"We do exist" - Some Americans suffer life changing vaxx injuries

1) there are about 800,000 people dead in the US alone
2) Up to 20% of those who "survive" are left with long term, debiltating after effects
3) ICUs are again filling up, overwhelming the health care system and those who work in it.

The people who should be sued are the one lying about the vaxx and spreading fear

That would be your side, spreading lies and engaging in fearmongering, and attempting to coerce those of us smart enough to know better to allow ourselves to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.

In fact, your kind deserve much worse than a civil lawsuit. At the end of world war II, we put German and Japanese war criminals to death for this crime, of the use of nonconsenting human test subjects in dangerous medical experiments. Your kind deserve no better.
The people who should be sued are the one lying about the vaxx and spreading fear
You talking to me Trout??
I know, you'll take 30 injections if fauci, cdc, fda tell you. You won't question anything which is who they target..........and you call that science. Lol.
You talking to me Trout?? I don't do what they tell me. I do what makes sense. You covid cultists don't hve any damned sense
That would be your side, spreading lies and engaging in fearmongering, and attempting to coerce those of us smart enough to know better to allow ourselves to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.

In fact, your kind deserve much worse than a civil lawsuit. At the end of world war II, we put German and Japanese war criminals to death for this crime, of the use of nonconsenting human test subjects in dangerous medical experiments. Your kind deserve no better.
You're smart ?? You're a damned fool
I realize how you want to protect big corporations and big government however, if big government allowed people to sue big pharma over the vaccine then it might entice many more to vaccinate and protect consumers.
The only thing that I want to protect is human life. Why do you morons assume that I endorse the protections affored to the drug makers?
Oh I don't know. Lets see . Oh right , it is not a vaccine and it does not work.

That's a relative term. Providing one doesn't have any adverse reactions, the efficacy declines over six months. That doesn't seem very efficient to me unless you're a pharma company making boosters and billions quarterly. I've taken just about every known vaccine except this one and they've all provided immunity for years.

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