We Don’t Want a Post-Pandemic “Return to Normal,” We Want the End of Capitalism

We drive vehicles with the best quality coming from Asian nations.
Not an uncommon situation. The industrial revolution began in England but they stopped having to innovate and were overtaken by others who had no other choice.

The greed of the American auto unions which was very socialistic helped to take away their number one status. Where is the balance in things? Some over hyped, others not hyped enough.
So you fault American workers because they wouldn't work for the same wages as Chinese or Vietnamese workers? Unions aren't perfect, far from it, but they created the means for Americans to enter the Middle Class and it was that growth that grew the country.
You idiots have no clue at all unbelievable,

That you are functionally illiterate and know less than nothing about history or economics is the real issue.

that's why you throw around communist fascist Nazi with absolutely no understanding of what they mean. Nazis and fascists are right wing dictator lovers and love unfair capitalism (you are martial law away from doing that yourselves like trump wanted),

Again, you a functionally illiterate with literally zero knowledge of any of these subjects.

You are FAR too stupid to learn anything, so this isn't meant for you;

First off moron, Fascism is a sect of socialism. Fascism is collectivist by definition. So WHAT is fascism? To you it's Republicans and anyone who opposes your party.

You no doubt will trot our some Marxist moron spewing the big lie. But what leftist academia claims is utterly irrelevant. ONLY Benito Mussolini gets to define what Fascism is - it is his creation.

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.

Surprisingly, Wikipedia does a good job of explaining how these guilds under Il Deuce were nothing like a modern corporation.

A fascist corporation is a government body that brings together federations of workers and employers syndicates belonging to the same profession and branch, to regulate production in a holistic manner. Each trade union would theoretically represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. It was theorized that this method could result in harmony amongst social classes.[35]

In Italy from 1922 until 1943, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists led by Benito Mussolini. The Charter of Carnaro gained much popularity as the prototype of a "corporative state", having displayed much within its tenets as a guild system combining the concepts of autonomy and authority in a special synthesis.[36] Alfredo Rocco spoke of a corporative state and declared corporatist ideology in detail. Rocco would later become a member of the Italian fascist regime.[37]

Italian Fascism involved a corporatist political system in which the economy was collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level.[38] Its supporters claimed that corporatism could better recognize or "incorporate" every divergent interest into the state organically, unlike majority-rules democracy which they said could marginalize specific interests. This total consideration was the inspiration for their use of the term "totalitarian", described without coercion (which is connoted in the modern meaning) in the 1932 Doctrine of Fascism as thus:

When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[39]

[The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[39]}

Corporatism - Wikipedia


Now you are a complete idiot, a dolt, nearly Faun level stupid. Casting pearls before swine comes to mind. Yet the question of what Fascism is could no longer be ignored as you of the Nazi party continue to lie.

Ultimately the central doctrine of Fascism is supremacy of the state. This is also the central doctrine of the democrat party - that the state is supreme and individuals are irrelevant.

But democrats are not merely fascist, they are Nazis - you have embraced the scapegoat, the racist attack on a group as foundation for your power as you establish the fascist state.

communists want a dictatorship that owns all business and industry and you can't find anyone like that outside of China Cuba and North Korea with a gun to their head. We simply want fair capitalism. Because of you brainwashed functional morons, we, the richest country in the world, are the only developed country that doesn't have health care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations, all because you are brainwashed by savage capitalist propaganda which is the English speaking talent... Not to mention all this new absolutely idiotic hateful conspiracy nut job BS GOP baloney....

Read the above and be embarrassed by your ignorance and blatant stupidity.
That you are functionally illiterate and know less than nothing about history or economics is the real issue.

Again, you a functionally illiterate with literally zero knowledge of any of these subjects.

You are FAR too stupid to learn anything, so this isn't meant for you;

First off moron, Fascism is a sect of socialism. Fascism is collectivist by definition. So WHAT is fascism? To you it's Republicans and anyone who opposes your party.

You no doubt will trot our some Marxist moron spewing the big lie. But what leftist academia claims is utterly irrelevant. ONLY Benito Mussolini gets to define what Fascism is - it is his creation.

