We can't trust conservative talk show hosts either

I'm only trusting Hannity and Rush these days. Cripes it sucks. Levin is dead in the water to me for all the shit he's pulled. Ditto Beck. When I'd rather listen to CBC than Levin that's saying something.

ETA: I'll throw in the Red Eye guys too . At least they are anti Hillary.
I used to listen to Medved, even met him in person but his constant Trump bashing is too much. I get it, he doesn't like him, but to go on and on every day is just too weird for me. I think he decided Hillary would be better for his pockets.

Translation: I liked Medved until he stopped agreeing with me 100%!
I'm only trusting Hannity and Rush these days. Cripes it sucks. Levin is dead in the water to me for all the shit he's pulled. Ditto Beck. When I'd rather listen to CBC than Levin that's saying something.

ETA: I'll throw in the Red Eye guys too . At least they are anti Hillary.
I used to listen to Medved, even met him in person but his constant Trump bashing is too much. I get it, he doesn't like him, but to go on and on every day is just too weird for me. I think he decided Hillary would be better for his pockets.

Translation: I liked Medved until he stopped agreeing with me 100%!
Who said that? You did. I meant what I said, not Seabitch bullshit.
This is a very important election. We can expect every faction of the Socialist mafia to come out in full force before the election.

They are going to use every method they can think of to take votes away from Trump.

Ever since Rush Windball started making 33 million per year, everyone and their mother is a conservative talk show host now

We have to understand that Democrats can not have call-in shows, because every conservative backwoods yokel would call in and completely destroy the Democrat philosophy.

Even the wishy washy conservatives need screeners to weed out people who would destroy their logic.

People are more than willing to ACT conservative to earn a few million per year.

We have a nearly 100% media attack on Trump.

The Democrat media, is day and night, on the television trying to find any anti-Trump story that will stick.

We have guys like Medved and O'reilly (O'reilly who appears in a Hillary commercial) who are flat out Democrats and part of the problem.

Then, we have the wishy washy Conservative hosts who sat they're voting for Trump...

... BUT "he needs to tone it down"

...BUT "i wish there was someone else"

...BUT "Trump is destroying himself"

My concern is the second hand listeners who hear propaganda from talk show hosts who are supposed to be on the same side.

People need to make choice , do you want a country that resembles a Democracy, with candidates who bring different ideas to Washington, or do you want a country were every politician has to be blessed by the Socialist mafia, who have been chipping away at this country since the early 1900's.

Too many people who make money have loyalties to the system.

When the purist obsession of the Right has narrowed it down to 2 persons left on earth,

they will spend 24 hours a day arguing with each other over who is the real conservative.
Then after the official conservative inevitably fucks up, they'll decide that they were really actually rinos after all.
"EVERYBODY'S A RINO EXCEPT ME!!!!" - Average Wingnut Republitard
Talk show hosts are not reporters. While some do make a good effort to back up what they say, it's mostly interpreting things and giving opinions. At least some present actual stories to comment on instead of just trying to shove their opinion down your throat.

On MSNBC and CNN, the anchors fly off the handle when some guests even try to bring up certain things about Hillary. They won't discuss the scandals. Period.

My issue is with reporters that people trust to inform them. When they leave out things that might trip up their favorite candidates and report irresponsibly on the opponents, it misleads people. We used to trust the reporters on the nightly news. You didn't know where they stood politically and they did their best to deliver the facts.

At press conferences, all the reporters put all the politicians on the spot and hounded them with questions. They used to demand answers.

These days, you know very well which political side they are on and they refuse to ask anything that may embarrass their side. They come off like tabloid trash when they go after the other side.

And yet some people still trust the media to keep them informed.

You have to listen to both sides and even that isn't enough.
Won't put words into your mouth, but realize to solve the issue of bias by the Press total favor of the democrats' the solution is #repealFOTP.
I used to listen to Medved, even met him in person but his constant Trump bashing is too much. I get it, he doesn't like him, but to go on and on every day is just too weird for me. I think he decided Hillary would be better for his pockets.
These are the same people who toLd us " you just have to vote for McCain and then for Romney".. We did. Look how were gittimg paid back when the People choose our candidate for being an outsider.
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I thought the reason rw voted for Trump was to punish establishment Republicans.

Now, these supporters realize they can run establishment republican out of the party if Trump wins.

Just knowing that disqualify Trump in book. He was not selected because he was best choice for America. He was selected to screw and run off people for a group of angry right wingers!
Won't put words into your mouth, but realize to solve the issue of bias by the Press total favor of the democrats' the solution is #repealFOTP.

FOTP does not give them the right to slander. That argument can be made on both sides of the aisle. If media is presenting themselves as reporters, they should deal in facts. Otherwise, they need to state that what they are doing is giving opinions. A disclaimer should be required when they seek to favor one side or the other rather than being neutral in what they report.

Talk shows don't hold themselves out as news and people don't consider them as such. When an anchor sits behind a desk and claims to be reporting news, there should be a certain standard they must follow. It's not about stopping freedom of speech, just saying that any news station should have a set of rules regarding truth. We have standards and regulations for virtually every kind of business out there. Nail salons have more regulations than news shows.

