CDZ We need a new board devoted to sci fi

Just finished re-reading Heinlein's Time Enough for Love. I saw a readers poll who rated his best books as:

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Stranger in a Strange Land

Time Enough for Love

Starship Troopers

Glory Road


Double Star

I have read them all but Double Star. All are well worth the read. :)
Just finished re-reading Heinlein's Time Enough for Love. I saw a readers poll who rated his best books as:

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Stranger in a Strange Land

Time Enough for Love

Starship Troopers

Glory Road


Double Star

I have read them all but Double Star. All are well worth the read. :)
"Orphans Of The Sky" was the first Heinlein book I read. It was quite engaging.
USMB needs better organization of boards. As it is it is very difficult to navigate, and it is all a bunch of useless fluff, any way - we are not solving the social problems that most of us anticipate of Internet forums. Especially those devoted to politics, because what is politics???
Just finished re-reading Heinlein's Time Enough for Love. I saw a readers poll who rated his best books as:

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress

Stranger in a Strange Land

Time Enough for Love

Starship Troopers

Glory Road


Double Star

I have read them all but Double Star. All are well worth the read. :)
"Orphans Of The Sky" was the first Heinlein book I read. It was quite engaging.
Wow, you folks are all naming stories I all have copies of.
Si Fi ok with me, wrote down a few authors you recommended, good luck getting it started.



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