we could survive slavery, we could survive Jim Crow, but we could not survive ......

brutus, do you agree with me or do you think a total lack of food stamps and unumployment benefits are what we need?

work force participation declines all the time in an increasingly welfare driven liberal America. This is a problem for those who elect to work in that they have to pay for the welfare.

So, food stamps should be only for milk, fresh fruits and vegatables, rice and beans. That would cut the cost by 70%, cut the incentive to use food stamps, improve health, and insure all Americans are fed.

Unemployment should held in a private accounts with unused amounts used for retirement plans or at 10 year intervals. This then would mean unemployment was eating into your own savings.

Now the fact that during the Bush years, the number of jobs created did not even equal the number of people that we had graduating from high school and college couldn't have anything to do with that, could it? How about the very rich shipping the factories out of the country for more profits from people working for pennies an hour?

I don't think black families and white families are all that different.

Maybe we can just bring back cholera. That has a tendency to clear the slums out.

Black families are very different of course as liberalism targeted them specificially . Today 74% of black kids are born out of wedlock. Liberalism all but destroyed the black family as Prof. Walther Williams said.
brutus, do you agree with me or do you think a total lack of food stamps and unumployment benefits are what we need?

work force participation declines all the time in an increasingly welfare driven liberal America. This is a problem for those who elect to work in that they have to pay for the welfare.

So, food stamps should be only for milk, fresh fruits and vegatables, rice and beans. That would cut the cost by 70%, cut the incentive to use food stamps, improve health, and insure all Americans are fed.

Unemployment should held in a private accounts with unused amounts used for retirement plans or at 10 year intervals. This then would mean unemployment was eating into your own savings.

Now the fact that during the Bush years, the number of jobs created did not even equal the number of people that we had graduating from high school and college couldn't have anything to do with that, could it? How about the very rich shipping the factories out of the country for more profits from people working for pennies an hour?

Actually its even worse in the Obama years, if you need to be partisan about it, but the trend from 1945 to 2010 has been all down hill for male worker participation.

If folks don't want to work thats fine but those who do work should not be asked to pay for it. Accordingly some reform of food stamps and unemployment comp. is in order to create the right incentives.
Yes sir. I will split it with you.

How about "As it is difficult to want to be part of a culture which ridicules you the black man resists blending into the larger American culture"

Everybody else, other then Muslims, have had no problem assimulating.

So what do you think is the problem?

Could it be that massive chip on their shoulder?

Once again, ol' Mud is demonstrating what a dumbass he truly is. I was a young man when the Native Americans still were required to have a pass to get off the reservation. And I can remember a sign by a public swimming pool in Oregon that stated "No dogs or indians allowed in the pool".

And anybody that has Irish blood can tell you of the prejudice they encountered here for quite a long time.

what makes blacks different is that they were targeted for liberal welfare programs.
Everybody else, other then Muslims, have had no problem assimulating.

So what do you think is the problem?

Could it be that massive chip on their shoulder?

Once again, ol' Mud is demonstrating what a dumbass he truly is. I was a young man when the Native Americans still were required to have a pass to get off the reservation. And I can remember a sign by a public swimming pool in Oregon that stated "No dogs or indians allowed in the pool".

And anybody that has Irish blood can tell you of the prejudice they encountered here for quite a long time.

what makes blacks different is that they were targeted for liberal welfare programs.

How are blacks targeted when whites get the most welfare?
Once again, ol' Mud is demonstrating what a dumbass he truly is. I was a young man when the Native Americans still were required to have a pass to get off the reservation. And I can remember a sign by a public swimming pool in Oregon that stated "No dogs or indians allowed in the pool".

And anybody that has Irish blood can tell you of the prejudice they encountered here for quite a long time.

what makes blacks different is that they were targeted for liberal welfare programs.

How are blacks targeted when whites get the most welfare?

More kindergarden for liberal:

71% of blacks are on welfare

4% of whites on welfare

39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000
what makes blacks different is that they were targeted for liberal welfare programs.

How are blacks targeted when whites get the most welfare?

More kindergarden for liberal:

71% of blacks are on welfare

4% of whites on welfare

39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000

Brutus, quit talking down to folks when you yourself are misunderstanding.

Do please go count your government hand out programs again.

Yes, all of them. Even the ones to rich white folks.

There is also no debating blacks in America are not doing as well as the rest of us on the whole. Targeted is a poor choice of words though unless the laws have lower standards for black qualifications.

Opening up targeted programs brings up programs for women in general.

Honest buddy, the abasive attitude makes folks want you to be wrong even when they agree. Is your goal to drive ppl to the side opposite you? Seems kind of immature, kindergartenish. Whenever I am off the cell and on a pc perhaps I will give you an educational link to conversation skills then debate.
How are blacks targeted when whites get the most welfare?

More kindergarden for liberal:

71% of blacks are on welfare

4% of whites on welfare

39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000[/QUOTE]

Brutus, quit talking down to folks when you yourself are misunderstanding.
Do please go count your government hand out programs again.

Yes, all of them. Even the ones to rich white folks.

why be so afraid to say what the results of the count would be?? What does your fear tell you?

There is also no debating blacks in America are not doing as well as the rest of us on the whole. Targeted is a poor choice of words though unless the laws have lower standards for black qualifications.

the laws don't have lower standards but bleeding heart liberals who run the programs do

Opening up targeted programs brings up programs for women in general.


