‘We Must Normalize Massacres’ Brings Cheers to the Crowd

I think there are, but the problem is their so called leaders and defenders don't lead or defend.

The Geneva conventions are predicated on both sides following the rules, when one side doesn't, all bets are off.
Anyone older than 6 is a combatant until proven otherwise.
I think there are, but the problem is their so called leaders and defenders don't lead or defend.

The Geneva conventions are predicated on both sides following the rules, when one side doesn't, all bets are off.
And Gaza is not a member of the Geneva convention, nor does it even attempt to abide by it.

Napalm Gaza in my opinion.
The world is divided into two camps now, with a chasm between the two. While this took place in London it could have easily been New York City or Ontario. At least half the world has sided with evil and their goal is to turn this world into a Mad Max movie sequel.

This is why I have no problem with Israel leveling Gaza and driving all the Palestinians out. This will never stop until those people are gone. They are an international pariah and cause problems everywhere they go.
The world is divided into two camps now, with a chasm between the two. While this took place in London it could have easily been New York City or Ontario. At least half the world has sided with evil and their goal is to turn this world into a Mad Max movie sequel.

It is not uncommon for the totalitarian minded to justify their evil by getting the people to believe that this or that group of humans is their problem and must be eradicated. For some

Roman Emperors the 'enemy of the people' were the Christians.

Those who opposed the leaders of the French Revolution were dubbed 'enemies of the people.'

The Czars before Lenin targeted the Jews and drove most from Russia.

Lenin said no mercy for these enemies of the people, the enemies of socialism, the enemies of the working people! War to the death against the rich and their hangers-on, the bourgeois intellectuals; war on the rogues, the idlers and the rowdies!
Lenin, 1917

And to Stalin the ‘enemies of the people’ were the millions of artists, engineers, managers, and professors who were thought to be a threat to the Soviet regime.

Hitler again called the Jews the enemy of the people. And murdered six million of them before he was stopped.

And the Marxist and/or totalitarian minded seem to be following in Hitler's footsteps.

There have been NO people anywhere who have lived under threats, possible extermination, enslavement, repression, oppression, deprived of rights, uprooted, expelled, targeted for genocide for their entire history than have the Jews.

But how much poorer would the world be without the contribution of intellect, innovation, creativity, invention, imaginative concepts it has received from the Jewish people? The Jews constitute .2%--that's 1/5th of 1 percent--of the world population but they have received 22% of all Nobel prizes given.

I cannot respect those who defend the bad acts of a people who happen to be of a particular race or ethnicity or country of origin or whatever. And I darn sure can't respect those who think it is okay to kill, maim, harm, insult, exclude or whatever those whose only 'crime' is being a Jew.
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So now we can swap Jew for Pally , and all you modern day holocaust deniers can follow suit....

The left is where evil lives today... They are authoritarian anti freedom activists that long for total control of the people by any means necessary.... if you get on their hate list look out... they are Nazi like.... today its the Jews tomorrow it will be another group...
Zionism is apartheid, it’s genocide, it’s murder. It’s a racist ideology, rooted in settler expansion and racist domination. We must root it out of the world.”
Zionism is just nationalism. A tribe of people took land from another. That’s how all other people have done it. But the Muzzies are special and the real world doesn’t apply to them. They are the “victims” even though every Muslim nation at one point drove out and killed all non-Muslims in order to become a Muslim nation state.

I don’t care for Talmudic Jews, they are Satanic in nature. But I’d rather they have their own nation to congregate in instead of spewing their globalist and Marxist and anti-Christian Agenda in Western countries.
Your posting history.
Come on now. Just admit you are making shit up again. I have never said anything other than Hamas was evil, and must be destroyed. If I had, you could easily point out exactly what and where I said anything to make you believe that. Hillary was wrong. You aren't deplorable. You are deluded.

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