We get to pay for student loans. Great.

Under socialism, the productive are forced by the state to provide goods and services to the unproductive, without compensation.
Somehow, this is better than allowing people to suffer the consequences of their poor choices.
No wonder so many sloffers are all gaa gaa
You think it is moral for a student and their families to rack up $200k in student loans to get a degree for which their is no job market and expect the US taxpayer to pick up the tab? Compare that to a student and their family who act more responsible by taking a more manageable amount - say $50k- and pick a concentration of study for which they can get a job in demand, good salary, and pay it off?

Would you like myself coming to you and saying I am $200k in debt for college loans for a degree I can’t get a job and now it’s time for you to pay your fair share?
You think it's moral for companies that make billions of dollars a year and pay zero taxes, while you and I get taxed at like 35% or more?
You continue to avoid the issue put to you.

We're not talking about being a bum - we're talking about the consequences of chosing to not work - that is, death.
In your society, you would force such people to work at gunpoint.
Demonstrate this is better than allowing them to make their choices and suffer the consequences.

Yes.. because you force them to have them, at gunpoint.
Demonstrate this is better than allowing them to make their choices and suffer the consequences.

M14 shooter writes:

You continue to avoid the issue put to you.


You need to improve your reading comprehension skills or maybe just start actually reading what I write and stop ignoring it.

M14 shooter writes:
We're not talking about being a bum - we're talking about the consequences of chosing to not work - that is, death.


You may not consider people, below the age of 60, who are physically and mentally able to work (doing something productive that positively contributes to their communities) and yet refuse to, as bums, but I do. I consider such people lazy worthless vagabonds and derelicts, especially if they live in a socialist society.

M14 shooter writes:

In your society, you would force such people to work at gunpoint.


It's not necessarily at "gunpoint", because there is no set or established way of dealing with that situation (it's up to each socialist society to determine how it deals with lazy bums). Perhaps the socialist state will choose not to "force" that person to do anything with threats of violence and will simply strip that citizen of the perks and rights that come with being a law-abiding, working, contributing, productive member of society. They will still be housed, and have access to food, clothing, and healthcare, but they won't have access to other benefits that are exclusive to people who work and contribute. It could be as simple as that.

I prefer "tough love", by punishing bums with "work camp" and/or job training, forcing them to join a worker cooperative and return home as a responsible and productive member of society (completely rehabilitated). The socialist state should be fair but at the same time, rule with a "rod of iron", with zero tolerance for criminality or vagrant-like attitudes. There are no beggars or panhandlers in communism, everyone works. More, there shouldn't be "iron curtains" in communism, hence such bums can always leave. Just go somewhere else, like M14 Shooter's community, where you can be an unemployed bum, sleeping on the sidewalk and urinating, defecating in public.

M14 shooter writes:

Demonstrate this is better than allowing them to make their choices and suffer the consequences.


Why can't the consequences be "gunpoint" discipline? Answer that question. Why does society have to allow such a person to be homeless, sleeping, urinating, and defecating on its sidewalks, parks, subway stations, public transit? Why? Do people have the right to do that to their communities? You're all for the police enforcing public ordinances to punish these unemployed homeless people who refuse to get a job, but you gripe about socialists disciplining members of their society that refuse to work? Seems a bit hypocritical.

M14 shooter writes:

Yes.. because you force them to have them, at gunpoint. Demonstrate this is better than allowing them to make their choices and suffer the consequences.


America does the same thing. It punishes vagrancy and unemployment as well, so you're not making much sense. The consequences of being a person who refuses to work might very well be jail or being committed to an insane asylum. Those are often the consequences of being a lazy bum in America. Jailtime, loony bin, living under a bridge, and getting arrested by police for trespassing or breaking some other city ordinance.

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This looks and smells and feels and tastes and sounds like a big pile of whattaboutism
You haven't a clue as to what that word means. lol!!!

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #AllTheGOPHasForAmericansIsCultureWarBS

I joined the Army instead of taking out another loan when I was in medical school. Many Americans make the same decision I did. At a time when every service branch is struggling to meet recruitment goals, Joe Biden’s student loan giveaway will make this problem worse.
I did, but I paid it back.

It's an old concept - don't be a fucking deadbeat - you wouldn't understand.

No doubt you believe that only chumps pay their debts.
Could’ve bought a nice house for what my wife and I paid in student loans.
You should be grateful that you were able to.
I joined the Army instead of taking out another loan when I was in medical school. Many Americans make the same decision I did. At a time when every service branch is struggling to meet recruitment goals, Joe Biden’s student loan giveaway will make this problem worse.
You shouldn't have to do what you did. Society is now being deprived of another doctor, maybe a very good one. Having a well-educated and skilled citizenry and workforce is a priceless asset and vital to our national security and success. Education is an investment in our nation's future and survival, so it should be available to everyone regardless of their financial situation, as a human right and essential public service. You shouldn't have to pay a penny for your education, but rather just focus on studying and becoming a doctor (or whatever else you're studying to become). Society needs doctors, and you will be paying back society for your education, 1000-fold, by being the best doctor you can be. You should've been afforded the opportunity to finish your medical training and then you could've joined the army as an officer and physician.
I prefer "tough love", by punishing bums with "work camp" and/or job training, forcing them to join a worker cooperative and return home as a responsible and productive member of society (completely rehabilitated).
I bet you do! They're called gulags.

At least you don't try to hide the sheer authoritarian nature of communism.
I bet you do! They're called gulags.

At least you don't try to hide the sheer authoritarian nature of communism.
No more authoritarian than our system here in America. If I had a choice to go to an American prison or a gulag for ten years (sentences were no more than ten years), I would rather go to a gulag work camp, any day. Much of what you've heard about the gulags here in America is nothing more than cold war propaganda and rhetoric.
You shouldn't have to do what you did. Society is now being deprived of another doctor, maybe a very good one. Having a well-educated and skilled citizenry and workforce is a priceless asset and vital to our national security and success. Education is an investment in our nation's future and survival, so it should be available to everyone regardless of their financial situation, as a human right and essential public service. You shouldn't have to pay a penny for your education, but rather just focus on studying and becoming a doctor (or whatever else you're studying to become). Society needs doctors, and you will be paying back society for your education, 1000-fold, by being the best doctor you can be. You should've been afforded the opportunity to finish your medical training and then you could've joined the army as an officer and physician.
Thank you!
No more authoritarian than our system here in America.
By an order of magnitude more.
If I had a choice to go to an American prison or a gulag for ten years (sentences were no more than ten years), I would rather go to a gulag work camp, any day.
You're missing the point, dipshit. We don't send "lazy" people to jail.
Much of what you've heard about the gulags here in America is nothing more than cold war propaganda and rhetoric.
Of course, comrade!
Could’ve bought a nice house for what my wife and I paid in student loans.

All to work at Starbucks?

You should be grateful that you were able to.


To whom? I just did it. Now granted, the costs from the early 80's, inflation adjusted, were a small fraction of what the greedy fucks of the Education-Industrial Complex charge now. But you know, educrats NEED that second Ferrari and Malibu beach house. But it's cool, most of their students will leverage their educations for minimum wage - so the universities should be paid massive amounts.

I admit, I went to a state school, and not a prestigious one, Cal Poly Pomona. BUT it was what I could afford. That was a thing from the late 70's early 80's - live within your means.

But now Quid Pro will buy your vote with loan forgiveness.

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