We Must Preserve Our Heritage

That shows, by your ignorant question.
Its too malleable.
Trying to get "specific" is impossible.
In order to get "specific", you would need to supply a CRT lecture or something, and i give you "specifics" on that.
Not impossible at all. I would specifically object to teaching students how to view history by teaching selective history, if that is what they are doing. But nobody seems to know when asked. You seem to know specifically what it is not. History.
CRT has nothing to do with our heritage. It is Marxist garbage meant to permanently prevent any kind of unity. It will split us in to tribes that will be manipulated to suit the powerful and to keep them in power.

It is hard to believe how stupid you people are buying into this racist bullshit.
^^ Bawahahahahahahahahahahahahah ^^
Funny how the left always portrays the Southern White Democrats as being Republicans. It was Democrats of the KKK that burned minority business and murdered blacks, it is BLM/ANTIFA that is burning minority businesses and murdering blacks. Nothing has changed with the Democrats..
They were Conservatives...

if you examine their policies, you will see -- they were conservative.....

If you examine the way they pushed back against legislation like the first Civil Rights Acts of the 1870's, the first Voting Rights act's of the 1870's -- all the way up to today -- the same rhetoric used back then is being used by CONSERVATIVES TODAY...

The same "purity of the ballot" argument racists used back then is the same "PURITY OF THE BALLOT" language Conservatives of today got caught for using..and had to remove it after we called them out on it...

I have seen CRT activists ARGUE over liberalism.
All CRT is, is marxism for race, instead of class. Everything else is up to the individual teaching it; as this is isnt an actual curriculum.
I saw an activist for LatCrit that said CRT was racist against other races and went to blame blacks for latino suppression. :lol:
The whole thing is a bunch of extremist opinion. Thats why i call it malleable.

Some of what you say is true, but it really is a bit more complex than that.

I had a multidisciplinary focus at Uni.

I had studies in Anthro, Philosophy, and Polisci. . .

I have studied Critical Theory in Philosophy and I have studied In-Group/Out-Group behavior in Antro and biology.

What you are saying about Critical Race Theory's links to the Frankfurt school is not wrong. On the other hand? There is some scientific foundation in the theory linked to biological facts about culture and how different subgroups within different population groups act toward each other. This is grounded in statistical studies, and is not limited to humans, it is found in other primates, birds, and many other animals.

Even within the black community, both here in America, and in Africa, because both European and American culture has basically won the planetary culture war, there is this thing called, "colorism," within their OWN communities. . . For folks that study the phenomenon of In-groups/Out-group relations, you begin to understand, that formal institutions cannot change the very nature of human beings. All we can do? Is educate our selves to be our higher selves so that we are aware of our own implicit biases.

Many anthropologists have theorized that the caste system in India was partially based, centuries ago, before the US was even a thought, on the skin tone of a person.
Though the Caste system is gone, colorism still is a plague in the Indian community as well.

Now, for anyone that is familiar with history, or has read Utopian and Dystopian literature, or has a broad multidisciplinary education, with a keen understanding both the limits of government and human nature?

I would think they would know by now, it just isn't possible for governments change the biological and sociological nature of people. The best we can do is make our law, is for it to treat everyone equal. And the best we can hope for in our society, is to make ourselves aware of our own implicit biases, so that we do not act on them.

If those pushing CRT just want to make folks aware of their implicit bias? I have no problem with that. OTH? If they want to actually make laws that try to redress historical wrongs? They do not understand human nature, nor how it will create a reactionary backlash among those who have less access to education, or have less inclination to inform themselves.

Thus, institutionalizing CRT into law and government institutions, will, in the end, create more racial strife and conflict than what it seeks alleviate.
They were Conservatives...

if you examine their policies, you will see -- they were conservative.....

If you examine the way they pushed back against legislation like the first Civil Rights Acts of the 1870's, the first Voting Rights act's of the 1870's -- all the way up to today -- the same rhetoric used back then is being used by CONSERVATIVES TODAY...

The same "purity of the ballot" argument racists used back then is the same "PURITY OF THE BALLOT" language Conservatives of today got caught for using..and had to remove it after we called them out on it...