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.

Surprisingly, Wikipedia does a good job of explaining how these guilds under Il Deuce were nothing like a modern corporation.

A fascist corporation is a government body that brings together federations of workers and employers syndicates belonging to the same profession and branch, to regulate production in a holistic manner. Each trade union would theoretically represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. It was theorized that this method could result in harmony amongst social classes.[35]

In Italy from 1922 until 1943, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists led by Benito Mussolini. The Charter of Carnaro gained much popularity as the prototype of a "corporative state", having displayed much within its tenets as a guild system combining the concepts of autonomy and authority in a special synthesis.[36] Alfredo Rocco spoke of a corporative state and declared corporatist ideology in detail. Rocco would later become a member of the Italian fascist regime.[37]

Italian Fascism involved a corporatist political system in which the economy was collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level.[38] Its supporters claimed that corporatism could better recognize or "incorporate" every divergent interest into the state organically, unlike majority-rules democracy which they said could marginalize specific interests. This total consideration was the inspiration for their use of the term "totalitarian", described without coercion (which is connoted in the modern meaning) in the 1932 Doctrine of Fascism as thus:

When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[39]

[The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[39]}

Corporatism - Wikipedia


Now you are a complete idiot, a dolt, nearly Faun level stupid. Casting pearls before swine comes to mind. Yet the question of what Fascism is could no longer be ignored as you of the Nazi party continue to lie.

Ultimately the central doctrine of Fascism is supremacy of the state. This is also the central doctrine of the democrat party - that the state is supreme and individuals are irrelevant.

But democrats are not merely fascist, they are Nazis - you have embraced the scapegoat, the racist attack on a group as foundation for your power as you establish the fascist state.

Read the above and be embarrassed by your ignorance and blatant stupidity.
Where am I wrong, ignoramus dupe?
That you are functionally illiterate and know less than nothing about history or economics is the real issue.

Again, you a functionally illiterate with literally zero knowledge of any of these subjects.

You are FAR too stupid to learn anything, so this isn't meant for you;

First off moron, Fascism is a sect of socialism. Fascism is collectivist by definition. So WHAT is fascism? To you it's Republicans and anyone who opposes your party.

You no doubt will trot our some Marxist moron spewing the big lie. But what leftist academia claims is utterly irrelevant. ONLY Benito Mussolini gets to define what Fascism is - it is his creation.

Fascism is ultimately the supremacy of the state, the concept that ALL power ultimately is the rightful domain of the central, in our case federal, government.

Mussolini was one of Vladimir Lenin's top lieutenants and deeply dedicated to the cause of socialism. But of course he was a megalomaniac and not going to play second fiddle to anyone, Il Deuce was the boss.

Mussolini set out to fix some of the deep flaws of the Bolsheviks. First was the issue of human nature. The Bolsheviks addressed this by corruption, Lenin and later Stalin made corruption a central feature of Communism, because nothing gets accomplished without the promise of reward. Graft is a poor way of managing.

Italy is the birth place of the modern market, Venice the heart of the Renaissance. Also the rise of the Guilds. The Marxists in academia like to lie and claim that Fascism is "corporatist" - whatever the fuck that means. But in reality Mussolini followed the guild structure.

Surprisingly, Wikipedia does a good job of explaining how these guilds under Il Deuce were nothing like a modern corporation.

A fascist corporation is a government body that brings together federations of workers and employers syndicates belonging to the same profession and branch, to regulate production in a holistic manner. Each trade union would theoretically represent its professional concerns, especially by negotiation of labour contracts and the like. It was theorized that this method could result in harmony amongst social classes.[35]

In Italy from 1922 until 1943, corporatism became influential amongst Italian nationalists led by Benito Mussolini. The Charter of Carnaro gained much popularity as the prototype of a "corporative state", having displayed much within its tenets as a guild system combining the concepts of autonomy and authority in a special synthesis.[36] Alfredo Rocco spoke of a corporative state and declared corporatist ideology in detail. Rocco would later become a member of the Italian fascist regime.[37]

