Shut Down of the World Economy is so tremendous of an idea? And make no mistake about it, it would be Permanent if the Liberal Overlords had their druthers. They really dig this power trip.

COVID 19 will soon be history, but there will be COVID 20,21, 22, etc. There will be other viruses, bacteria, spirochetes, fungi, etc. after this, as there always are, each demanding even more rigorously policed lockdown states.
Covid 19 is named for the year it arrived. 2019
When do you think the Economy should reopen?
The decision should be data dependent, and made on a regional basis, not an arbitrary date based on wishful thinking. I'm simply suggesting we need to be smart about this. Trying to move faster than the required systems in place allows for ultimately means the economy will take longer to completely re-open.
That's what the reopening plan arrived at by the Pres and the governors does. Florida played fast and loose with this Virus from the start. I'm not surprised they are again putting their economy first. Sucks to be a Floridian right now, because they'll pay for it. But I don't see why you are continuing to throw unease and panic into this situation, Berg. It's going to be done carefully by most states.
When do you think the Economy should reopen?
The decision should be data dependent, and made on a regional basis, not an arbitrary date based on wishful thinking. I'm simply suggesting we need to be smart about this. Trying to move faster than the required systems in place allows for ultimately means the economy will take longer to completely re-open.
That's what the reopening plan arrived at by the Pres and the governors does. Florida played fast and loose with this Virus from the start. I'm not surprised they are again putting their economy first. Sucks to be a Floridian right now, because they'll pay for it. But I don't see why you are continuing to throw unease and panic into this situation, Berg. It's going to be done carefully by most states.

Florida is chock full of resorts, hotels, restaurants, airports. That's the majority of the state's economy, they are really schlonged if they can't get it running again. I guess it will just be a place for well heeled oldtimers if the economy is destroyed over this. I can see their desperation.
Florida is chock full of resorts, hotels, restaurants, airports. That's the majority of the state's economy, they are really schlonged if they can't get it running again. I guess it will just be a place for well heeled oldtimers if the economy is destroyed over this. I can see their desperation.
I can too. But I also see the risk of a setback if they do idiotic things like letting morons congregate on beaches causing more cases of COVID-19. What's better? Being smart and patient with the restart or being stupid and impatient causing a re-institution of stay at home orders?
They are socially distancing
No, they aren't. Read the damn info I supply.

"Local news aired photos and videos of Florida’s shoreline dotted with people, closer than six feet apart, spurring #FloridaMorons to trend on Twitter after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) gave the go-ahead for local beachfront governments to decide whether to reopen their beaches during a news briefing Friday."
When do you think the Economy should reopen?
The decision should be data dependent, and made on a regional basis, not an arbitrary date based on wishful thinking. I'm simply suggesting we need to be smart about this. Trying to move faster than the required systems in place allows for ultimately means the economy will take longer to completely re-open.
That's what the reopening plan arrived at by the Pres and the governors does. Florida played fast and loose with this Virus from the start. I'm not surprised they are again putting their economy first. Sucks to be a Floridian right now, because they'll pay for it. But I don't see why you are continuing to throw unease and panic into this situation, Berg. It's going to be done carefully by most states.
They are past peak by over two week and their projected total Wuhan Virus deaths are down to 1,300 by August 1st. That's pretty fucking good for a state cram-packed full of the elderly with underlying health problems.

But don't let the facts get in your way...continue with your fear-mongering attempt to destroy the economy.
When do you think the Economy should reopen?
The decision should be data dependent, and made on a regional basis, not an arbitrary date based on wishful thinking. I'm simply suggesting we need to be smart about this. Trying to move faster than the required systems in place allows for ultimately means the economy will take longer to completely re-open.
That's what the reopening plan arrived at by the Pres and the governors does. Florida played fast and loose with this Virus from the start. I'm not surprised they are again putting their economy first. Sucks to be a Floridian right now, because they'll pay for it. But I don't see why you are continuing to throw unease and panic into this situation, Berg. It's going to be done carefully by most states.

Florida is chock full of resorts, hotels, restaurants, airports. That's the majority of the state's economy, they are really schlonged if they can't get it running again. I guess it will just be a place for well heeled oldtimers if the economy is destroyed over this. I can see their desperation.
So can I. I also live in a state that survives by tourist dollars. We don't even have Florida's massive agriculture to keep us semi-afloat. It's going to be a hard year, because our governor closed all hotels motels, summer rentals, etc. weeks ago. We're not letting the tourists in. But it makes sense. Which I guess Florida hasn't got.
Florida is chock full of resorts, hotels, restaurants, airports. That's the majority of the state's economy, they are really schlonged if they can't get it running again. I guess it will just be a place for well heeled oldtimers if the economy is destroyed over this. I can see their desperation.
I can too. But I also see the risk of a setback if they do idiotic things like letting morons congregate on beaches causing more cases of COVID-19. What's better? Being smart and patient with the restart or being stupid and impatient causing a re-institution of stay at home orders?

too much "patience" will result in irreversible economic collapse. You remind me of guys who were laid off from Youngstown Sheet & Tube and continue to wait for a call back.

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