We need an immediate ban on paper!

Proof positive conservatives are idiocy prone?

I mean common, they can't even tell a substantive difference between firearms and office supplies. :slap:
Proof positive conservatives are idiocy prone?

I mean common, they can't even tell a substantive difference between firearms and office supplies. :slap:

No. But proof positive that you've made the transition to pine cones.
If we ban paper,what will we wipe our butts with??

The Wall street papyrus??

Quite a discourse on this very problem in this book:

The Complete Works of François Rabelais

Go to section 13 for the complete and hilarious tale....


I swear to God, the following is a true story. My Father (At the time a Colonel in the Air Force) was TDY to Iran with another Major (an Intelligence Officer) for God only knows what. Anyway, one evening they decided to go downstairs (at the hotel) - this was during the reign of the Shah - to have dinner. When they returned to their room, the Major's .45 pistol was missing. They immediately called the Police and (to their credit) they found the guy an hour later. They told my Father and the Major that they would be required to attend the trial the next day. So, next day they hold the trial - which lasted all of 5 minutes. The Judge asks the Major if the pistol was his and was it stolen from their room. The Major answers "Yes". The Judge looks at the "defendant" and asks him the following - "Are you guilty or innocent?" And before the guy could answer, the judge says "shoot him". Well, the Major expressed his displeasure at the guy's sentence and the judge says "Well, in the interests of our American friends, take his right hand".

This, according to my Dad, was a death sentence because they eat with their right hand and they wipe with their left. One can NOT interfere with the other. So, presumably, the guy starved to death.
Yes, it's a technology that originates centuries ago. But we need to limit the easy availability of paper. Nowadays it's so cheap and easy to obtain. You can get paper more easily than you can get a prescription for anti-depressants.

Paper is the weapon of choice for people who want to spread hateful and hurtful speech. Bullies use it, terrorists use it, and countless deaths are caused by their actions. Think of the children!

Banning paper does not infringe upon first amendment rights. There is no first amendment right to hate speech. We should ban paper now, before another bully leads an innocent child to slaughter.

I gave myself a nasty paper cut the other day - should I have a right to sue the makers of the paper??

Of course. Why would we shield paper makers from liability for their dangerous product? We sue McDonalds for making us fat, why not sue paper companies for the havoc they cause?

I want to sue politicians individually for making me angry.

I feel all oogey when angry, and deserve compensation.
Yes, it's a technology that originates centuries ago. But we need to limit the easy availability of paper. Nowadays it's so cheap and easy to obtain. You can get paper more easily than you can get a prescription for anti-depressants.

Paper is the weapon of choice for people who want to spread hateful and hurtful speech. Bullies use it, terrorists use it, and countless deaths are caused by their actions. Think of the children!

Banning paper does not infringe upon first amendment rights. There is no first amendment right to hate speech. We should ban paper now, before another bully leads an innocent child to slaughter.

I gave myself a nasty paper cut the other day - should I have a right to sue the makers of the paper??

Of course. Why would we shield paper makers from liability for their dangerous product? We sue McDonalds for making us fat, why not sue paper companies for the havoc they cause?

I want to sue politicians individually for making me angry.

I feel all oogey when angry, and deserve compensation.

That's going too far. Every person has to be responsible for finding their own constructive outlets for their own stress. Maybe you should take up a hobby. Shooting is a great way both relieve stress and enhance personal discipline. Have you ever considered giving it a try?
Yes, it's a technology that originates centuries ago. But we need to limit the easy availability of paper. Nowadays it's so cheap and easy to obtain. You can get paper more easily than you can get a prescription for anti-depressants.

Paper is the weapon of choice for people who want to spread hateful and hurtful speech. Bullies use it, terrorists use it, and countless deaths are caused by their actions. Think of the children!

Banning paper does not infringe upon first amendment rights. There is no first amendment right to hate speech. We should ban paper now, before another bully leads an innocent child to slaughter.

I gave myself a nasty paper cut the other day - should I have a right to sue the makers of the paper??

Of course. Why would we shield paper makers from liability for their dangerous product? We sue McDonalds for making us fat, why not sue paper companies for the havoc they cause?

I want to sue politicians individually for making me angry.

I feel all oogey when angry, and deserve compensation.

