We get to pay for student loans. Great.

You think it's moral for companies that make billions of dollars a year and pay zero taxes, while you and I get taxed at like 35% or more?
You are shifting the conversation. But, here’s the difference. I know many major corporations that get tax incentives and cuts in accordance with the Tax Code because of the value they create in the form of jobs which means they are creating taxpayers. As for zero taxes, which corporations are paying Zero? Corporations are paying taxes.

A Corporation that pays taxes and creates taxpayers (jobs) is of more value to the US Taxpayer as opposed to consumer who was irresponsible and wreckless taking out too much student loans for an overvalued/worthless major for which there are no jobs. As a taxpayer, I’d rather put money towards free college education for two years at a Community College or Trade School for a student that will concentrate on a major where the jobs are paying.
I have a friend who is in his early 40s.

He earned a degree in Engineering. He had to borrow money for the entire degree and living expenses although he did work part time when he could.

His wife also had to finance her degree.

They have been saddled with significant college debt.

They have paid all of it back. It took a few years and they had to sacrifice but it was paid off last year.

Why is it that he did the responsible thing and paid his debt but these other shitheads are going to get a free ride?

Not only that but his taxes and his children's taxes will be going to pay for the free loaders just so Potatohead can get a few more Moon Bat votes.

How come Democrats always do the wrong thing? They are scumbags, aren't they?
You are shifting the conversation. But, here’s the difference. I know many major corporations that get tax incentives and cuts in accordance with the Tax Code because of the value they create in the form of jobs which means they are creating taxpayers. As for zero taxes, which corporations are paying Zero? Corporations are paying taxes.

A Corporation that pays taxes and creates taxpayers (jobs) is of more value to the US Taxpayer as opposed to consumer who was irresponsible and wreckless taking out too much student loans for an overvalued/worthless major for which there are no jobs. As a taxpayer, I’d rather put money towards free college education for two years at a Community College or Trade School for a student that will concentrate on a major where the jobs are paying.
The problem for the left is community college is affordable already. And trade schools are usually attached to apprenticeship jobs paid for by the employer. There’s no leverage for them there.
By an order of magnitude more.

You're missing the point, dipshit. We don't send "lazy" people to jail.

Of course, comrade!
You just abandon them out in the street to die or yes, throw them in jail. We don't do that, we send them to a rehabilitation program and they still have a home to return to when they finish. Without a criminal record that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, as happens here when someone gets arrested for sleeping behind the Starbucks or in the park. This system is a lot less humane and more authoritarian. Tough love is what it is and it's much better than what you offer. More, on what grounds do you condemn authoritarianism or touch love?
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The problem for the left is community college is affordable already. And trade schools are usually attached to apprenticeship jobs paid for by the employer. There’s no leverage for them there.

Many people who study at community colleges get a FAFSA and other financial aid. Community colleges are more affordable, that's true, but it's still too much for many people, without some type of government assistance. Education should just be a human right.
Couldn't be further from the truth, the major difference between right wing and left wing in education is the right insists on an academic education and the left a social one for everyone but themselves...this is a big reason the socially educated left cannot make its case work against the right...it is not academically prepared to do so.

You're free to believe what you wish. I'm certainly not saying that academia isn't left on the political spectrum as a whole, but the ones who are running the day to day administrative operations of a major university aren't really leftists. They're chasing money, trying to find new revenue streams, and responsible for budgets in the hundreds of millions of dollars in some cases. That requires a capitalist skillset, not a socialist one.
I could have bought a bright shiny pony if I didn’t Choose to further my education
I got out of the Army in 1970 and had a little over $2,000 saved up, which was a lot of money back then.

I used it for college.

I could have bought a lot of hookers and booze with that money but instead I used it to get a degree in Engineering.

Shame on me, huh?
Many people who study at community colleges get a FAFSA and other financial aid. Community colleges are more affordable, that's true, but it's still too much for many people, without some type of government assistance. Education should just be a human right.
It’s only unaffordable if you make it a full time job. Their classes are mostly in the evening, at least they were when I went, so you could work during the day. If you do that most employers will pay at least a portion of the cost. Mine was based on the grade.

A- 100% paid
B- 80% paid
C- nothing paid.

Education is not a right. Go fucking earn it. It only benefits you,
I got out of the Army in 1970 and had a little over $2,000 saved up, which was a lot of money back then.

I used it for college.

I could have bought a lot of hookers and booze with that money but instead I used it to get a degree in Engineering.

Shame on me, huh?

It’s only unaffordable if you make it a full time job. Their classes are mostly in the evening, at least they were when I went, so you could work during the day. If you do that most employers will pay at least a portion of the cost. Mine was based on the grade.

A- 100% paid
B- 80% paid
C- nothing paid.

Education is not a right. Go fucking earn it. It only benefits you,

It's a public good, it benefits everyone to live in a nation with an educated and skilled citizenry.
Remember back when you guys were for not assaulting police officers?

I guess you're on the stuff.

I remember your Brown Shirts murdered 39 police officers during the 2 year Kristallnacht you waged on America.

You assaulted more than 3,000 - including trying to burn them to death inside the Portland Federal Court House.

But those were mostly peaceful murders and assaults.

Heil Soros.

I had to pay tuition you fucking moron.

So the government caused the problem. Nobody is surprised by that.

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