"We do exist" - Some Americans suffer life changing vaxx injuries

The only thing that I want to protect is human life. Why do you morons assume that I endorse the protections affored to the drug makers?


If you truly cared about human life, then you would be absolutely, unalterably opposed to forcing anyone to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.

And you would be equally opposed to the creation and exploitation of this entire hoax over the COVID-1984 and the way it has been exploited to empower and enrich criminal politicians, while destroying the lives of regular people.

And you would be absolutely opposed to abortion.

To your very core, you are as evil and murderous as one who is nominally-human is capable of being.
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They also make some pretty good drugs to treat paranoid schitzophrenia

I think you stand as a pretty fair example of what the excessive misuse of drugs does to a creature that was formerly a human being. Though to be fair, it seems very likely to be that you were pretty deeply fucked up to begin with, before you started doing drugs.
Oh I don't know. Lets see . Oh right , it is not a vaccine and it does not work.

Hard scientific facts.

It does not meet the true definition of a vaccine, and empirical experiences are now showing it to be both ineffective and unsafe.

But then you think that Bruce Jenner is a woman, proving that you don't know shit about genuine science.
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While you call me retarded, you have shown yourself not to be real bright by believing this shit.

First of all, your source. Town Hall is not credible

They make shit up and only stupid people believe it. The fact is that it is a lot more complicated andthe CDC does not actually release survival rates

And regardless of the pecentage, the fact is that:

1) there are about 800,000 people dead in the US alone
2) Up to 20% of those who "survive" are left with long term, debiltating after effects
3) ICUs are again filling up, overwhelming the health care system and those who work in it.

So cut the shit already
1) prove all of those died from covid and not with covid. Then subtract the ones who died of something else completely that were marked covid so hospitals could get money

2) let me do like you assholes do and say "Anecdotal Evidence"

3) ICU filling up? Yeah sure bud. Plenty of those supposedly full ICUs were exposed as being completely empty. Others would be fine had they not fired their nurses for fusing the jab. ICUs go by how many nurses they have to serve patients after all. Less nurses OMG were full

So you cut the shit and stop kissing establishment ass
Enjoy your VAIDS

VAIDS is a fake medical term coined by antivaxxers. Umm...I think i'll stick to real science, not the fake stuff you read.

^^^ your fake story debunked

VAIDS is a fake medical term coined by antivaxxers. Umm...I think i'll stick to real science, not the fake stuff you read.

^^^ your fake story debunked

Except there's nothing fake about it

Israel findings - Antibody levels decrease after 2nd jab

What do you call that dumbass?
3) ICU filling up? Yeah sure bud. Plenty of those supposedly full ICUs were exposed as being completely empty. Others would be fine had they not fired their nurses for fusing the jab. ICUs go by how many nurses they have to serve patients after all. Less nurses OMG were full
Got some evidence of that Slick?
The people who should be sued are the one lying about the vaxx and spreading fear
That First Amendment is an inconvenient BITCH, HUH? When you're pulling your hair out because others won't obey and get in line, just remember how much you enjoyed the press coverage of the Bad Orange Man. Even when the lies were exposed, your media 5th column refused to be bothered with corrections. You are today seeing the price of that action. NO ONE TRUSTS these media scumbags. Every action has a cost. Enjoy this one, Cletus...
That First Amendment is an inconvenient BITCH, HUH? When you're pulling your hair out because others won't obey and get in line, just remember how much you enjoyed the press coverage of the Bad Orange Man. Even when the lies were exposed, your media 5th column refused to be bothered with corrections. You are today seeing the price of that action. NO ONE TRUSTS these media scumbags. Every action has a cost. Enjoy this one, Cletus...
Bullshit. We never had to lie about the Orange Ogre. He dug his own grave. But the right to free speech - like all rights-is not absolute. Lies about Covid and the Vaxx endanger public health and safety- like the well worn cliche about yelling "fire " in a crowded theater.

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