Investigative reporting did have some exceptions, such as anonymous sources they don't have to reveal. Even then, the station takes full responsibility for the content and would face consequences if they knowingly put out false information.

There was a time when public outrage was the consequence for those who didn't live up to standards. In a sane world, some shows would have been gone because of a lack of interest in bullshit. Now, too many don't care about anything other than their own interests and would support the devil if it meant getting their way.
The media just isn't reliable anymore if you're interested in hearing the truth.

"EVERYBODY'S A RINO EXCEPT ME!!!!" - Average Wingnut Republitard
There is plenty to dislike about the current Democratic Party, but on the other side, the loudest and most influential element of the GOP has completely lost its fucking mind and created a bizarre alternate fucking universe that is just fucking inexplicable.

Aside from that, everything is great.
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"EVERYBODY'S A RINO EXCEPT ME!!!!" - Average Wingnut Republitard
There is plenty to dislike about the current Democratic Party, but on the other side, the loudest and most influential element of the GOP has completely lost its fucking mind and created a bizarre alternate fucking universe that is just fucking inexplicable.

Aside from that, everything is great.

Go to Google Mac, and look up the map. Up until Indiana, (I do not know after that because Cruz dropped so I didn't pay attention) Trump only won opened primary states. He did not win 1 closed primary. In essence, his impetus is from independents, and Democrats to win the nomination. That is why many Republicans look at him as a total outsider, and not the good kind. I believe in the old days, they used to call people like him "carpetbaggers."

In any case, he won, and so be it. Where the problem lies is------------>his ardent supporters do not realize if they do not slap him around and get him real, the whole government may be controlled by Democrats come January. The last time that happened, we ended up with Obysmalcare, and ever since then, America has been far removed in virtually everything she was, to this state of weakness.

They wanted Trump! Now they need to go get off their asses, and go fix him before it is to late; and it may be to late already if Assange doesn't come through, or the DOJ doesn't indict for lying to congress.

Oh, and by the way Trumpsters, in most places across the country, this is called a clue--------------> helping Trump get back on track does not mean arguing with the same 20 people on here while you eat snacks at your computer. It means putting on a pair of shoes, some decent clothes, and going out to support your candidate, while letting HIM know that his rhetoric, is unacceptable in a Presidential race.

Can Trump still win? Of course he can, he is running against the WORST Presidential candidate in history besides him, and all his problems are words, her problems are actual deeds! But as Trump supporters, the 1st thing you have to do is realize that there is a significant problem so that you can actually help fix it, and for that to happen, you have to extract your heads out of his anus so you can see what is actually going on in the none Trump world of America, which is significantly larger than his. (and by the way, let me give you a little tip------------->don't go door to door after the extraction until you have washed your face, twice preferably)
"EVERYBODY'S A RINO EXCEPT ME!!!!" - Average Wingnut Republitard
There is plenty to dislike about the current Democratic Party, but on the other side, the loudest and most influential element of the GOP has completely lost its fucking mind and created a bizarre alternate fucking universe that is just fucking inexplicable.

Aside from that, everything is great.

Go to Google Mac, and look up the map. Up until Indiana, (I do not know after that because Cruz dropped so I didn't pay attention) Trump only won opened primary states. He did not win 1 closed primary. In essence, his impetus is from independents, and Democrats to win the nomination. That is why many Republicans look at him as a total outsider, and not the good kind. I believe in the old days, they used to call people like him "carpetbaggers."

In any case, he won, and so be it. Where the problem lies is------------>his ardent supporters do not realize if they do not slap him around and get him real, the whole government may be controlled by Democrats come January. The last time that happened, we ended up with Obysmalcare, and ever since then, America has been far removed in virtually everything she was, to this state of weakness.

They wanted Trump! Now they need to go get off their asses, and go fix him before it is to late; and it may be to late already if Assange doesn't come through, or the DOJ doesn't indict for lying to congress.

Oh, and by the way Trumpsters, in most places across the country, this is called a clue--------------> helping Trump get back on track does not mean arguing with the same 20 people on here while you eat snacks at your computer. It means putting on a pair of shoes, some decent clothes, and going out to support your candidate, while letting HIM know that his rhetoric, is unacceptable in a Presidential race.

Can Trump still win? Of course he can, he is running against the WORST Presidential candidate in history besides him, and all his problems are words, her problems are actual deeds! But as Trump supporters, the 1st thing you have to do is realize that there is a significant problem so that you can actually help fix it, and for that to happen, you have to extract your heads out of his anus so you can see what is actually going on in the none Trump world of America, which is significantly larger than his. (and by the way, let me give you a little tip------------->don't go door to door after the extraction until you have washed your face, twice preferably)
Good stuff.

It's pretty clear that his people have been semi-successful in getting him on a leash, at least comparatively, but they can only do so much. He even got weird in his terrorism speech with that bizarro "I call it extreme extreme EXTREME vetting", which may have looked great to his base, but just straight up nutty to everyone else.

