We need Bush back to save us from Iraq and fast.


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Bush needs to make a comeback and quick. Republicans act now, write your representative to impeach Obama who is clueless, beg if you need but get Dick Cheney and George Bush back into office. With Dick Cheney's shooting skills and Bushes diplomacy skills, peace will flourish in the middle east once again. Stop counting on Obama.

Bush should go to Iraq and negotiate a settlement. He is their liberator after all
Bush needs to make a comeback and quick. Republicans act now, write your representative to impeach Obama who is clueless, beg if you need but get Dick Cheney and George Bush back into office. With Dick Cheney's shooting skills and Bushes diplomacy skills, peace will flourish in the middle east once again. Stop counting on Obama.

This IS Bush's war, why didn't he finish the first, the fight against al Qaeda, instead of starting this one? Bush allowed sectarian violence to flare up by invading for no real reason, other than to pose, and avenge his father, who did not need avenging. Cheney made millions, he could care less, makes a few statements to please those who invite to their mansions.
The former community activist is in way over his head and we will be lucky to even have a coherent Country by the time he leaves office.
Ah another surge! They'll just go back into hiding until we are gone again. Best to just leave and let god sort them out.
Wow back to sarcastically blaming Bush for the Obama failure to work out a extension of the status of forces agreement that was in place before he took office typical if not surprising.
Wow back to sarcastically blaming Bush for the Obama failure to work out a extension of the status of forces agreement that was in place before he took office typical if not surprising.

What failure?

Bush is the liberator, the man who brought freedom and liberty to a downtrodden people

Who better to fix their problems?
As much as I disagreed with Bush, he was still a googolplex times better than what we have now.

Every time the US has weak leadership things like this happens..

Obama is a failure all the way around, only the far left would much rather see the world burn than admit this.
Bush needs to make a comeback and quick. Republicans act now, write your representative to impeach Obama who is clueless, beg if you need but get Dick Cheney and George Bush back into office. With Dick Cheney's shooting skills and Bushes diplomacy skills, peace will flourish in the middle east once again. Stop counting on Obama.

Just elect Jeb Bush as president and he can invade Iraq for a THIRD time.
Wow back to sarcastically blaming Bush for the Obama failure to work out a extension of the status of forces agreement that was in place before he took office typical if not surprising.

What failure?

Bush is the liberator, the man who brought freedom and liberty to a downtrodden people

Who better to fix their problems?

As I stated before liberal sarcasm noted it still does not change the facts nor will your or any other lefties next sarcastic Bush response sorry about that.
Wow back to sarcastically blaming Bush for the Obama failure to work out a extension of the status of forces agreement that was in place before he took office typical if not surprising.

What failure?

Bush is the liberator, the man who brought freedom and liberty to a downtrodden people

Who better to fix their problems?

Liberty wasn't welcome it appears. As always, liberty cannot be forced on any people, they must desire it first.
Those "miss me yet" photos are far too serious now. We need more than Bush and Cheney. We need those 300 military commanders that obama fired.
Those "miss me yet" photos are far too serious now. We need more than Bush and Cheney. We need those 300 military commanders that obama fired.


No, I don't miss Bush...
Ah another surge! They'll just go back into hiding until we are gone again. Best to just leave and let god sort them out.

The neo-cons apparently think we're supposed to stay there for 70 years like we have in Germany and Japan.

Hilarious joke thread.

I'm quite sure they're serious.

Next they'll tell us how we're gonna pay off the enormous bill Bush ran up for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and take care of all the vets going back to the Korean war.

Sadly, Bush isn't available. He's busy painting his feet in the bathtub. But, as suggested above, Jeb is available and he's just as worthless as the rest of them.
Maybe Obama can call President Bush and ask for assistance.
President Bush could bill out his time at $1,000.00 an hr as a consultant.

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