Honest buddy, the abasive attitude makes folks want you to be wrong even when they agree. Is your goal to drive ppl to the side opposite you? Seems kind of immature, kindergartenish. Whenever I am off the cell and on a pc perhaps I will give you an educational link to conversation skills then debate.

better yet why not try to say something intelligent in support of liberalism rather than wasting time as a goof psychologist?
what makes blacks different is that they were targeted for liberal welfare programs.

How are blacks targeted when whites get the most welfare?

More kindergarden for liberal:

71% of blacks are on welfare

4% of whites on welfare

39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000

Where do you get this 71% of blacks are on welfare?

Oh, and the workforce participation rate has been higher for almost all of the last 30 years than it had been in the past.
How are blacks targeted when whites get the most welfare?

More kindergarden for liberal:

71% of blacks are on welfare

4% of whites on welfare

39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000[/QUOTE]
Where do you get this 71% of blacks are on welfare?

where did you get reason to doubt it?
Oh, and the workforce participation rate has been higher for almost all of the last 30 years than it had been in the past.

male participation has dropped from 90% in 1950 to 70% today
Total US Black Population 38,929,319

U.S. Total Familes 1,629,345 Hispanic 28.0 White 31.5 Black 34.2 AmerInd 1.3 Asian 2.3 Hawaiian 0.6 Multi 1.2 Unknown 0.9
HHS Link

34 percent of 1,629,345 is 553,791 give or take a few. Please explain how 553,791 is 74 percent of 38,929,319.
Sometimes Brutus' refusal to take anything but a partisan stand on an issue is entertaining. Sometimes frustrating

1) please say how a stand can be non partisan

2) please give your best example of where a partisan stand of Republican intellectuals was mistaken
progressive leftist welfare programs"

That is quote from black economics professor Walther Williams from a Rush Limbaugh radio show he hosted a while ago. Can anyone help me figure out what he meant. Thanks

He's just tap dancing for his dinner. He enjoys his role as "not like the others".
progressive leftist welfare programs"

That is quote from black economics professor Walther Williams from a Rush Limbaugh radio show he hosted a while ago. Can anyone help me figure out what he meant. Thanks

He's just tap dancing for his dinner. He enjoys his role as "not like the others".

1) tap dancing? Thats racist. Open racism against black Republicans is the last form of racism tolerated in America.

2) why say tap dancing but not even try to refute the contention that liberal welfare amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.
progressive leftist welfare programs"

That is quote from black economics professor Walther Williams from a Rush Limbaugh radio show he hosted a while ago. Can anyone help me figure out what he meant. Thanks

Bush took over with a surplus and crashed the economy and inflted the national debt.
Bush took over with a surplus and crashed the economy and inflted the national debt.

crashed the economy? All agree liberal regulation did that??

Republicans since Jefferson have wanted to make debt illegal with a Balanced Budget Amendment. Democrats have killed all 40 attemps, the last of which was in March 2011. Democrats lack the IQ to learn the most obvious lessons.
Bush took over with a surplus and crashed the economy and inflted the national debt.

crashed the economy? All agree liberal regulation did that??

Republicans since Jefferson have wanted to make debt illegal with a Balanced Budget Amendment. Democrats have killed all 40 attemps, the last of which was in March 2011. Democrats lack the IQ to learn the most obvious lessons.

What liberal regulation would that be? Republicans controlled Congress from 1997-2007 and the White House from 2001- 2009.
progressive leftist welfare programs"

That is quote from black economics professor Walther Williams from a Rush Limbaugh radio show he hosted a while ago. Can anyone help me figure out what he meant. Thanks

He's just tap dancing for his dinner. He enjoys his role as "not like the others".

1) tap dancing? Thats racist. Open racism against black Republicans is the last form of racism tolerated in America.

2) why say tap dancing but not even try to refute the contention that liberal welfare amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.

I thought open racism against white males was the "last form of racism tolerated in America"? You guys have to choose which open racism is the true last form of open racism.

Read Louis Armstrong's autobiography about growing up in the Storyville section of New Orleans and then come back and tell us if "liberal welfare" is what caused black people's issues. For a group of people who tout "individual responsibility" you conservatives sure like to deny blacks responsibility for their own predicaments. Seems kind of paternalistic, doesn't it?
progressive leftist welfare programs"

That is quote from black economics professor Walther Williams from a Rush Limbaugh radio show he hosted a while ago. Can anyone help me figure out what he meant. Thanks

He's just tap dancing for his dinner. He enjoys his role as "not like the others".

1) tap dancing? Thats racist. Open racism against black Republicans is the last form of racism tolerated in America.

2) why say tap dancing but not even try to refute the contention that liberal welfare amounted to a near genocide against American blacks.

Genocide? Are you crazy? And if it is genocide against blacks, why not include the white recipients?

Welfare is a response to urbanization and an outgrowth of the orphanages, foundling homes etc.


Bogota, Colombia — After a two-pronged, weeklong assault on entrenched drug gangs in Rio de Janeiro slums, Brazilian army troops will remain in the city’s worst shantytown for at least six months to maintain order, the government announced Tuesday.
In a military-style invasion Sunday, 800 troops supported 1,800 riot police using armored cars and helicopters in a two-hour operation to pacify the Complexo do Alemao slum, a sanctuary for many of the city’s hardened traffickers. The operation left 50 dead, including three police officers. Authorities made 123 arrests. Significant caches of drugs and weapons were seized.

Or we could just forget about the old safety net.

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