We need a White Gratitude Month

Which would you prefer, Black History Month or White Gratitude Month

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.
There is a Black History month.
Cinco De Meyo every year.
Why not a white gratitude month?
Know what is really sad?
I never used to think this way. Never in all my years. But things changed. I changed. I guess I am tired of the hypocrisy and double standards.

Teach about how whites fought for civil rights, workers rights, clean air, water and education for all.
Whites created civilization. Jews latched onto it and brought in the Blacks. The history of the Earth in two sentences. :p
We should tax blacks and latinos to pay for it, as well as homosexuals, college professors in the liberal arts schools, and 'antifas'. A 90% rate would be fair, and we can have Asclepias sing and dance for us. We can toss him quarters if he does a good enough job at sucking up.
As this post is in politics I suppose it reflects the low standard of political debate in the US.
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.
I needs me some reparatins cause my cesters was forced to own them sum niggas.
Count me in!

Lattes, croquet, and polka parties all month long.

Yea, Baby.
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.
I needs me some reparatins cause my cesters was forced to own them sum niggas.

Yet we never talk about white indentured servants or Irishmen in the Civil War being drafted into the Union the moment they got off the boat from Ireland
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.

We already celebrate white history. Everytime there is Irish/Italian/German/etc...parades, festival or celebrations we celebrate white history.

Unfortunately when black people were ripped out of their countries and forced to slave here, they were stripped of their identities. Ask the average black person in America where their ancestors are from and you won't get very many specifics. Because they simply don't know. White America took it from them.

So when they get to collectively celebrate something (black history) you don't get to cry foul.

Grow the fuck up.
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.
I'd be happy with free beer.
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.
I'd be happy with free beer.

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