We get to pay for student loans. Great.

This is what I originally wrote:

If you're asking me about "taxes", then you're asking me how tuition-free education, would be funded in our current economic system, not a socialist state. State universities and other educational/vocational institutions, would receive money from the federal government and also draw funds from state and local taxes. It could be an extra 2% sales tax for all items, or maybe 4% for certain products, like electronics..etc.

Sales tax is not a deducted flat fee or % from paychecks. It's pretty clear what I wrote, and it's not what you're asserting. Let's read more...

Besides that, there might also be an extra fee deducted from your paycheck and that could be a flat fee or a deducted % similar to Social Security. You might end up paying $20 or $40 monthly extra into the education fund. This will ensure all Americans get an education from pre-kinder to graduate school. That includes vocational job training.

The deductible flat fee from paychecks or deducted % may add up to $20, $40 and if it goes above $80, it can be capped there. What part of this don't you want or desire to understand? You're not stupid, so it's not lack of intelligence that's your problem, it's just you're stubborn. Hardheaded. BTW, I'm not a liberal, I'm a communist.

It could be an extra 2% sales tax for all items, or maybe 4% for certain products, like electronics..etc.

You might end up paying $20 or $40 monthly extra into the education fund.

Divide $20 by 2%. Divide $40 by 4%. You're talking about around $1000 in monthly spending.

BTW, I'm not a liberal, I'm a communist.

Sorry for overestimating your intelligence.
It could be an extra 2% sales tax for all items, or maybe 4% for certain products, like electronics..etc.

You might end up paying $20 or $40 monthly extra into the education fund.

Divide $20 by 2%. Divide $40 by 4%. You're talking about around $1000 in monthly spending.

BTW, I'm not a liberal, I'm a communist.

Sorry for overestimating your intelligence.
I already clearly demonstrated in my last post how the 2%, 4% has nothing to do with the $20 or $40 dollars deducted from paychecks by employers. One has nothing to do with the other.
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Many people who study at community colleges get a FAFSA and other financial aid. Community colleges are more affordable, that's true, but it's still too much for many people, without some type of government assistance. Education should just be a human right.
I don’t see many cases where students are racking up $200k at a community college to major in something that is worthless. That’s the problem. As I said before, I am open to free college but that doesn’t mean you get to fly three time zones away to an elite college and get a degree in a worthless major.
It not only works, it's the inevitable result of advanced technology hence in our future.

I think you have it backwards.
Communism is our past, as all primitive tribes always are communist inherently.
They could not survive or flourish if capitalist.
But it is not clear communism works in really large societies, where people are all strangers to each other.
I don’t see many cases where students are racking up $200k at a community college to major in something that is worthless. That’s the problem. As I said before, I am open to free college but that doesn’t mean you get to fly three time zones away to an elite college and get a degree in a worthless major.

Well, a "worthless major" in a capitalist market economy might actually not be worthless in a socialist society. I'd be cautious when it comes to dismissing majors as worthless, but I agree that certain majors should be emphasized more than others, to meet the needs of society. So engineering, physics, astronomy, astronautics, mathematics, computer science, medicine, history, international relations, political science, all of these and more, are very important and people should be encouraged into those fields, rather than "gender studies", or basket weaving.
CommunistFront wrtites:
You need to improve your reading comprehension skills or maybe just start actually reading what I write and stop ignoring it.

When you write something which addresses the issue put to you, I will.
So far all you've done is make fantastic claims about the glories of socialism, all while failing to demonstrate how forcing people to work at gunpoint is better than let them suffer the consequences of their poor decisions.
Your current post, where you again extol the virtues of socialism, but do not even attempt make the demonstration asked of you, is no different.

CommunistFront writes:
It's not necessarily at "gunpoint", because there is no set or established way of dealing with that situation

You said the able bodies that refuse to work might be sent to prison; to that you have now added "work camps", which differ from prisons only in that they are usually outside.
That's "at gunpoint".
So, again:
Demonstrate how forcing people to work at gunpoint is better than letting them suffer the consequences of their poor decisions.
Sack up, Comrade -- address the issue put to you.
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Well, a "worthless major" in a capitalist market economy might actually not be worthless in a socialist society. I'd be cautious when it comes to dismissing majors as worthless, but I agree that certain majors should be emphasized more than others, to meet the needs of society. So engineering, physics, astronomy, astronautics, mathematics, computer science, medicine, history, international relations, political science, all of these and more, are very important and people should be encouraged into those fields, rather than "gender studies", or basket weaving.

The fact that just about everybody knows this is a clear demonstration that a lot of these kids are not seeking meaningful careers, they are just going from one party place to the next and now we're expected to pay for it.
If you're asking me about "taxes", then you're asking me how tuition-free education, would be funded in our current economic system, not a socialist state. State universities and other educational/vocational institutions, would receive money from the federal government and also draw funds from state and local taxes. It could be an extra 2% sales tax for all items, or maybe 4% for certain products, like electronics..etc. Besides that, there might also be an extra fee deducted from your paycheck and that could be a flat fee or a deducted % similar to Social Security. You might end up paying $20 or $40 monthly extra into the education fund. This will ensure all Americans get an education from pre-kinder to graduate school. That includes vocational job training.

So why should hard working people have to pay for your education? And don't give me that phony rap how we need engineers and doctors. We have them anyway under the current system.