I'm really bad at predicting political stuff, but for the hell of it, my guess is that both Trump's and Clinton's numbers are baked in for the most part. There may be some squish if Johnson & Stein grab a little more or a little less. And really, how much more would bad news from Assange really matter about Clinton at this point?
"EVERYBODY'S A RINO EXCEPT ME!!!!" - Average Wingnut Republitard
There is plenty to dislike about the current Democratic Party, but on the other side, the loudest and most influential element of the GOP has completely lost its fucking mind and created a bizarre alternate fucking universe that is just fucking inexplicable.

Aside from that, everything is great.

Go to Google Mac, and look up the map. Up until Indiana, (I do not know after that because Cruz dropped so I didn't pay attention) Trump only won opened primary states. He did not win 1 closed primary. In essence, his impetus is from independents, and Democrats to win the nomination. That is why many Republicans look at him as a total outsider, and not the good kind. I believe in the old days, they used to call people like him "carpetbaggers."

In any case, he won, and so be it. Where the problem lies is------------>his ardent supporters do not realize if they do not slap him around and get him real, the whole government may be controlled by Democrats come January. The last time that happened, we ended up with Obysmalcare, and ever since then, America has been far removed in virtually everything she was, to this state of weakness.

They wanted Trump! Now they need to go get off their asses, and go fix him before it is to late; and it may be to late already if Assange doesn't come through, or the DOJ doesn't indict for lying to congress.

Oh, and by the way Trumpsters, in most places across the country, this is called a clue--------------> helping Trump get back on track does not mean arguing with the same 20 people on here while you eat snacks at your computer. It means putting on a pair of shoes, some decent clothes, and going out to support your candidate, while letting HIM know that his rhetoric, is unacceptable in a Presidential race.

Can Trump still win? Of course he can, he is running against the WORST Presidential candidate in history besides him, and all his problems are words, her problems are actual deeds! But as Trump supporters, the 1st thing you have to do is realize that there is a significant problem so that you can actually help fix it, and for that to happen, you have to extract your heads out of his anus so you can see what is actually going on in the none Trump world of America, which is significantly larger than his. (and by the way, let me give you a little tip------------->don't go door to door after the extraction until you have washed your face, twice preferably)
Good stuff.

It's pretty clear that his people have been semi-successful in getting him on a leash, at least comparatively, but they can only do so much. He even got weird in his terrorism speech with that bizarro "I call it extreme extreme EXTREME vetting", which may have looked great to his base, but just straight up nutty to everyone else.

I'm really bad at predicting political stuff, but for the hell of it, my guess is that both Trump's and Clinton's numbers are baked in for the most part. There may be some squish if Johnson & Stein grab a little more or a little less. And really, how much more would bad news from Assange really matter about Clinton at this point?

Nah, the numbers are not baked in. 42 or 43% are Democrats. 37 or 38% are Republicans. The rest are independents, who are mostly disgruntled from both party's. The independents are where it is at this election, much more so than the last 2. Problem for Trump is----------> he has got to convince the Republicans to vote for him en mass.

I always tell people to not watch the polls anywhere but battleground states. All 17 to 20 million people in California can vote 1 way, and they still only get 54 electoral votes. I care less about the national polls, show me Florida, Penn, Michigan, Iowa, Ohio. They are not looking so hot for him now, but in politics, things can change quickly. In essence, these states and 1 or 2 more, is who really elect the President. A republican can lose California by every vote cast, and win Ohio, Penn, and Florida by 1, and become the next President.

Now can Trump do it? Of course he can. To say he can't is liberals painting a rosy picture without the canvass in place. Will he do it? The odds are not in his favor, and if he doesn't, he has nobody to blame but himself. If he wins, he will win it in the days coming. If he loses it, he lost it in the days following the convention up to last Friday, and he did that himself.

Trumpsters need to understand this, and if they don't realize it soon, it will be to late------------->those 14 million some odd votes you pushed through to win the Republican nomination is just a drop in the bucket in a national election. Each and every Trump voter who cast a ballot in the primary can go to the polls, cast a vote, and if that is all he gets, it will be the biggest landslide in history against them. You have to cobble together a coalition to win, and you don't do that by insulting people, or their like minded candidates whom they supported.

Look at what happened to Hillary when she tried to openly court disaffected Republicans! Liberals were SCREAMING! Why? Because if they could vote for her, then she MUST be to moderate. What do you think every right leaning Republican thinks, when Trump starts courting SOCIALIST Bernie Sanders supporters? Doesn't mean he should disrespect them, cause if they think he is a better option than Hillary, no reason to chase them away, but to court them?!?!?! That is akin to a Democrat trying to openly get KKK supporters to vote for him/her, while naming the organization they are trying to get the backing from in public. Dumb, dumb, and even dumber than that.

I (erroneously) was always of the opinion, that the only thing that would sink Trump would be the debates because 70% of the people believe the country is going in the wrong direction, and Hillary has stated she is going to double down. Now I am of the opinion, due to the massive missteps of The Donald, that the only thing that will resurrect his campaign IS the debates. I am not confidant he can do it, because one teeny, tiny, meltdown on stage, and the route continues. He either demolishes her in the debates nicely, or it is Katie-bar-the-door without outside intervention from Assange, or the DOJ.

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