That is exactly the way the Progressives have so dumbed down America. Just think, here is the KKK, southern white democrats like Al Gore's father, George McGovern and Robert Byrd, putting their hate on blacks, then suddenly they all have this idea that if they go straight, then all their past attacks on blacks, will be forgotten. And guess what, you stupid fucks actually believe them. That is the irony of stupid people like you allowing them to get away with....murder. And today BLM/ANTIFA are carrying the banner that once was the KKK, by burning minority businesses and murdering blacks with terrorists means.
Not impossible at all. I would specifically object to teaching students how to view history by teaching selective history, if that is what they are doing. But nobody seems to know when asked. You seem to know specifically what it is not. History.
I havent seen much from an actual historical perspective, no.
Perhaps. Im a youngster so idk first hand :)
I was a young child then but one of my first memories of politics was when Dem Candidate RFK was killed. Got up to watch Saturday Morning Cartoons and the news was on. Shit. It took a little while for my 9 year old brain to realize what I was seeing on the TV.
That is exactly the way the Progressives have so dumbed down America. Just think, here is the KKK, southern white democrats like Al Gore's father, George McGovern and Robert Byrd, putting their hate on blacks, then suddenly they all have this idea that if they go straight, then all their past attacks on blacks, will be forgotten. And guess what, you stupid fucks actually believe them. That is the irony of stupid people like you allowing them to get away with....murder. And today BLM/ANTIFA are carrying the banner that once was the KKK, by burning minority businesses and murdering blacks with terrorists means.

And here we are in 2021, and the DemoKKKrats are STILL electing guys like this:

That is exactly the way the Progressives have so dumbed down America. Just think, here is the KKK, southern white democrats like Al Gore's father, George McGovern and Robert Byrd, putting their hate on blacks, then suddenly they all have this idea that if they go straight, then all their past attacks on blacks, will be forgotten. And guess what, you stupid fucks actually believe them. That is the irony of stupid people like you allowing them to get away with....murder. And today BLM/ANTIFA are carrying the banner that once was the KKK, by burning minority businesses and murdering blacks with terrorists means.
I like how I mentioned policies, and you can't

Because the minute you morons are forced to talk policies -- your bullshit gets exposed.....

Republican policies in the 1950's wouldn't be considered Conservative by any means...especially Northern Republicans
And here we are in 2021, and the DemoKKKrats are STILL electing guys like this:

View attachment 515438
Why do you hate beer. After all these years.....

Virginia state Del. Delores McQuinn was with Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam the night the racist photo surfaced last February. A member of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus, she was shocked that the man she had helped elect two years earlier once wore blackface. But while she expected him to resign, she advised against it.

“It is not time to retreat,” Ms. McQuinn says she told him. “It is time to teach. This is a moment to turn this pain for all of us into something different.”

Her words must have stuck.

Six months later, the white governor received standing ovations from a mostly black crowd, including some who had called for him to step down. As he marked the 400th anniversary of the arrival of African slaves in August, Governor Northam addressed Virginia’s contradictory history with racism – and by extension, his own.

“I’ve had to confront some painful truths,” he said at Fort Monroe, the landing site for the country’s first African slaves. “Among those truths was my own incomplete understanding regarding race and equity. ... But I also learned that the more I know, the more I can do.”

Why do you hate beer. After all these years.....

Virginia state Del. Delores McQuinn was with Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam the night the racist photo surfaced last February. A member of the state’s Legislative Black Caucus, she was shocked that the man she had helped elect two years earlier once wore blackface. But while she expected him to resign, she advised against it.

“It is not time to retreat,” Ms. McQuinn says she told him. “It is time to teach. This is a moment to turn this pain for all of us into something different.”

Her words must have stuck.

Six months later, the white governor received standing ovations from a mostly black crowd, including some who had called for him to step down. As he marked the 400th anniversary of the arrival of African slaves in August, Governor Northam addressed Virginia’s contradictory history with racism – and by extension, his own.

“I’ve had to confront some painful truths,” he said at Fort Monroe, the landing site for the country’s first African slaves. “Among those truths was my own incomplete understanding regarding race and equity. ... But I also learned that the more I know, the more I can do.”

I think is what the Christians call redemption or something.....
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Critical race theory isnt about history.
I wish you cultists would AT LEAST learn a little bit about the things you are TOLD to support.
Critical Race Theory is about reality. But it is only taught in law school. But what most of you racists think CRT is pertains to the teaching of what happened to people of color during our history.
CRT has nothing to do with our heritage. It is Marxist garbage meant to permanently prevent any kind of unity. It will split us in to tribes that will be manipulated to suit the powerful and to keep them in power.

It is hard to believe how stupid you people are buying into this racist bullshit.
Untrue. Continuing white racism addressed by CRT is the thing meant to permanently keep us divided.
I have seen CRT activists ARGUE over liberalism.
All CRT is, is marxism for race, instead of class. Everything else is up to the individual teaching it; as this is isnt an actual curriculum.
I saw an activist for LatCrit that said CRT was racist against other races and went to blame blacks for latino suppression. :lol:
The whole thing is a bunch of extremist opinion. Thats why i call it malleable.
CRT is not marxist and race has determined class in America.

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