We Must Preserve Our Heritage

College level course? OK...then why teach it in middle school? If persons want to take it in college along with lesbian dance theory then they are free to waste their money doing so.
I have never heard of a middle school teaching CRT. It should be but its not. CRT is simply real history. Guys like you prefer your kids be indoctrinated with white history.
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Nope. Victors write and enforce the narrative. Everyone writes the real history.
Was that English? Victors always write history. Losers whine about living in the greatest country in the world. You keep identifying me by my skin color. That makes you the racist and you don’t even see that. Amazing.
Funny how the left always portrays the Southern White Democrats as being Republicans. It was Democrats of the KKK that burned minority business and murdered blacks, it is BLM/ANTIFA that is burning minority businesses and murdering blacks. Nothing has changed with the Democrats..
Are you going to now try to con-vince us that the South is blue?
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That is exactly the way the Progressives have so dumbed down America. Just think, here is the KKK, southern white democrats like Al Gore's father, George McGovern and Robert Byrd, putting their hate on blacks, then suddenly they all have this idea that if they go straight, then all their past attacks on blacks, will be forgotten. And guess what, you stupid fucks actually believe them. That is the irony of stupid people like you allowing them to get away with....murder. And today BLM/ANTIFA are carrying the banner that once was the KKK, by burning minority businesses and murdering blacks with terrorists means.
You talk as if they are still alive.... lolol.
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I dont really give a fuck about english so capitalizing happens when it happens.
If you dont make stupid statements I wont disregard them.
Now you are angry so typical for leftists. Next you are going to loot and burn down a police station.

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