I asked this before but never got an answer: You want me to go out and work everyday, create taxes to fund somebody going to college for a lawyer or doctor, and then when I need their services, they charge me $300.00 an hour after spending a lifetime paying for their education. Where is the equity in that?

So I'll meet you half way. I'll pay for their education through taxes, but they're not allowed to charge more than $30.00 an hour when I need them. Deal?
Many people who study at community colleges get a FAFSA and other financial aid. Community colleges are more affordable, that's true, but it's still too much for many people, without some type of government assistance. Education should just be a human right.

I explained the solution to that many pages ago:

There is no law that you must attend college right out of high school, in fact for many it's a huge mistake.

Instead, make a law that you can't attend college until the age of 21. Live with mom and dad and save every dime you make working a full-time job. Even invest it in a conservative growth fund.

By the time you reach the age of 21, you are more mature, experienced what it's like to work full-time plus, have a better insight on what you want to do for the rest of your life.

If at 21 you still want to attend college, you'll be able to pay it from the three or four working years that you saved. While in college, get a part-time job on the weekend to make sure your resources do not get used up. Get a full-time job during the summer when school is out of session.

By the time you graduate, you will have no loan to payoff, or a very small manageable one.
The problem for the left is community college is affordable already. And trade schools are usually attached to apprenticeship jobs paid for by the employer. There’s no leverage for them there.

Currently we are short over 60,000 drivers today, and it's predicted to get worse as we baby boomers retire or die off.

There are companies that offer free training if you sign a contract with them for one year. After that year, you have the experience to work just about anywhere if you kept your license clean.

If you wish to go another route, there are driving schools that will have you trained, certified and have your CDL in about a month, and all those schools also guarantee you a job.

You can make a pretty good living in the transportation industry, sometimes in the six figure range. Most schools are only a couple thousand bucks which you can have paid off in a few months.
Well, a "worthless major" in a capitalist market economy might actually not be worthless in a socialist society. I'd be cautious when it comes to dismissing majors as worthless, but I agree that certain majors should be emphasized more than others, to meet the needs of society. So engineering, physics, astronomy, astronautics, mathematics, computer science, medicine, history, international relations, political science, all of these and more, are very important and people should be encouraged into those fields, rather than "gender studies", or basket weaving

I agree with you 100 percent on why the fuck someone would want to spend $200k to fly three time zones away to an elite private college and get a degree in “gender studies”.
I got out of the Army in 1970 and had a little over $2,000 saved up, which was a lot of money back then.

I used it for college.

I could have bought a lot of hookers and booze with that money but instead I used it to get a degree in Engineering.

Shame on me, huh?
Yes your discipline and determination action is racist and don’t try and force it onto the sloffers and deadbeats,
If you're asking me about "taxes", then you're asking me how tuition-free education, would be funded in our current economic system, not a socialist state. State universities and other educational/vocational institutions, would receive money from the federal government and also draw funds from state and local taxes. It could be an extra 2% sales tax for all items, or maybe 4% for certain products, like electronics..etc. Besides that, there might also be an extra fee deducted from your paycheck and that could be a flat fee or a deducted % similar to Social Security. You might end up paying $20 or $40 monthly extra into the education fund. This will ensure all Americans get an education from pre-kinder to graduate school. That includes vocational job training.

I would also add a job guarantee in the public sector, that way everyone is employed and making money, either in the private sector or in the public. More people making money equates to more people purchasing products and services, invigorating the economy. There will be more skilled labor and more Americans with a university degree. This is what we need to do to compete with China and Russia in the 21st century or we're going to be eaten alive.
So pretty much whatever will be the cost. And if that whatever cost of your four year degree in whatever doesn’t pan out we have a government job for you that pays you know whatever. Cradle to grave tax payer living.

Umm, where will the tax payers come from?
Currently we are short over 60,000 drivers today, and it's predicted to get worse as we baby boomers retire or die off.

There are companies that offer free training if you sign a contract with them for one year. After that year, you have the experience to work just about anywhere if you kept your license clean.

If you wish to go another route, there are driving schools that will have you trained, certified and have your CDL in about a month, and all those schools also guarantee you a job.

You can make a pretty good living in the transportation industry, sometimes in the six figure range. Most schools are only a couple thousand bucks which you can have paid off in a few months.
Walmart is bragging they will pay 100k a year for drivers.that’s crazy.

I’m in a similar field. Electrician, moved into electronics. But we’re in the same boat. I started at 14, went full time the day after graduation. Back then the average age of a crew of ten was maybe 22? Half of us couldn’t get in a bar. But the Forman would have us meet at the strip club for the Friday safety meeting and tell the door guy we were all over 21. Man that was a side step.

Anyway, the average crew age these days is about 50. I read an industry article saying we are 2 million electricians short. Today. It’s going to get worse. And these idiots are pushing for all electric cars? Who the fuck is going to service that shit? Nobody is being trained, very few in the apprentice program. There’s nobody to take over.
I disagree.

Do you, and your ilk, ever have this vitriol towards all these Big Corporations who get all these tax benefits, oftentimes never paying taxes?

I haven't seen it. Yet, your panties are all tied up in tight wads over a few shekels.

It betrays your severely lacking morality.

This voter purchase will effect some 40 million deadbeats. The amount of companies that paid 0 taxes are 50.


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