we could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive ......

first of all, they weren't the only people in history to be enslaved.

They were the only people to be enslaved in a nominally free country.

Such as?

Ending segregation? Civil Rights Act? Voting Rights Act?

Terrible, indeed.

That’s because there isn’t any.

You’ve got to be kidding.

Liberal programs amounted to a near genocide against black Americans. They destroyed the black family, sent the men to prison, made 75% of the kids illegitimate, made the women promiscuous and abortion prone, increased drop out rate and actually encouraged poor school work, and replaced love with cheap sex and hip hop violence.

Before the 60's there were periods when the black marriage rate was higher than the white rate. Before the 60's there were black HS's that sent kids to Ivy League colleges more so than now. Liberalism has been pure hell at best.

Show cause and effect not rightwing opinion. There is no link between welfare programs and the breakdown of black family structure just because you want there to be one

Show any data or any society where removing social programs have helped people escape poverty
Show any data or any society where removing social programs have helped people escape poverty

Red China just removed all government programs. They said, in effect, work in the free market or die. That ended 5000 years of mass liberal starvation in an instant!
Show cause and effect not rightwing opinion. There is no link between welfare programs and the breakdown of black family structure just because you want there to be one.

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family.” Walter Williams,PH.D
It is quite simple really. Muslims excel in our society because they have strong family values that are enforced by the elders. Education is required, hard work is required, law breaking is not tolerated, marriage is required before children

If you read my post 17

I just fail to see a cause and effect relationship between social programs and the breakdown of the Black American family structure

That one has Government handouts in excess and one does not... The 1 that has Government fitting them with a diaper (Aww Government family) fails more and more as the years go on the other seems to excel without the coddling and hand holding.

You not being able to see this is not shocking… Of course most blacks vote Democratic, the “Government Family party” takes care of them. If the handouts stopped in 10 years or less there would probably be a huge shift in who blacks vote for and at the same time blacks can make that assent up the social ladder of success.

I realize you have no statistical or scientific background. That does not prove cause and effect. All it shows is that poor people get welfare and rich people don't. It does not prove that welfare causes them to be poor

Can you point to any society on earth where removing assistance to those in poverty helped them to escape poverty?

This one is always fun..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]YouTube - ‪Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!!‬‏[/ame]

"if he helps me I will help him."
Show any data or any society where removing social programs have helped people escape poverty

Red China just removed all government programs. They said, in effect, work in the free market or die. That ended 5000 years of mass liberal starvation in an instant!

No they haven't

actually hundreds of millions in China lined up to work for pennies an hour and pulled themselves out of starvation poverty because whatever idiotic liberal programs their were, were almost perfectly worthless! 10 cents an hour was better than death through slow starvation. Now they buy more cars than we do, not because of programs but because they were forced into the free market.
Parks service work in exchange for unemployment? Force job benefits applicants to work at the Walmart job that comes along after three months in exchange for government benefits?


Got any ideas to promote individual pride yourself?


1) making a scientist work at Walmart to get unemployment insurance seems dumb when he could be looking for a job. Yes unemployment insurance is abused as is disability(often life long payments) which spikes during recessions.

2) who cares the issue in political discussion is conservative v liberal. Why change subject?


Oh, my mind always runs from a team liberal vs team conservative debate towards the situation being discussed.

Your thread was about welfare breaking up black families by making them dependant on the government? I was just trying to come up with a way to:

1 lessen that dependence
2 save some benefits money
3 keep the economy churning
4 build pride in individuals by keeping them working.

Do you disagree with any of these?

I dont believe a chemist or construction worker who is out of a job for three months would accomplish finding a jon much quicker being unemployed 24 hours a day than delivering mattresses or flipping burgers. Perhaps it is just my exposure to the 20 something network admins and graphic designers I know.

Heck, and if they were working presumably they would be making their emoloyers more money.[/QUOTE]

Brutus, do you agree with me or do you think a total lack of food stamps and unumployment benefits are what we need?
Show cause and effect not rightwing opinion. There is no link between welfare programs and the breakdown of black family structure just because you want there to be one.

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family.” Walter Williams,PH.D

Show where removing social programs will cause more people to marry
He's wrong. we will survive them.

Those who are dependent on government might not though.

ah but the liberals are hard at work every second of ever day buying votes with promises of more and more welfare programs and more and more dependency
Don't forget the cons' welfare to the oil companies.

don't be silly oil welfare is supported by both parties and in any case is ultra trivial compared to $14.4 trillion in mostly liberal entitlement debt. Sorry but you should think before you post.
Show cause and effect not rightwing opinion. There is no link between welfare programs and the breakdown of black family structure just because you want there to be one.

Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family.” Walter Williams,PH.D

Show where removing social programs will cause more people to marry

think!! If you give welfare to the woman she has no reason to marry or even to think in terms of love. The liberal killed love.
Even in the antebellum era, when slaves often weren’t permitted to wed, most black children lived with a biological mother and father. During Reconstruction and up until the 1940s, 75% to 85% of black children lived in two-parent families. Today, more than 70% of black children are born to single women. “The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn’t do, what Jim Crow couldn’t do, what the harshest racism couldn’t do,” Mr. Williams says. “And that is to destroy the black family.” Walter Williams,PH.D

Show where removing social programs will cause more people to marry

think!! If you give welfare to the woman she has no reason to marry or even to think in terms of love. The liberal killed love.

Again it is strictly rightwing fantasy...show how in states with less welfare that the marriage rate among blacks is higher.

It's not there
Show where removing social programs will cause more people to marry

think!! If you give welfare to the woman she has no reason to marry or even to think in terms of love. The liberal killed love.

Again it is strictly rightwing fantasy...show how in states with less welfare that the marriage rate among blacks is higher.

It's not there

the marriage rate was almost equal to whites before welfare. Did you think it was the Girl scouts that destroyed the black family??

1) making a scientist work at Walmart to get unemployment insurance seems dumb when he could be looking for a job. Yes unemployment insurance is abused as is disability(often life long payments) which spikes during recessions.

2) who cares the issue in political discussion is conservative v liberal. Why change subject?


Oh, my mind always runs from a team liberal vs team conservative debate towards the situation being discussed.

Your thread was about welfare breaking up black families by making them dependant on the government? I was just trying to come up with a way to:

1 lessen that dependence
2 save some benefits money
3 keep the economy churning
4 build pride in individuals by keeping them working.

Do you disagree with any of these?

I dont believe a chemist or construction worker who is out of a job for three months would accomplish finding a jon much quicker being unemployed 24 hours a day than delivering mattresses or flipping burgers. Perhaps it is just my exposure to the 20 something network admins and graphic designers I know.

Heck, and if they were working presumably they would be making their emoloyers more money.

Brutus, do you agree with me or do you think a total lack of food stamps and unumployment benefits are what we need?[/QUOTE]
think!! If you give welfare to the woman she has no reason to marry or even to think in terms of love. The liberal killed love.

Again it is strictly rightwing fantasy...show how in states with less welfare that the marriage rate among blacks is higher.

It's not there

the marriage rate was almost equal to whites before welfare. Did you think it was the Girl scouts that destroyed the black family??

There are a multitude of factors that have changed in the last eighty years that also can be "blamed" for the breakdown of the black family. Why don't you blame civil rights and use it as an excuse to return Jim Crow?
I blame the invention of the automobile!

Really I am not in love with the extended unemployment benefits. Been watching too many folks learn to sit on their butts instead of working and bettering themselves.

Sometimes Brutus' refusal to take anything but a partisan stand on an issue is entertaining. Sometimes frustrating
There are a multitude of factors that have changed in the last eighty years that also can be "blamed" for the breakdown of the black family.

actually the black family was not attacked significantly until the
1960's welfare programs which were targeting at blacks

Why don't you blame civil rights and use it as an excuse to return Jim Crow?

as it turned out Jim Crow era was a better era for black progress than the civil rights era attacks on the black family. But, best of all, of course, would be no Jim Crow and no liberal attacks.
brutus, do you agree with me or do you think a total lack of food stamps and unumployment benefits are what we need?

work force participation declines all the time in an increasingly welfare driven liberal America. This is a problem for those who elect to work in that they have to pay for the welfare.

So, food stamps should be only for milk, fresh fruits and vegatables, rice and beans. That would cut the cost by 70%, cut the incentive to use food stamps, improve health, and insure all Americans are fed.

Unemployment should held in a private accounts with unused amounts used for retirement plans or at 10 year intervals. This then would mean unemployment was eating into your own savings.
Last edited:

I don't think black families and white families are all that different.

Maybe we can just bring back cholera. That has a tendency to clear the slums out.
Yes sir. I will split it with you.

How about "As it is difficult to want to be part of a culture which ridicules you the black man resists blending into the larger American culture"

Everybody else, other then Muslims, have had no problem assimulating.

So what do you think is the problem?

Could it be that massive chip on their shoulder?

Once again, ol' Mud is demonstrating what a dumbass he truly is. I was a young man when the Native Americans still were required to have a pass to get off the reservation. And I can remember a sign by a public swimming pool in Oregon that stated "No dogs or indians allowed in the pool".

And anybody that has Irish blood can tell you of the prejudice they encountered here for quite a long time.

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