That's going too far. Every person has to be responsible for finding their own constructive outlets for their own stress. Maybe you should take up a hobby. Shooting is a great way both relieve stress and enhance personal discipline. Have you ever considered giving it a try?

Aha!!! Now I know why I live out in the sticks and target practice at least once a week!! :)
Yes, it's a technology that originates centuries ago. But we need to limit the easy availability of paper. Nowadays it's so cheap and easy to obtain. You can get paper more easily than you can get a prescription for anti-depressants.

Paper is the weapon of choice for people who want to spread hateful and hurtful speech. Bullies use it, terrorists use it, and countless deaths are caused by their actions. Think of the children!

Banning paper does not infringe upon first amendment rights. There is no first amendment right to hate speech. We should ban paper now, before another bully leads an innocent child to slaughter.

I gave myself a nasty paper cut the other day - should I have a right to sue the makers of the paper??

Of course. Why would we shield paper makers from liability for their dangerous product? We sue McDonalds for making us fat, why not sue paper companies for the havoc they cause?

I want to sue politicians individually for making me angry.

I feel all oogey when angry, and deserve compensation.

That's going too far. Every person has to be responsible for finding their own constructive outlets for their own stress. Maybe you should take up a hobby. Shooting is a great way both relieve stress and enhance personal discipline. Have you ever considered giving it a try?

Well, I did think about it at one time. I even had guns then. But, one evening a big bright light came and took them all away.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Yes, it's a technology that originates centuries ago. But we need to limit the easy availability of paper. Nowadays it's so cheap and easy to obtain. You can get paper more easily than you can get a prescription for anti-depressants.

Paper is the weapon of choice for people who want to spread hateful and hurtful speech. Bullies use it, terrorists use it, and countless deaths are caused by their actions. Think of the children!

Banning paper does not infringe upon first amendment rights. There is no first amendment right to hate speech. We should ban paper now, before another bully leads an innocent child to slaughter.

I gave myself a nasty paper cut the other day - should I have a right to sue the makers of the paper??

Of course. Why would we shield paper makers from liability for their dangerous product? We sue McDonalds for making us fat, why not sue paper companies for the havoc they cause?

I want to sue politicians individually for making me angry.

I feel all oogey when angry, and deserve compensation.

That's going too far. Every person has to be responsible for finding their own constructive outlets for their own stress. Maybe you should take up a hobby. Shooting is a great way both relieve stress and enhance personal discipline. Have you ever considered giving it a try?

Well, I did think about it at one time. I even had guns then. But, one evening a big bright light came and took them all away.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

SEE!!! SEE!!! Just like I've said all along!!! Their ARE aliens and they work for the government stealing guns!!!! I KNEW IT!!!!! :dance: Hot diggity damn!!!
Yes, it's a technology that originates centuries ago. But we need to limit the easy availability of paper. Nowadays it's so cheap and easy to obtain. You can get paper more easily than you can get a prescription for anti-depressants.

Paper is the weapon of choice for people who want to spread hateful and hurtful speech. Bullies use it, terrorists use it, and countless deaths are caused by their actions. Think of the children!

Banning paper does not infringe upon first amendment rights. There is no first amendment right to hate speech. We should ban paper now, before another bully leads an innocent child to slaughter.

Actually paper isn't the main tool for spreading hate, the internet is.

Right wing groups are so much more similar now than they used to be, because they're all connected, from South Africa, the US to Europe.

Except......it's islam that's killing everybody.

Is it? Care to back up that it's Islam killing everyone?

Right wing groups kill FAR MORE people in the US than Muslims do. You know that, right? You don't?
Is it? Care to back up that it's Islam killing everyone?

Right wing groups kill FAR MORE people in the US than Muslims do. You know that, right? You don't?

Have you ever read the Koran? What is it written on? That's right, paper. No paper, no hate, no paper, no hate.
Is it? Care to back up that it's Islam killing everyone?

Right wing groups kill FAR MORE people in the US than Muslims do. You know that, right? You don't?

Have you ever read the Koran? What is it written on? That's right, paper. No paper, no hate, no paper, no hate.

Cuneiform. Bone stylus. Clay tablets.

Cuneiform on clay tablets is the language of peace.

Ever been hit with a clay tablet?

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