We need a White Gratitude Month

Which would you prefer, Black History Month or White Gratitude Month

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No we don't. We are post racial, we need to lay of racial stuff. Man, they said : We better accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative latch on to the affirmative Don't mess with Mister In-Between.-tween. This from the forties, Bing Crosby.
  • We need a White Gratitude Month and a 60 day paid vacation for all people to return to their ancestral native homes like the Jews going on their birthright vacation to Israel. White people would never want to leave their ancestral homes and the blacks would beg to come back to America 59 days early.

We already celebrate white history. Everytime there is Irish/Italian/German/etc...parades, festival or celebrations we celebrate white history.

Unfortunately when black people were ripped out of their countries and forced to slave here, they were stripped of their identities. Ask the average black person in America where their ancestors are from and you won't get very many specifics. Because they simply don't know. White America took it from them.

So when they get to collectively celebrate something (black history) you don't get to cry foul.

Grow the fuck up.

Just for the record, I don't know nor care what part of Europe (or maybe Russia for all I know) my "great, great, great or so grand fathers" came from.
When I think now of ancestors .... I think of those labeled "heretics"
The thing is you are saying low IQ idiots in mud huts from the Africa and the Middle East (some prominent rabbis in Texas) who rape and mutilate little females are the same as the folks who built cities in Europe.

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