"We do exist" - Some Americans suffer life changing vaxx injuries

Sad to see. A lot of adults and older teens are now able to describe what many babies have already experience in their vaccine injuries.

No manufacturer should be free from liability. They did that but they also made what was supposed to be 'our government' a partner in these pharma disasters. They subverted the law to get us where we are today and have spent a lot of money that was taken from the people to get'r done. They normalized poisoning children all the while claiming it was a good thing but the people allowed them to do it.

But it's SaFe & EfFeCtIvE right covidiots?

Imagine this was you or someone you care about and Big Pharma is shielded from all liability
A collection of anecdotal horror stories serves no useful purpose. It only serves to spread fear and anxiety. That in yurn dissuades some from getting vaxxed which can result in people getting seriously ill and dying

If you were a responsable person, you would post actual statistics on adverse vaccine reations, and compare it the number of unvaccinated preople who died from Covid or had debilitating and life altering long term effects from the disease. But of course you won't do that. You purpose is to promote your anti vaxx agenda, not to disseminate objective and accurate information

But it's SaFe & EfFeCtIvE right covidiots?

Imagine this was you or someone you care about and Big Pharma is shielded from all liability
One got AstraZeneca, a chimpanzee-based, another got Pfizer, an mRNA-based. The former offers part of the real virus attached to a chimpanzee non-coronavirus virus. The other offers part of the real virus whose parts the cell is forced to make.
A collection of anecdotal horror stories serves no useful purpose. It only serves to spread fear and anxiety. That in yurn dissuades some from getting vaxxed which can result in people getting seriously ill and dying

If you were a responsable person, you would post actual statistics on adverse vaccine reations, and compare it the number of unvaccinated preople who died from Covid or had debilitating and life altering long term effects from the disease. But of course you won't do that. You purpose is to promote your anti vaxx agenda, not to disseminate objective and accurate information
If you were a reasonable person you'd look at the CDC report saying most people have a .03 chance of dying from covid and then you would say all this is blown out of proportion so government can grab power and big pharma can make money

Of course you won't do that cause you're neither progressive or a Patriot but a brainless meat sack that can go wrestle an aids patient in a thorn bush
A collection of anecdotal horror stories serves no useful purpose. It only serves to spread fear and anxiety. That in yurn dissuades some from getting vaxxed which can result in people getting seriously ill and dying

If you were a responsable person, you would post actual statistics on adverse vaccine reations, and compare it the number of unvaccinated preople who died from Covid or had debilitating and life altering long term effects from the disease. But of course you won't do that. You purpose is to promote your anti vaxx agenda, not to disseminate objective and accurate information
If it Is so safe, then remove the protection from big pharma, why does big pharma want protection on such a great product?
I know you have the memory of a retarded goldfish but here

>I don't think

Yeah that's obvious
While you call me retarded, you have shown yourself not to be real bright by believing this shit.

First of all, your source. Town Hall is not credible

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate Townhall Right Biased and Questionable based on consistent one-sided reporting that always favors the right and numerous failed fact checks.
They make shit up and only stupid people believe it. The fact is that it is a lot more complicated andthe CDC does not actually release survival rates

In a pandemic, it’s difficult to nail down data points like survival rates, Prins told PolitiFact. Such rates are usually calculated for a longer period of time rather than as a snapshot.

"Deaths and reporting of deaths lag behind the identification of new cases, sometimes for months, so we never quite catch up with knowing who has ‘survived’ unless we set a time period that we’re looking at, like we do with five-year survival rates in cancers, or the disease goes away and we can look back at the pandemic as a whole," Prins said.

"In addition, we know that there are side effects of COVID-19 like myocarditis that may show up well after ‘recovery’ but could cause death at that later time, so both survival rates and mortality rates are more accurate after some time has passed."
And regardless of the pecentage, the fact is that:

1) there are about 800,000 people dead in the US alone
2) Up to 20% of those who "survive" are left with long term, debiltating after effects
3) ICUs are again filling up, overwhelming the health care system and those who work in it.

So cut the shit already
If you were a reasonable person you'd look at the CDC report saying most people have a .03 chance of dying from covid and then you would say all this is blown out of proportion so government can grab power and big pharma can make money

Of course you won't do that cause you're neither progressive or a Patriot but a brainless meat sack that can go wrestle an aids patient in a thorn bush
See post 10

The Conejo Guardian: What You Need to Know

Aug 01, 2021 · The Conejo Guardian is known for its heavily biased far-right op-eds and "letters to the editor" section, grammatical errors, and "articles" written by community members like Frank
The paper, and I refuse to call it journalism as it doesn't adhere to basic journalistic best practices, attempts to position itself as an "independent community news source." Rather, "independent biased community takes" feels more appropriate, but perhaps that's because I prefer being honest with the audience you're communicating to.

A little digging, and you'll note this propaganda is far from nonpartisan/neutral.
While you call me retarded, you have shown yourself not to be real bright by believing this shit.

First of all, your source. Town Hall is not credible

They make shit up and only stupid people believe it. The fact is that it is a lot more complicated andthe CDC does not actually release survival rates

And regardless of the pecentage, the fact is that:

1) there are about 800,000 people dead in the US alone
2) Up to 20% of those who "survive" are left with long term, debiltating after effects
3) ICUs are again filling up, overwhelming the health care system and those who work in it.

So cut the shit already
Politiucked is leftbat shit.....As are the frauds at "media bias/fact check".

Yet, no one is able to sue the big pharma companies because big government is protecting them.
I know, you'll take 30 injections if fauci, cdc, fda tell you. You won't question anything which is who they target..........and you call that science. Lol.
The people who should be sued are the one lying about the vaxx and spreading fear
I realize how you want to protect big corporations and big government however, if big government allowed people to sue big pharma over the vaccine then it might entice many more to vaccinate and protect consumers.
I know, you'll take 30 injections if fauci, cdc, fda tell you. You won't question anything which is who they target..........and you call that science. Lol.
Funny how the so called liberals will not question authority or big business.

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