We have a revenue problem, absolute proof we need to raise taxes

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
The GAO recently released a report describing the 160 separate programs the federal government has that offer assistance with housing. HUD has 91 separate programs, the Department of Agriculture has 18, the IRS has 14, the Treasury has 8, well, you get the idea by now. (By the way, who would go to the IRS to get help with housing?) If we cannot afford to fund 160 programs across multiple federal agencies we obviously need to raise taxes.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: Opportunities Exist to Increase Collaboration and Consider Consolidation

Here is a complete list of the various federal programs devoted to keeping people off the streets. Only a heartless and cruel idiot could possibly object to raising taxes to keep families from sleeping under bridges.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: An Inventory of Fiscal Year 2010 Programs, Tax Expenditures, and Other Activities (GAO-12-555SP, August 16, 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-554

We have a spending problem, absolute proof we need to fire some people.

Fixed it for ya.
That our FEDERAL and state governments piss money away foolishly is a given.

Most of the money is redistributed to the wealthiest people in America.

That same group of people pay very low percentages of their incomes back in taxes.

There's the two root sources of our nation's economic woes.
I believe personal tax rates in the US are too low.

Corporate taxes are probably too high, and I think a VAT is inevitable.

But what party has the balls to say so?
We have a spending problem, absolute proof we need to fire some people.

Fixed it for ya.

'We' have...

If it weren’t for all the lost jobs in the public sector — mostly teachers, police, firemen and sanitation workers at the state and local level — unemployment would be significantly lower right now, perhaps as low as 7 percent. Here’s how public sector employment fared during the first years of the Clinton and Bush terms (also recessionary) compared to under Obama:


The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived and dishonest – but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Too often we enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.
President John F. Kennedy
I believe personal tax rates in the US are too low.

Corporate taxes are probably too high, and I think a VAT is inevitable.

But what party has the balls to say so?

Corporate taxes...

Obama proposes lowering corporate tax rate to 28 percent

The plan would lower the nation’s corporate tax rate to 28 percent. At the same time, Obama wants to boost overall revenue from corporate taxation by banning numerous deductions and loopholes that save companies tens of billions of dollars a year on their tax bills.

The current U.S. corporate tax rate of 35 percent is one of the highest in the world, but the abundance of loopholes and deductions enable many businesses to pay far less than that — or nothing at all. Companies in the United States pay almost half the taxes that companies in other rich countries pay, compared with the size of the economy, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

The president’s plan targets oil and gas companies for tax increases while promising special breaks for manufacturing companies.

And in a slap at U.S. multinational corporations that shelter profits overseas, Obama wants those firms to pay a minimum tax on their foreign earnings. He also wants to end tax breaks for companies that outsource and give new tax incentives to firms that move jobs back home.

Marguerite Higgins of the conservative Heritage Foundation argued that such a tax would hurt competition.

Washington Post - February 22, 2012
No, 'VAT'! This is totally unjustified and regressive!

Tax on profits and luxuries (like over-sized personal vehicles), not on workers' labor income (as defined in the Constitution and affirmed eloquently by Lincoln).

Reductions of unnecessary expenditures, especially the billions unaccounted for by the Pentagon, etc.

If I think of more, I'll be back.
We must end corporate welfare.

7% right across the board.

Goods and services tax. Do it. Give it.

Now we've stopped bleeding and we are down to 5%. But do it.

Stop screaming. Start contributing. Help Washington douche bag. Give your money to 1600 Watch how quick everyone changes
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I believe personal tax rates in the US are too low.

Corporate taxes are probably too high, and I think a VAT is inevitable.

But what party has the balls to say so?

I just realized you are posting from Finland.

You understand this then.

In Canada we have the GST. It's a straight tax across the board.

ETA normally I can peg off shit like this but I'm in the midst of making jalapeno jelly and home made salsa. I can't see shit. Forgive me.
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I believe personal tax rates in the US are too low.

Corporate taxes are probably too high, and I think a VAT is inevitable.

But what party has the balls to say so?

I just realized you are posting from Finland.

You understand this then.

In Canada we have the GST. It's a straight tax across the board.

Indeed. I understand the criticisms of it and the reasons for and against it, but I think it is the best solution mainstream conservative thinking has put forward.

It works, basically.
No, 'VAT'! This is totally unjustified and regressive!

Tax on profits and luxuries (like over-sized personal vehicles), not on workers' labor income (as defined in the Constitution and affirmed eloquently by Lincoln).

Reductions of unnecessary expenditures, especially the billions unaccounted for by the Pentagon, etc.

If I think of more, I'll be back.


Goods and Services tax.

Do it and stop bitching.
I believe personal tax rates in the US are too low.

Corporate taxes are probably too high, and I think a VAT is inevitable.

But what party has the balls to say so?

I just realized you are posting from Finland.

You understand this then.

In Canada we have the GST. It's a straight tax across the board.

Indeed. I understand the criticisms of it and the reasons for and against it, but I think it is the best solution mainstream conservative thinking has put forward.

It works, basically.

I love the GST. Did not at the time. Now looking back at Mulroney's thought process at it, it was freaking brilliant.

Quick aside. If you ever have a moment could you jump into a place on the board to tell me how you are as a state? And how you are? I'd love to know.
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The GAO recently released a report describing the 160 separate programs the federal government has that offer assistance with housing. HUD has 91 separate programs, the Department of Agriculture has 18, the IRS has 14, the Treasury has 8, well, you get the idea by now. (By the way, who would go to the IRS to get help with housing?) If we cannot afford to fund 160 programs across multiple federal agencies we obviously need to raise taxes.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: Opportunities Exist to Increase Collaboration and Consider Consolidation

Here is a complete list of the various federal programs devoted to keeping people off the streets. Only a heartless and cruel idiot could possibly object to raising taxes to keep families from sleeping under bridges.

U.S. GAO - Housing Assistance: An Inventory of Fiscal Year 2010 Programs, Tax Expenditures, and Other Activities (GAO-12-555SP, August 16, 2012), an E-supplement to GAO-12-554


Right hand meet left hand ---

Right hand - Hi, seen the President around?
Left hand - not in about 4 years. How is 'W' doing by the way?
I love the GST. Did not at the time. Now looking back at Mulroney's thought process at it, it was freaking brilliant.

Quick aside. If you ever have a moment could you jump into a place on the board to tell me how you are as a state? And how you are? I'd love to know.

I'm pleased the tax is working for you!

That might calm a few nerves here!

I did start a thrad on Finland a couple of weeks back...maybe you can find it. It wa called 'Finland: Good and Bad' or something.
It amazes me that nobody even bothered to discuss the topic of this thread. My guess is A) they didn't understand it, r B)chose to ignore the inferences.
It amazes me that nobody even bothered to discuss the topic of this thread. My guess is A) they didn't understand it, r B)chose to ignore the inferences.

For someone who claimed yesterday that 50% of Americans pay no taxes, it seems unlikely that you would understan this issue better than anyone else.
Higher taxes does not help the revenue, it gives the gov't more money to send to foreign countrys and spend on themselves, and their pet donors. It is when the people have more of their money to spend on their needs that builds up the economy. If the people's money is taken from them in taxes, it causes people not to be able to buy things for themselves which doesn't help the economy. Raising taxes only helps the gov't to have more money of yours to spend on what they want to spend on. The people need to keep more of their money and build the economy up by being able to afford what they need.

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