Italian Fascism involved a corporatist political system in which the economy was collectively managed by employers, workers and state officials by formal mechanisms at the national level.[38] Its supporters claimed that corporatism could better recognize or "incorporate" every divergent interest into the state organically, unlike majority-rules democracy which they said could marginalize specific interests. This total consideration was the inspiration for their use of the term "totalitarian", described without coercion (which is connoted in the modern meaning) in the 1932 Doctrine of Fascism as thus:

When brought within the orbit of the State, Fascism recognizes the real needs which gave rise to socialism and trade unionism, giving them due weight in the guild or corporative system in which divergent interests are coordinated and harmonized in the unity of the State.[39]

[The state] is not simply a mechanism which limits the sphere of the supposed liberties of the individual... Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State... Far from crushing the individual, the Fascist State multiplies his energies, just as in a regiment a soldier is not diminished but multiplied by the number of his fellow soldiers.[39]}

Corporatism - Wikipedia


Now you are a complete idiot, a dolt, nearly Faun level stupid. Casting pearls before swine comes to mind. Yet the question of what Fascism is could no longer be ignored as you of the Nazi party continue to lie.

Ultimately the central doctrine of Fascism is supremacy of the state. This is also the central doctrine of the democrat party - that the state is supreme and individuals are irrelevant.

But democrats are not merely fascist, they are Nazis - you have embraced the scapegoat, the racist attack on a group as foundation for your power as you establish the fascist state.

Read the above and be embarrassed by your ignorance and blatant stupidity.
I have a masters in history, you have a masters in total BS from scumbags. Fascism is right wing, savage capitalism and a dictatorship. So I suppose we are racist against whites? That is so stupid. Lol. It's called tolerance for all races and the whites do just fine not to worry. Lol Mussolini and Hitler were fascists. Both Nazis and communists call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but of course they're the biggest liars in history. Which of course you believe being a total dupe dope. Every Socialist Party ever has been for democracy and fair capitalism with a good safety net. That's why every modern country is socialist except for us. We are the only one without health care daycare cheap college and training etcetera etcetera. Because you are an idiot.
I have a masters in history,

Sure you do.

You know less about history than either of my dogs.

you have a masters in total BS from scumbags.

I have a Doctorate of Science in Logistics, and a Master of Business Administration. I know, these are practical and useful, so the left looks down at them.
Fascism is right wing, savage capitalism and a dictatorship.

No retard, as I already demonstrated, it is not.

That you are ignorant does not alter facts.

So I suppose we are racist against whites?


Extremely. Whites occupy the same strata in America today as Jews did in Hitler's Germany. The rhetoric from democrats in your hatred of whites is virtually identical to the hatred Hitler's Nazis used against Jews, and your goal for whites is the same as the goal Hitler had for Jews.

But that isn't a feature of fascism, rather a feature of Nazism - and you are Nazis.

That is so stupid. Lol. It's called tolerance for all races and the whites do just fine not to worry.


You sure lie a lot.

So, is saying "white lives matter" hate speech? Should people be put in jail for stating that the lives of whites matter?

Because the position of your filthy Reich is that that white lives don't matter, can't matter.

{Selective open-mindedness is a form of censorship. If “White Lives Don’t Matter” is tolerated while academia cancels people who challenge the empirical basis of claims made about anti-Black prejudice, universities cannot perform their basic function of evaluating the strength of the evidence of different claims about how the world works. }

White Lives Matter

Again, you're far too stupid to grasp any of this - so I post for lurkers.

Lol Mussolini and Hitler were fascists.

As you are.

Both Nazis and communists call themselves socialists in their propaganda, but of course they're the biggest liars in history. Which of course you believe being a total dupe dope. Every Socialist Party ever has been for democracy and fair capitalism with a good safety net. That's why every modern country is socialist except for us. We are the only one without health care daycare cheap college and training etcetera etcetera. Because you are an idiot.


You are beyond stupid.

My dog just bit me for even comparing your ignorance to her knowledge of history.

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